七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Let’s play sports Study skills课件2 (新版)牛津版

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1、,Unit2 Lets play sports,Study skills,The sounds of the letters a, e, i, o, u in Unit 1.,A,E,I,O,U,/ei /,/ i:/,/ai /,/u /,/ju:/,cake game lake he me we hide bike rice hope home so music cute use,They are the same as the sounds of the five letters.,One day, my grandpa wore a cap and walked his cat. On

2、 his way back, he talked to a man. The man had a map and a cup in his hands., , hpi ,happy,hbit,hand sad lab mad,habit,Excuse me, Did you see my red pen?,Yes. Oh, no. I just saw some eggs on the desk., lesn ,lesson, pensl ,pencil,help lend test wet, e ,Its a big city. Its not easy to find a pen. You

3、 can sit here and use mine., lisn ,listen, swim ,swim,film bill risk silk, i ,I,At that moment, a dog jumped out of the box and ran to the man. It could not stop! How dangerous!,X, dkt ,doctor, fn ,often,hot job top rock, ,Unluckily, the cup was broken (坏了) and the map was torn (撕碎), but the dog ran

4、 away., , klb ,club, fn ,fun,mum gun just luck,What a bad day! What an unlucky man!,Unluckily, the cup is broken (坏了) and the map is torn (撕碎), but the dog runs away.,The sounds of the letters a, e, i , o , u.,A,E,I,O,U,cap cat dad man map desk egg pen red yes big city him sit with box dog long not

5、stop but cup duck run sun,/,/e/,/ i /,/ /,/,clock club fun get happy listen bad often swim well dad pick left study fox,happy,bad,dad,get,well,left,listen,swim,study,clock,often,fox,club,fun,pick,e, i, ,Would you please help the words find their homes?,Who stands in the wrong line (队列)?,box,hobby,no

6、,rock,map,many,bad,Sandy,Sunday,bus,cut,use,his,ship,ninth,ill,( ) 1. A. lack B. leg C. lamp D. lend ( ) 2. A. done B. dump C. town D. top ( ) 3. A. beef B. pick C. big D. pig ( ) 4. A. hat B. mad C. Dad D. bad ( ) 5. A. like B. last C. luck D. nut,B,D,B,A,C,Listen and judge (判断)!,Read the phrases below. Pay attention to the different sounds of the letters.,take this bag these eggs a nice picture open the box a music club,/ /,/e/,/ /,/i:/,/ei/,/ai/,/i/,/u/,/ju:/,/ /,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!,



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