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1、阅读表达专题北京市朝阳区20202021学年度第一学期期中质量检测第一节 (共4小题;第1-3题每小题3分,第4题6分,共15分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容在答题卡相应题号后的横线上写下相关信息,完成对该问题的回答。Food as CommunicationWe usually understand when someone speaks or writes to us, and many gestures (手势) and facial expressions have meaning, too. But have you ever considered what and how we ea

2、t as a form of communication? In many cultures, people sit together and share food at mealtimes, which is a common tradition that can promote unity and trust. Food can also play an important role in a family or cultures celebrations. The foods we eatand when and how we eat themare often unique to a

3、particular culture or may even differ between areas within one country.In most cultures, bread represents delicious food. It is also one of the most commonly shared foods in the world. Sharing bread is a common symbol of companionship and togetherness. In fact, the word companion comes from the Lati

4、n roots com- (together) and panis (bread). Many cultures also celebrate birthdays and marriages with decorated cakes that are cut and shared among the guests. Early forms of cake were simply a kind of bread, so this tradition has its roots in the custom of sharing bread.There are foods like bread in

5、 other cultures. In Greece, people share a special cake called vasilopita. A coin is baked into the cake, which stands for success in the New Year for the person who receives it. Most of the foods eaten during the Chinese New Year have significance. Sometimes this is based on their shape; for exampl

6、e, long noodles symbolize long life. The symbolism can also be based on the sound of the word in Chinese; for example, people give out oranges because the word for “orange” sounds like the word for “wealth”. In many cultures, round foods such as grapes, bread, and moon cakes are eaten at welcome cel

7、ebrations to symbolize family unity. Food is essential for life, so it is not surprising that it is such an important part of different cultures around the world. The food people eat during celebrations may have a long history and can symbolize many things, but sharing food is one custom that almost

8、 all humans have in common.41. Why does the author regard eating food as a form of communication?42. How do people celebrate birthdays and marriages in many cultures?43. What does the author mainly talk about in Paragraph 3? 44. Many of the food traditions mentioned in the passage are very old. Why

9、are they still important today? 第一节(共4小题;第1-3题每小题3分,第4题6分,共15分)41. When eating food, people sit together and share food with each other, which promotes unity and trust. 42. In many cultures, people cut and share decorated cakes for birthday and marriage celebrations.43. People have different foods t

10、o symbolise goodwill in different cultures.44. These food traditions have a long history. They usually represent good meanings. For example, round foods symbolize family unity; a cake with a coin stands for success. People believe that these customs will bring good luck, and they pass them down from

11、 one generation to another, forming their unique cultures. That is the reason why many of them are still important today.(请根据学生答题情况酌情给分)北京市海淀区2021届高三英语第一学期期中练习第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;共15分)阅读短文,按照题日要求用英语回答问题。I started drawing houses at six. Unlike most girls, my dream was to build a backyard clubhouse- a dream

12、 that was unrealistic given that we lived in an apartment. By high school I continued drawing and my dreams broadened-to become an architect. My older brother told me that look a university education. But my family couldnt afford that kind of elucidation. Still. I fanned the flame of hope.I got a pa

13、rt-time job at Bayside Bowl and started saving money. My bank account, however,was growing quite slowly. When I looked at college catalogs, I couldnt imagine how I would ever get there.I decided Io shrink (缩小) my dreams lo a more realistic size.Soon after that, a newcomer started frequenting Bayside

14、 Bowl. She arrived alone. and always carried a pink bag with a ball inside. Her dark, wrinkled skin and curly gray hair made her stand out among our younger customers. She talked to me whenever I cleaned near her lane. I learned her name was Bessie. She had been a singer for as long as she could rem

15、ember. In her 20s she had tried to get a job as a restaurant singer. “I was a young black woman, and in the early 1950s doors didnt exactly open wide for me. Zilch!” she said.I admired her ability to pick up a split, hut I also appreciated her advice. Lifes like bowling. she would say. Set your eyes

16、 on your target and follow through. Indeed,Bessie hadnt let the zilches stop her. She had saved up and enrolled in the Brightwood Music Academy. It turned out this lady with the pink bowling bag was the Bessie Richards, a recording artist of the 1960s.Bessie moved on to live with her sister,hut before leaving, she left me with a S50 tip for helping her at the lanes, a reminder to ignore the “zilches” in my life, and some lines



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