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1、 河南省商丘市2021-2021学年四年级上学期英语9月月考试卷(含听力音频无材料)一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你听到的单词。)(只写序号)(8分)1. (2019四上商丘月考)听录音,选出你听到的单词。 A. lost B. cute C. candy D. TV E. rice F. dad G. fan H. nine L really J. blackboard K. name L. wow M. toy N. pig O. door _二、Listen and number.(听录音,给下列图片标号。)(用1、2、3、4、5、6表示)(12分)2. (201

2、9四上商丘月考)听录音,给下列图片标号。 _ _ _ _ _ _ 三、Listen and tick or cross.(听录音,判断下列句子与所听句子是否相同。)(12分)3. (2019四上商丘月考)Its a Chinese book.4. (2019四上商丘月考)I see a c.5. (2019四上商丘月考)Its black and white.6. (2019四上商丘月考)The floor is orange.7. (2019四上商丘月考)I like the computer.8. (2019四上商丘月考)Put your crayon near your notebook

3、.四、Listen and choose.(听录音,给你听到的句子选择恰当的答语。)(8分)9. (2019四上商丘月考)听录音,给你听到的句子选择恰当的答语。 A. OK. B. Its yellow. C. Its on the wall. D. I have some books in my schoolbag._五、Read and match.(将画线部分读音相同的两个单词匹配。)(6分)10. (2019四上商丘月考)将画线部分读音相同的两个单词匹配hate_A. likesix_B. pigfive_C. cakemake_D. finenice_E. caphat_F. fac

4、e六、Choose the best answers.(单项选择。)(7分)11. (2019四上商丘月考)I have _ English book.A . someB . fourC . an12. (2019四上商丘月考)Three _.A . keysB . keyC . toy13. (2019四上商丘月考)Here it _!A . areB . isC . am14. (2019四上商丘月考)Its so _!A . MumB . doorC . big15. (2019四上商丘月考)_ have a new classroom.A . CuteB . WeC . No16. (

5、2019四上商丘月考)I like it _.A . fishB . very muchC . much very17. (2019四上商丘月考) Let me help you. _A . Thank you.B . Guess.C . Hi, Chen Jie.七、Choose and fill in the blanks.(选词填空,每词限用一次。) (9分)18. (2019四上商丘月考)选词填空,每词限用一次。 the egg see on Excuse Look(1)May I _ it?(2)_ me, Zhang Peng.(3)I have an _ in my desk.(

6、4)_! My cat!(5)Put up _ picture.(6)Put your pencil box _ yourmaths book.八、Rend and tick or cross.(判断下列句子与所给图片是否相符。)(10分)19. (2019四上商丘月考)Its green. 20. (2019四上商丘月考)This is my storybook. 21. (2019四上商丘月考)Clean the blackboard. 22. (2019四上商丘月考)Its a fan. 23. (2019四上商丘月考)I have a pen. 九、Read and choose.(给

7、下列情景选样相应的内容。)(10分)24. (2019四上商丘月考)给下列情景选样相应的内容 A. Oh, sorry. B. Its under the teachers desk. C. Its a crayon. D. I have some candies. E. Its near the computer.(1)它是支蜡笔,你可以说:_(2)你有一些糖果,你可以说:_(3)它在讲台下面,你可以说:_(4)向对方道歉时,你可以说:_(5)它在电脑旁边,你可以说: _十、Make up the sentences.(连词成句。)(8分)25. (2019四上商丘月考)eraser, It

8、s, an(.)(连词成句)26. (2019四上商丘月考)my, lost, I, notebook (.)(连词成句)27. (2019四上商丘月考)go, Lets, see, and (!)(连词成句)28. (2019四上商丘月考)yellow, The, is, door(.)(连词成句)十一、Rend and tick or cross.(阅读短文,判断句子正误。)(10分)29. (2019四上商丘月考)阅读短文,判断句子正误。 Hello! My name is Wu Chen. Im six yearsold. Im a new pupil. I have a new pencil box. Its blue. I have two pencilsand a ruler in it I have a new cap, too. Its white. I like it.(1)Wu Chen is 6 years old.(2)Wu Chen is a new pupil.(3)Wu Chen s new pencil box is white.(4)Wu Chen has 5 pencils in her new pencilbox.(5)Wu Chen has a new cap.



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