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1、Teaching Speaking,Teaching Contents,1. What are the differences between spoken and written language? 2. What are the principles for teaching speaking? 3. How can we design speaking activities? 4. What are the typical types of speaking activities? 5. How to organize speaking activities.,1. The purpos

2、e of learning speaking,Speech is the basic medium of communication; To train students oral ability; To foster students talent in English language and culture; To foster students ability of thinking in English; Learning speaking can accelerate the learning of listening, reading and writing in English

3、.,I. The characteristics of spoken language,2. Two main factors affect the improvement of speaking ability,Surroundings Psychology,3. The characteristics of spoken language,1) Speaking is a skill that can be imitated and practiced. Speaking is a skill, just like swimming, driving a car, or playing p

4、ing-pong. Bygate (1987:4) points out one “fundamental difference is that knowledge and skill can both be understood and memorized, but only a skill can be imitated and practiced”.,2) Differences between spoken and written languages,Speech is spontaneous. In most situations, people do not plan ahead

5、of time what they are going to say Speaking is time-constraint. The students must be able to produce unplanned utterances in real time, otherwise people will not have the patience to listen to them.,According to Bygate(1987), there are four common features of spoken languages: Using less complex syn

6、tax; Taking short cuts, e.g. incomplete sentences; Using fixed conventional phrases/ chunks. Using devices such as fillers, hesitation device to give time to think before speaking.,3) Features of spoken languages,Task,Considering the aspects of the nature of spoken language discussed above, which of

7、 the following activities do you think would help to prepare students for real life speech in English? 1.reading aloud 2.giving a prepared talk 3.learning a piece of text or dialogue by heart 4.interviewing someone, or being interviewed 5.doing a drill,Task,Most of the above activities are very comm

8、on in traditional language teaching. The only activity that would help students prepare for spontaneous speech would be: interviewing someone or being interviewed. This is not to say that the other activities have no value; but they do not help prepare the learner for the type of speaking that is mo

9、st common in everyday life. The only other activity that is realistic is the second one: giving a prepared talk, but this would usually not be required of any of the students until they were at an advanced level of English.,. Principles for teaching speaking,Balancing accuracy-based with fluency-bas

10、ed practices Allow time for grammar and vocabulary learning Provide sufficient opportunities for students to develop fluency. Contextualising practice Identify a situation in which a target structure is commonly used.,. Principles for teaching speaking,Personalising practice Personalizing the conten

11、t and context will help students learn better. Building up confidence A relaxed and supportive environment will help them build up their confidence.,. Principles for teaching speaking,Maximising meaningful interactions Teaching speaking is to develop students ability to initiate a topic, to ask ques

12、tions, to take turns in speaking, to change topics and to have some control over the communication. Helping students develop speaking strategies Speaking involves strategies, such as initiating a conversation, turn taking, asking for clarification, asking for repetition, getting others attention, ge

13、tting help from others, and ending a conversation, etc.,. Principles for teaching speaking,Making the best use of classroom leaning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students. In china, students have the opportunity to hear and speak the language only in the class

14、room. So creating an English speaking environment to maximize learning opportunity is crucial for students.,III. Types of speaking tasks,Maximum foreign talk Even participation High motivation Right language level,1. Characteristics common in successful speaking tasks :,2. Classification of speaking

15、 activities,Communicative activities,Social interaction activities,Functional communicative activities,Quasi-communicative activities,Pre-communicative activities,Structural activities,Littlewood summarized the speaking activities as below:,3. Types of speaking tasks,1) Controlled activities Mainly

16、focus on form and accuracy. 2) Semi-controlled activities Focus more on meaning and communication. 3) Communicative activities For real information exchange, which include information gap activities, problem-solving activities, discussions, debates, interviews, fluency-focused games, etc.,3. Typical speaking activities,Information-gap activities how to make them more communicative Dialogues & role play how to avoid speaking in their native language in the activiti


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