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1、1. Which of the following is an example of corrective action in risk management?A Conducting a risk auditB Engaging in additional risk response planningC Performing the contingency planD Conducting a risk review以下哪一项是风险管理中纠正行动的例子?A 进行风险审核B 进行额外的风险应对规划C 执行应急计划D 进行风险审查2The three attributes of project

2、risk are ( ), ( ), and ( ).A. what might happen, who happens to, and how much will it costB. notification, frequency of relevant events, probability of occurrenceC. quality risk planning total number of risk eventsD. the risk event, probability of occurrence, the amount at stake项目风险的三个属性是( )、( )和( )

3、A可能发生什么、发生在谁身上、造成多少成本B告示、相关事件的频率、发生概率C质量、风险计划编制、风险事件的总数量D风险事件、发生概率、受威胁的金额3Risk tolerance are dedermined toA. help the team rank the project risksB. help the project manager estimate the projectC. help the team schedule the projectD. help management know how other management will act on project确定风险的承

4、受力是用以A协助团队对项目的风险程度分级B协助项目经理估计项目C协助团队安排项目进度D协助管理层了解其他经理是如何参与项目的4Management reserve is used forA. Risks that are identified at the outset of the projectB. Risks that are not identified at the outset of the project but are known before they occurC. Risks that cannot be known before they occur because t

5、hey are external risksD. Any risks that cannot be known before they occur管理储备是用于A. 项目开始时被识别的风险B. 项目开始时未被识别,但在发生前被识别的风险C. 在发生前不可能知道的外部风险D. 任何在发生前不可能知道的风险5.In general,at which point in schedule significant risk may occur?A. Path convergenceB. Path DivergenceC. Imposed datesD. Milestones通常,重大风险将发生在进度哪个

6、点上?A. 路径汇聚B. 路径分散C. 强制时间D. 里程碑6. A project managers main risk-handling strategy is to accept risks. The project manager istherefore:A. a risk assumption tester.B. risk averse.C. risk seeking.D. risk deflector.6. 一名项目经理应对风险的主要策略是接受风险.因此,该项目经理:A.试验风险假设条件.B.讨厌风险.C.敢于冒风险.D.转移风险.7an individuals willingne

7、ss to take a risk can be determined byA. decision tree modelingB. monte carlo methodC. sensitivity analysisD. utility function个人承担风险的意愿是取决于:A决策树模型B蒙特卡罗方法C敏感分析D效用函数8 The concept of standard deviation is important in risk analysis since standard deviationmeasure an estimates variability. Therefore, th

8、e ( ) the standard deviation of an estimate, the ( )its variability and risk.A. larger, greaterB. larger, lesserC. smaller, greaterD. smaller, normalcy在风险分析中标准差非常重要,因为它可以测量一个估算的可变性。因此,估算的标准差( ),其可变性和风险就( )。A越大、越大B越大、越小C越小、越大D越小、为常态9Assumptions are valid output of the scope initiation processes. Prio

9、r to project execution,each assumption must be resolved identified as aA. ConstraintB. Risk.C. Deliverable.D. Problem假设是范围启动过程的有效输出。执行项目前,每个假设必须被确为:A约束条件B风险C可交付成果D问题10In a proactive approach to project risk management, the amount of a contingency reserveshould be based onA. Percentages based on past

10、 experienceB. The sum total of the most likely probability and impact of the various risk eventsC. A set amount allocated to each item proportionatelyD. An allowance of 10 % for each phase in the project life cycle在前瞻性的项目风险管理方法中,应急储备金额应该根据A过去项目中的比例B最可能概率和各种风险事件影响的乘积C按比例分配到每一项的固定金额D项目生命周期每一个阶段储备10%的金

11、额11Based on historical data, the amount of overtime associated with the design effort of aproject is estimated at 100 hours with 0.40 probability, 200 hours with 0.40 probability, and300 hours with 0.20 probability. What is the expected value of the amount of overtime?A. 100 hoursB. 160 hoursC. 180

12、hoursD. 260 hours基于历史数据,项目可能需要加班100 小时的概率为0.40,200 小时的概率为040,300 小时的概率为0.20。那么加班所需时间的风险期望值是多少?A100 小时B160 小时C180 小时D260 小时12. Additional risk response development is needed when theA. WBS is changedB. Cost baseline is changedC. Risk event was unexpected or the effect is greater than anticipatedD. Pr

13、oject plan is updated在下列哪种情况下,需要开发附加的风险应对措施?A. 工作分解结构(WBS)发生变更B. 成本基线发生变更C. 风险事件未被预计到或其影响此预计的要大D. 项目计划被更新13If a risk event has a 90% chance of occurring, and the impact will be US $10,000, whatdoes US $9,000 represent?A. Risk valueB. Present valueC. Expected valueD. Contingency budget如果某风险事件有90% 的概率

14、发生,对项目造成的影响为10,000 美元。9,000 美元表示了什么含义?A 风险值B 发生值C 预期值D 应急预算14Projects are particularly susceptible to risk becauseA. Murphys law states that if something can go wrong, it willB. Each project is unique in some measureC. Project management tools are generally unavailable at the project team levelD. Th

15、ere are never enough resources to do the job由于以下哪个原因, 项目特别容易受到风险的影响:A. 墨菲定律表明: 如果可能会生问题, 问题将会出现B. 每个项目在某些方面是独特的C. 项目管理工具对于项目小组是不可得的D. 完成工作的资源永远是不足的15What does the standard deviation have to do with risk?A. NothingB. Standard deviation tells you if the estimate is accurateC. Standard deviation tells you how unsure the estimate isD. Standard deviation tell you if the estimate includes a pad标准差与风险有什么关系?A没有关系B标准差告诉你估计



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