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1、Lesson 39 Am I all right?,庆祝建国60周年英语发言稿中英对照 Is a national territory that aureate autumn scan widely 9,600,000 square kilometers again up, all over the place golden, prosperous brocade, the high building stands erect, coal ocean current gold, ocean Yang wave, the Great Wall dances. In autumn, always

2、bring people pleased celebrate, bring poetry, bring fancy, bring to imagine, bring a hope more, but this years autumn, not- same sort, more and not and this fine season, arrive tofrom Chiang-Nan water country a northlan,New words and expressions: operation n. 手术 successful adj. 成功的 following adj. 下一

3、个 patient n. 病人 alone adj. 独自的 exchange n. (电话的)交换台 inquire v. 询问,打听 certain adj. 某个 caller n. 打电话的人 relative n. 亲戚,1.operation ,prein n. 手术,运转,操作,I had an operation on my heart. 我做了一次心脏手术。 bring/putinto operation = come into operation 实施(法律,计划等)、运作(机械等)、开始运转 operate preit v. 1) 操纵,操作(机械等),运作,运转 = c

4、ontrol, run e.g operate the lift 2) 经营,管理 = run, manage e.g operate a company 3) operate on sb for 因而给做手术,successful adj. 成功的,结果圆满的,顺利的,(考试)及格的,发运的,功成名就的 反义词: failed feild / unsuccessful She is a successful business woman. success n. 成功 failure feilj succeed v. 成功 fail feil,following flui 1) adj. 接着

5、的 = next e.g. Answer the following questions. in the following year 2) prep. 在(某事)以后;由于 Following the meeting, coffee will be served,4. patient peint 1) n.(让医生诊治的)病人 The hospital has a lot of patients. insane patients 精神病人 2) adj.有耐心的,能忍受的,能容忍的 反义词:impatient be patient with sb 对某人有耐心 be patient of s

6、th 对某事有耐心 You should be more patient with others.,5. alone lun adj.单独的; 独一无二的; 独自的; adv.单独地; 独自地; 孤独地; 只,只有; alone 用作形容词,通常只是表示客观上的一个人或没 有外人,而不表示寂寞或孤独等感情色彩。 lonely 表示“寂寞的”、“孤寂的”,带有较强感情色彩。 lonely lunli adj. 寂寞的,孤独的 Im living alone but I dont feel lonely. 我一个人住,但是不觉得孤独。,6. exchange 1) n. 互换,交换,交流,交易 I

7、s five apples for five eggs a fair exchange? 五只苹果换五只鸡蛋是一笔公平的交易吗? 2) n. 兑换;汇率;交流 the exchange of dollars for pounds 把美元兑换成英镑 the rate of exchange / the exchange rate 汇率 3) n. 交易所 the Stock Exchange 证券交易所 4) n. 电话交换台 (telephone exchange) 5) v. 交换,互换(问候等) Mary exchanged seats with John. 玛丽和约翰交换座位。 I of

8、ten exchange information with him. 我常与他交流信息。,7. inquire inkwai v. 询问,查询 (比ask正式) inquire sth of sb 向某人询问某事 inquire about sb/sth = ask for information 打听消息 He inquired of the policeman the way. 他向那个警察询问道路。 inquire sbs name 询问某人的名字 inquiry inkwairi n. 询问 I made inquiries about the lost dog in all the

9、stores Ive visited. 我在所有我去过的商店里打听我丢失的狗,8. certain s:tn 1) adj. 确定的,有把握的,常可与sure通用 They are sure/certain to be late. 他们一定会迟到的。 注意:certain的语气比 sure强。当 it作主语,只用 certain It is certain that theyll be late. 他们会迟到,这一点是确定的。 2) adj.(未指明真实名称的)某一个, (说出名称但不很熟悉的)某一个, 一位姓的人,置于名字前。 A certain Mr.Brown called while

10、you were out. 你不在时,一位姓布朗的先生曾打电话来过。 for a certain reason = for some reason 由于某种原因,9. caller n. 打电话的人 call v. 1) 叫,喊 call out to sb for sth 因某事向某人大声喊叫 2) 给取名 call the baby Sophia 管这个孩子叫索菲娅 3)call at 拜访某地 call on 拜访某人 call off 取消 call box 公共电话亭,10. relative reltiv 1) n. 亲戚,亲属 a close/near relative 近亲 a

11、 distant relative 远亲 2) adj. 相关的 the facts relative to the problem 与这个问题相关的事实 3) adj. 相对的 They are living in relative comfort. 他们住的相对比较舒适。 relationship rileinip n.关系, 联系,While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refu

12、sed to do so. The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. When he was alone, he telephoned the hospital exchange and asked for Doctor Millington. When the doctor answered the phone, Mr. Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr. John Gilbert. He asked if Mr. Gilbe

13、rts operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been. He then asked when Mr. Gilbert would be allowed to go home and the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. Then Dr. Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient. No, t

14、he patient answered, I am Mr. John Gilbert.,Listen not to do B. said to ; dont do C. told ; dont do D. told ; not to do 6.Canyoumakesure_? A.thathewillcomeheretoday B.whenhewillcomeheretoday C.willhecomeheretoday D.whetherwillhecomeheretoday 7.Doyouhappentoknow_? A.whereisheraddress B.inwhichplaceis

15、heraddress C.whatheraddressis D.theplaceheraddressis,8.Excuseme,butcanyoutellme_? A.wherecanIgettothelibrary B.whereIcangettothelibrary C.howcanIgettothelibrary D.howIcangettothelibrary 9.Johnaskedme_tovisithisunclesfarmwithhim. A.howwouldIlike B.ifornotwouldIlike C.whetherIwouldlike D.whichIwouldlike 10.Idliketoknow_Chinese. A.whenhebegantolearn B.whendidhebegintolearn C.whendidhebeginlearning D.forhowlonghebegantolearn,



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