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1、2020北京海淀高三二模 英 语 2020.6本试卷共10页,120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。A During my childhood, whenever the sun dropped and the blue sky came up, my father and I would climb the

2、 mountain near our house. Walking together, we had a lot of conversations through1I learned many valuable lessons. He always stressed to me, You should have objectives and capacity like the mountain. This has2 (large) influenced my life. 3the mountain-climbing, we couldnt have had enough time to spe

3、nd together because my father was busy.B You have probably dreamed about 4 you would change the world, only to find that it seems impossible. However, you may have the power5(make) the world better with baby steps. Thats the idea behind the BA Challenge, which is a public service campaign co-initiat

4、ed by Alibaba and Sina Weibo. It asks people to do something positive and then record the changes before and after. Since its first6 (appear) on Sina Weibo on Sept. 2nd, the BA Challenge has attracted millions of viewers and participants.7these little things may be easily ignored in our daily lives,

5、 they are well received by many viewers.C Theres nothing better than flying to a foreign destination to visit the attractions it8 (have) to offer. Millions of people are doing the same, and why not? The world has an amazing variety of must-see sights, from breathtaking natural scenery to impressive

6、old cities. But the problem is that too many of us9 (visit) them at the same time, putting pressure on these delicate and ancient places. Thats why a number of beauty spots and historic sites have been introducing charges or restrictions on the number of tourists. There are many reasons for this: to

7、 reduce overcrowding, to manage wear and tear on old buildings and to tidy up the mess10(leave) behind.第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。How Running Helped Me Turn My Life Around Ive never been an athlete. Aside from excelling at all academic disciplines

8、at school, my main goal was to11PE at all costs. In my twenties, I went for an occasional yoga or Zumba class, but that was really the summary of all my athletic accomplishments. That was until the end of 2016, when I was unexpectedly laid off. The12of getting a new job soon were not in my favor and

9、13thoughts of not being good enough started to kick in. I was feeling quite depressed but pushed myself to go and14for the TCS NYC Marathon runners as the course was going through our neighborhood. However, while being there, I got phenomenal15 from all the runners, smiling, applauding and high-fivi

10、ng constantly. Not a runner myself, I thought maybe I could give running a16, just to try, to use my neglected gym membership and see where it17me. And so I tried. I went to my local gym the next morning and got on a treadmill(跑步机).I was out of breath by minute five, but I 18 down, walked for a bit

11、and then restarted. I came back the next day, hoping to 19 a few minutes longer. By the end of two weeks, I could run for 30 minutes, which was a huge20. While I saw my body starting to look more toned, I also noticed my negative thoughts didnt occur that 21 . And it sparked a thought-what if I coul

12、d set a running 22 and sign up for my first-ever race? I did and races sort of became a new hobby. In the meantime, I was able to23a few freelance(自由职业的)projects. They offered me a good24,and, most importantly, the time to work out for the big race. Also, when I was going for interviews, I started t

13、o feel very25in my abilities, experience and skills. I got my full-time job26 at my dream company just a couple of weeks before the half-marathon. Although I got an 27 from overtraining right before the race, I still went for it and still finished within my28time. I still have a long running29ahead

14、of me-Id love to work on my speed, my technique and I dream of running a marathon outside of the US. Running gives me30that I can do anything I set my mind to.11. A. attendB. avoidC. pursueD. postpone12. A. optionsB. plansC. hopesD. odds13. A. darkB. deepC. criticalD. random14. A. callB. lookC. chee

15、rD. stand15. A. sympathyB. pleasureC. luckD. energy16. A. liftB. shotC. breakD. choice17. A. meetsB. leavesC. takesD. drops18. A. cameB. fellC. wentD. slowed19. A. lastB. walkC. restD. function20. A. creditB. impactC. successD. opportunity21. A. readilyB. frequentlyC. normallyD. occasionally22. A. goalB. limitC. recordD. standard23. A. createB. secureC. approveD. continue24. A. serviceB. positionC. futureD. income25. A. absorbedB. intereste



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