泽林牛津版8A Unit7 Seasons单元综合测试卷(A)含答案

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1、 8A Unit 7 Seasons单元综合测试卷(A) 班级_ 姓名_一、单词拼写(10%)1. You should try Pantene. It gives your hair_ (光泽).2. The wind is_ (吹) hard outside now. The sound Wuwu makes us feel afraid.3. Hes just a man and also makes mistakes like the_ (其余)of us.4. He didnt find the right way and fell into a_ (深的) hole.5. My m

2、other wouldnt let my brother in because he just had a_ (打架) with other kids.6. The river_ (上升) three metres this year and we cant swim in it.7. The_ (云) become dark. It seems to rain soon.8. -Whats wrong with Andy? -Oh, he has a high_ and his body temperature is 400C now.9. -_ me when you reach your

3、 grandparents home, OK? -OK. But you should tell me your phone number first.10. -Why do you like summer best? -Because I can eat_ cream every day!二、单项填空(20%)( ) 1. -My uncle arrived_ Shanghai_ a foggy morning of July. A. at; in B. in; at C in; at D. from; to( ) 2. _ fine day it is today! A. What a B

4、is How C. What D. How a( ) 3. The temperature will be_ tomorrow. It will_ to -50. A. little; fall B. less C. lower; cover D. lower; drop( ) 4. The people on the square were all_ at the_ news. A. exciting; exciting B excited; excite C. excited; exciting D. exciting; excited( ) 5. The land is much_ af

5、ter the_ ram. A. wet; hard B wetter; hard C. wet; heavy D. wetter; heavy( ) 6. Which is the right sentence structure of The good news made me happy? A; S+V+DO B. S+V+P C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO+OC( ) 7. The weather was very_ last night and it got even_ this morning. A. bad; bad B. worse; worse C. worse

6、; bad D. bad; worse( ) 8. Its_ today. Youd better_ to the museum. A. raining; go B. rainy; not go C. raining; not to go D. rainy; not to go( ) 9. -How wet it is today! -Dont worry. It will be_ tomorrow. A. sunny B. snowy C. rainy D. foggy( )10. Advertisements(广告)are like air-they are_. A. something

7、B. everything C. everywhere D. somewhere( )11. Did you see Judy with a green hat on? She_ funny. A. tasted B. looked C. sounded D. smelled( )12._ time passes by, we can understand our parents better. A. With B. As C. While D. Following( )13. There will be a strong wind_ the south of the Yellow River

8、. Lets close the windows. A. at B. on C. in D. from( )14. It rain so_ that we have to walk very A. heavy, slow B. hard, slower C. hard, s D. heavy, slowly( )15. The teacher told us to go home earlier_ the snow got worse. A. because B. so C. but D. and( )16. It will be_ tomorrow and there will be muc

9、h_. A. rainy: B. rain, windy C. rain, wind D rainy, windy( )17. Lucifer sings_ than I, but he doesnt sin_ my sister. A. worse, as better as B. worse, as good as C. better, as good as D. better, as well as( )18. This kind of pad looks_ and sells_ in the shop. A. nice; well B. good; good C. nicely, we

10、ll D. nicely; good( )19. -Do you think it will be cool tomorrow? -_. It is too hot these days. A. So it is B. Im afraid so C. I hope so D. Of course not( )20. -How was your trip? -_. I hope I can go there again.A. Just so-so B. Not very good C. Nothing special D. Wonderful三、动词填空(10%)1. Julia kept_ (

11、cough) last night and we took her to the hospital this morning.2. The farmers_ (harvest) crops there. We should help them.3._ (not drop) your glass of milk to the ground when you carry it!4. Its hard_ (move) this rock away because its too heavy.5. Next time, I_ (try) my best to get good results in t

12、he English test.6. Would you please_ (invite) your parents to my birthday party?7. You are too late. The train_ (leave) three hours ago.8. She_ (fly) to London soon.9. The little girl planned_ (not tell) her mother first about her test result.10. After class, the student went on_ (discuss) the quest

13、ions the teacher asked.四、完形填空(10%) That day was like any other day in his life. After school Michael walked past the shop in the street corner. He stopped to 1 the front row of the shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He 2 wanted to have a pair of shoes for his birthday. He walked away sadly and thought of what to tell his mother. He knew she would give him 3 if she could. But he also knew very well she had 4 money. He decided not to go home 5 , because he look



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