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1、Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 Takes Top Slot at Box Office美食从天而降2夺得票房冠军Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 had a sunny weekend at the box office, easily topping other high-profile new movies that opened to disappointing returns.美食从天而降2(Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2)上映首周末票房喜人,轻松战胜其他备受瞩目但成

2、绩不佳的新片,夺得上周末票房榜冠军。The animated sequel from Sony Corp.s (SNE, 6758.TO) Sony Pictures Animation grossed $35 million in the U.S. and Canada, outperforming the original Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs that opened in 2009 to $30.3 million and went on to gross $124.9 million domestically. The sequel cos

3、t $78 million to produce and enjoyed a Saturday bump from kids off of school, with ticket sales boosting 63%.索尼公司(Sony Corp.)旗下索尼影视动画公司(Sony Pictures Entertainment)出品的这部续集动画片在美国和加拿大总计收获3,500万美元票房,高于首部美食从天而降2009 年上映首周末 3,030万美元的票房(该片国内总票房为1.249亿美元) 。这部续集的制作成本为7,800万美元,而且因为孩子们放假的缘故,该片上周六的票房得到提振,上涨63%。

4、Two of the weekends other wide releases, Rush and Don Jon, had extensive marketing campaigns that didnt seem to translate to extensive ticket sales. Rush had a wide release debut in third place with $10.3 million and Don Jon opened in fifth place with $9 million. Only the romantic comedy Baggage Cla

5、im from 21st Century Fox Inc. (FOXA) Fox Searchlight Pictures bucked the trend, with a strong opening weekend in fourth place, grossing $9.3 million on a movie that cost less than $10 million to make. Fox and The Wall Street Journal and this newswire were until recently part of the same company.上周末另

6、外两部大规模上映的影片决战终点线(Rush)和情圣囧色夫(Don Jon)都进行了大规模的宣传,但票房并不理想。 决战终点线的大规模首映票房收入1,030万美元,排名第三, 情圣囧色夫票房900 万美元,排名第五。只有21世纪福克斯(21st Century Fox Inc.)旗下福克斯探照灯工作室(Fox Searchlight Pictures)的浪漫喜剧片行李认领(Baggage Claim)逆势而上,上映首周吸金930万美元,排名第四,这部影片的制作成本不足1,000 万美元。21世纪福克斯和 华尔街日报和道琼斯公司之前曾同属于一家公司。Holdover drama Prisoners

7、 from Time Warner Inc.s (TWX) Warner Bros. was in second place with $11.3 million, bringing its cumulative gross to $39 million.时代华纳(TimeWarner Inc.)旗下华纳兄弟(Warner Brothers)出品的囚徒(Prisoners)排名第二,票房收入1,130 万美元,该片已经上映两周,累计票房收入3,900 万美元。Rush stars Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Bruhl in the true story tale o

8、f the 1970s rivalry between Grand Prix racers James Hunt and Niki Lauda. The movie is being distributed in the U.S. by Comcast Corp.s (CMCSA, CMCSK) Universal Pictures. Rush was director Ron Howards first independent movie and was financed by Exclusive Media and Cross Creek Pictures for $38 million.

9、决战终点线由克里斯赫姆斯沃思(Chris Hemsworth)和丹尼尔 布吕尔(Daniel Bruhl)主演,讲述了上世纪70 年代方程式赛车手詹姆斯 亨特(James Hunt)和尼基 劳达(Niki Lauda)之间互相争斗的真实故事。该影片在美国由康卡斯特(Comcast Corp)旗下环球影业(Universal Pictures)发行。 决战终点线是由导演罗恩霍华德(Ron Howard)首部独立执导的影片,出资方为美国公司Exclusive Media 和十字溪流影业(Cross Creek Pictures),出资额为3,800万美元。Don Jon stars Joseph

10、Gordon-Levitt in his directorial debut as a brash New Jersey man trying to find love despite an addiction to Internet pornography. Relativity Media LLC acquired the movie at the Sundance Film Festival last January for $4 million and a commitment to open and market the movie in wide release.情圣囧色夫由约瑟夫

11、戈登-莱维特( Joseph Gordon-Levitt)主演,也是他的导演处女作,讲述的是一个冲动轻浮的新泽西男人寻找真爱的故事 虽然他对互联网色情已经到了上瘾的地步。Relativity Media LLC 在今年1 月份的圣丹斯电影节(Sundance Film Festival)上斥资400万美元买下了这部电影,承诺对影片进行推广,并将大规模上映。In other box office news, Instructions Not Included from Pantelion Films became the highest-grossing Spanish-language fil

12、m ever released in the U.S., with a weekend gross of $3.4 million, bringing its total to $38.6 million. The movie, about a playboy who finds himself having to care for a baby, unseats Guillermo del Toros Pans Labyrinth, which was released in 2006 and grossed $37.6 million.在其他票房相关新闻方面,Pantelion Films 出品的非常父女档(Instructions Not Included)成了有史以来在美国上映的最吸金西班牙语电影,上周末票房340万美元,总票房3,860万美元。该片讲述的是一个花花公子不得不花时间去照顾一个婴儿的故事。在非常父女档之前,在美国票房最高的西班牙语电影是吉列尔莫德尔 托罗(Guillermo del Toro)执导的潘神的迷宫(Pans Labyrinth),该片2006年上映,总票房3,760 万美元。



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