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1、英语散文诗歌范文 英语散文诗歌 Two weeks ago was my 45th birthday, but I wasntfeeling too hot that morning anyway. I went to breakfast knowing my wife would be pleasant andsay Happy Birthday and probably have a presentfor me. But, she didnt even say Good Morning, let alone any Happy Birthday. I thought, well.thats

2、 a wife for you. I guess, the children will remember. Then, thechildren came into breakfast, but, they didntsay a word. When I started to the office, I was feeling pretty low and despondent. As I walked into myoffice, my secretary Ja said, Good morning,Boss, happy birthday. And I felt a little bette

3、r,someone had remembered. I worked until noon. Then, Ja knocked on my door and said, You know, its such a beautifulday outside, and its your birthday, lets goto lunch, just you and me. I said, Thats the greatest thing Ive heardall day. Lets go. So, we went to lunch. We didnt go where wenormally go.

4、We went out into the country toa little private place. We had two martinis and enjoyed lunch tremendously. On the way back to the office, Ja said,You know, its such a beautiful day. We dont need to go back to the office, do we? I said, No, I guess not. She said, Lets go to my apartment. After arrivi

5、ng at her apartment, she said,Boss, if you dont mind, I think Ill go in to the bedroom, and slip into something more fortable. Sure, I excitedly replied. Ja went into the bedroom and, in about sixminutes, she came out carrying a big birthdaycake, followed by my wife, children and dozensof my friends

6、. All were singing Happy Birthday. and there I sat on the couch . naked. Before Two Portraits of My Mother I love the beautiful young girl of this portrait, my mother, painted years ago when her forehead was white, and there was no shadow in the dazzling Veian glass of her gaze. But this other liken

7、ess shows the deep trenches across her foreheads white marble. The rose poem of her youth that her marriage sang is far behind. Here is my sadness: I pare these portraits, one of a joy-radiant brow, the other care- heavy: sunriseand the thick ing on of night. And yet how strange my ways appear, for

8、when I look at these faded lips my heart smiles, but at the smiling girl my tears start. Emile Nelligan (1879-1941) 我深爱这名美丽少女的 画像,她是我的母亲,绘制于多年前 当时她的前额白皙无瑕 如同威尼斯玻璃般闪亮,没有一丝阴影 在她双眸中。但另一幅肖像显出 深深的纹痕布满她皎白大理石般平滑的前额 她少女时的那 首玫瑰情诗 曾在她婚礼中被咏唱,如今已经远去。 此时我心悲伤:比较这两幅肖像,一幅显得 神情愉悦,另一幅显得心事 重重:一幅如同朝阳初升另一幅则如迎面而来的阴郁 黑夜。然

9、而我的反应却显得非比寻常, 因为当我看着她失去光泽的双唇,我心 发出微笑,但看着那名微笑的少女,我的泪竟开始涌出。 艾米里奈利根 (1879-1941) Vocabulary 1. portrait n. a painting, photograph, or drawing of sb. 画像;肖像 It took only thirty minutes for the artist in the park to draw a portrait of Jerome. 公园里的画家只花了30分钟,就完成了杰罗姆的画像。 2. marble n. a kind of smooth, light-c

10、olored stone; usually used for statues or floors 大理石 Nearly all of the surviving ancient Greek and Roman statues are made of marble. 几乎所有保存至今的古希腊和古罗马雕像都是由大理石雕刻的。 3. fade v. to bee less bright 失去光泽;褪色 As the years went by, the deep blue color of Marys favorite pair of jeans faded. 随着时光流逝,玛丽最喜欢的那件深蓝色牛

11、仔裤已褪了色。 More Information 1. dazzling adj. 璀璨的;耀眼的 2. Veian glass n. 威尼斯玻璃(以做工精美华丽而著称,可做成烛台、酒杯、灯盏、花瓶等精致用品) 3. likeness n. 肖像;画像(正式说法) 4. trench n. 沟;渠(诗中指母亲额头上的纹痕) 5. joy-radiant adj. 洋溢欢乐喜悦的(radiant 本意为发光的,容光焕发的,诗中用来指因欢乐而满面春风喜乐;而 care-heavy则指心事重重的样子) 6. thick adj. (天空或夜色)阴霾的;深浓的(用来形容诗句中的 the ing on

12、of night,意指夜色如毯子般浓烈地逼近) Ive been working on the railroad All the live-long day Ive been working on the railroad Just to pass the time away Cant you hear the whistle blowing? Raise up so early in the mom Cant you hear the captain shouting Dinah, blow your hom! Dinah, wont you blow? Dinah, wont you bl

13、ow? Dinah, wont you blow your hom? Dinah, wont you blow? Dinah, wont you blow? Dinah, wont you blow your hom? Someones in the kitchen with Dinah Someones in the kitchen, I know Someones in the kitchen with Dinan Strummin on the old banjo And hes singn Feel-fi-fiddley-l-oh! Fee-fi-fiddley-l-oh! Fee-f

14、i-fiddley-l-oh! Strummin on the old banjo, oh Strummin on the old banjo Ive been working on the railroad All the live-long day Ive been working on the railroad Just to pass the time away Cant you hear the whistle blowing? Raise up so early in the mom Cant you hear the captain shouting Dinah, blow yo

15、ur hom Dinah, blow your hom Snacks are I suppose defined as things that we eat between regular meals. In fact, if you are eating something and it is not breakfast, lunch or dinner-time then it is a snack. So, if you are having an apple sometime in the afternoon then that apple is a snack. However, on the whole when we talk abou



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