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1、完形填空第030篇Watson entered Mr.Smiths office.The boss was a(n) 26 man.He fired people who didnt do well without giving them a second chance.“Watson,” said Mr.Smith,“this past year your department hasnt earned money.Were going to 27 that department.Its finished.Im sorrybut youll have to 28 .” “But,sirif

2、I just had a little more time.For the moment I need the 29 to keep my 30 at Riverside School.”“Whats that!” said the boss.“Riverside! I didnt know you had a boy there.Thats a(n) 31 school for a man with your salary.”“I know,sir.But he likes it so much! Hes a star trackman and the best boxer in the s

3、chool.The boys call him 32 there.”The boss sat perfectly 33 for a long timea faraway look in his eyes.Then,suddenly,he said,“Weve got to close your department,Watson.But youll 34 a new job in another department.It means longer hoursmaybe more 35 .Now get out.Youre here for life.”Watson got out with

4、36 in his face.Then the boss 37 a letter from the top drawer of his desk.It was Herbies 38 letter from Riverside Schoolwritten a few days before he died.He had read it over and over again.The letter 39 :I cant say the boys here are any 40 than the others were.I guess its the same everywhere 41 youre

5、 a cripple(跛脚的人)But dont worry about me,Dad.Theyve got a good 42 department here.And in my class theres one boy who is really 43 .Hes a track star and boxing champ and just tops in chemistry.The boys call him Champ.He 44 them stop throwing my books around.And he knocked a boy down who hit me.He is t

6、he best 45 I ever had.Dad,when I grow up,I want to do something for Champ.Something bigthat he wont even know about.Your son,Herbie26A.impolite BhospitableCmodest Dhard答案D解析根据后文“He fired people who didnt do well without giving them a second chance.”可知,老板是一个很苛刻的人。hard苛刻的,严厉的。27A.drop BcheckCpunish Dl

7、ose答案A解析根据前文“this past year your department hasnt earned money.”和前文提到的老板的苛刻可知答案。dropclose/give up关闭,放弃。28A.join BpresentCgo Dattend答案C解析根据前文信息,老板很严厉,此时要关闭这个部门,Watson就必须离开这个公司。29A.favour BchanceCjob Dpromise答案C解析根据前面情节,老板要解雇Watson,再结合下文“I didnt know you had a boy there.”可知,Watson想保住这份工作供他儿子上学。30A.sta

8、r BchampCson Ddaughter答案C解析见上题解析。31A.suitable BexpensiveCbeautiful Daverage答案B解析根据史密斯惊讶的口气和后文他自己的儿子也在这所学校可知,该校费用不菲。32A.Watson BChampCHero DHerbie答案B解析根据最后一段第六、七句“Hes a track star and boxing champ and just tops in chemistry.The boys call him Champ.”可知答案。33A.still BeagerCnervous Danxious答案A解析根据下文的“sud

9、denly,he said”可知,这里应该是老板静静地坐在那儿很长时间。still静止的,不动的。34A.take over Bgo overCthink over Dcome over答案A解析根据后面“.a new job in another department”和“Youre here for life”可知答案。take over接管,接手,故选A项。35A.time BattentionCpay Denergy答案C解析联系下文可知,史密斯之所以一反常态留用了Watson是因为他去世的儿子的一封信。儿子在信中提到“Dad,when I grow up,I want to do s

10、omething for Champ.Something bigthat he wont even know about.”这一遗愿,由此史密斯为他安排一个薪水较高的职位以帮儿子实现遗愿。36A.smile BcareCpleasure Dsurprise答案D解析根据文章第一段信息,史密斯一向严厉,这一次对Watson却网开一面,Watson自然感到惊异。37A.received BopenedCtook Dread答案C解析老板从顶层抽屉里拿出一封信。38A.last BlongestCbusiness Dreply答案A解析根据后面的“.written a few days before

11、 he died.”可推断这是老板的儿子Herbie的最后一封信。39A.wrote BspokeCsaid Dprinted答案C解析表示信上“写着”用read或said。40A.crueller BnicerCpoorer Dstronger答案B解析根据下文的“I guess its the same everywhere.”可知,此处意思是:这里的孩子比其他地方的孩子好不到哪里去。41A.though BwhenCunless Dafter答案B解析“根据But dont worry about me”可知Herbie是一个残疾的孩子,此处表示Herbie认为一个跛子在哪儿受到的待遇都

12、一样。42A.medicine BchemistryCphysics Dtrade答案B解析根据后文中“in my class theres one boy.and just tops in chemistry.”可知答案。43A.friendly BhelpfulCgreat Dcautious答案C解析根据下文的“Hes a track star and boxing champ and just tops in chemistry.”以及男孩对自己的帮助可知Herbie对这个男孩崇拜至极。44A.forced BpersuadedCsuggested Dmade答案D解析他不让同学们乱扔

13、我的书。make sb.do迫使某人做某事。 force/persuade sb.to do sth.;suggest后面不能直接跟宾语和宾语补足语。45A.athlete BstarCfriend Dstudent答案C解析根据信的内容尤其是最后一句话可知,Herbie已经把男孩当成他最好的朋友了。完形填空第031篇(2015山东潍坊五县高二模块检测)Nicholas Lowinger visited a homeless shelter with his mother when he was five.He was excited to 1 his new lightup sneakers

14、.But his mom warned him 2 doing so explaining that these children might not have such things.Sure enough,when Nicholas met kids at the shelter,he quickly 3 that they were living in 4 that were different from his own.“I saw other kids who looked just like me.The only 5 was that they were wearing old shoes that were falling 6 .Some didnt have a pair of shoes to call their own,”said Nicholas,now 15.“Ive been fortunate to 7 up in a family that is able to 8 me with whatever I need.A lot of kids here in the US dont have the same 9 .”That first shelter


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