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1、小学英语试讲教案Unit4 my home Part A Lets learn一、 教材依据:本课时教学是依据小学英语PEP教材四年级上册第四单元A部分 Lets learn和Lets do设计而成。 二、 学情分析:四年级学生的年龄在十一岁左右,天性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、特别感兴趣。而且他们接触英语已经有一年半时间,已具有初步的听说能力;在本单元A部分学生将会接触到介绍居室的诸多单词,我相信必能很好的调动学生学习积极性。三、 教学目标1. 能听、说、认、读study、living room、 bedroom、bathroom、kitchen五个单词;能听懂Lets do部

2、分的指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作2. 能用简单的句子描述自己的家,如:“This is my home.you can see”3. 初步培养学生对家的热爱四、 教学重难点教学重点:1. 能听、说、认读单词study,bathroom,bedroom,living room和kitchen,并能在实际情景中加以运用。2. 能用简单的语言介绍自己的家。教学难点:正确掌握单词bedroom、kitchen、bathroom的发音。五、 教学准备PPT课件;study, bathroom, bedroom, living room和kitchen的单词卡片和图片;小零食;导入歌曲in my ro

3、om。六、 教学方法1. 游戏教学法2. 情境教学法3. 直观教学法4. 全身动作反应法七、 教学过程Step1: Warm-up(热身导入)T: class begins! stand up ,please.S:起立T: good morning, everyone.S:good morning, Teacher.T:Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you. too.T: Boys and girls, what can you see in our classroom? who can try? you, please.S(单独):A light, A b

4、lackboard, A door, A computer T: wonderful! You can see many things in our classroom.T: Before we learn the new lesson, Lets enjoy a song together.播放歌曲,学生做律动Step2: Presentation(新课呈现)T:ok, now,look at the screen. what can you see in this picture?S:I can see five rooms.T:very good!This is Amys new hom

5、e.today she invites us to visit it.Are you happy?S:yes.T:But wheres Amy?Is she here?S:No,she isntT:who can find Amy?S:Amy is in the study. 1. 教学studyT:Good job! Amy is in the study. Read after me: study, study.S: study, study. (重复一次).T: Can you spell it? s-,begin.S:s-t-u-d-y, studyT: Follow me , s-t

6、-u-d-y, study.S: s-t-u-d-y, study.T: Look at my mouth, -u-,study. Read after me. -u- ,study.S: -u-,study.T: Read it one by one. You, please.S:(开火车读)T: now, girls, show me you voice.S: girls, boys.分别读T: Is this a study?(给出图片,让学生判断)S:No,it isnt.T: Is this a study?(换下一张图片)S:Yes,it is.T: so What can you

7、 do in the study?S: I can read a book.T:yes, we can read a book. Follow me:(边做动作)Read a book. S: (边做动作)Read a book.(重复一次).T: (边做动作)we can go to the study, read a book. Follow me, Go to the study, Read a book.S: Go to the study, Read a book.(重复一次)2. 教学bedroomT: Good job! Look at there. The bed is los

8、t. Can you help it get home?S: yes.T: so, where should the bed go?S: Go to the bedroom.T: Excellent! Read after me: bedroom, bedroom.S: bedroom, bedroom.T: -bed-S:-bed-T: A bedS:A bedT: A bed in the bedroom.S: A bed in the bedroom.T(指着图片) This is my?S:BedroomT: show me your fingers.-b-e-d-r-o-o-m,be

9、droom.S:-b-e-d-r-o-o-m,bedroom.T: bedroom.S:bedroom.T: Is this a bedroom?(给出图片,让学生判断)S:No,it isnt.T: Is this a bedroom?(换下一张图片)S:Yes,it is.T: so, what can you do in the bedroom?S:I can have a sleep in the bedroom.T:Great!we can have a nap in the bedroom. Follow me: (边做动作)have a nap S: (边做动作)Have a n

10、ap.(重复一次).T: (边做动作)Go to the bedroom, have a nap.S: (边做动作)Go to the bedroom, have a nap.3. 教学bathroomT: wonderful! Oh, Look, who comes? Can he have a sleep right now?S: No. He is too dirty.T: Yes. I think he should take a shower first. T: Take a shower, are you clear? (多媒体出示一张淋浴的图片)Follow me, take a

11、 shower.(边做动作)S: take a shower.T: Good!So Where should he go?S: Go to the bathroom. T: Good job! Read after me. Bathroom, bathroomS: Bathroom, bathroomT:spell it, together.S:-b-a-t-h-r-o-o-mT:bathroomS:bathroomT: OK, lets go.(边做动作)Go to the bathroom, take a shower.S: Go to the bathroom, take a showe

12、r.4. 教学living roomT:Look at here.what can you see in this picture?S:I can see a sofa,a TV, a tableT:yes,so what room is it?S:Living room.T:Read after me. living room , living room.S: living room , living room.T:Read it one by one. you, please.S:(开火车读)T: spell it, together.S:-l-i-v-i-n-g-r-o-o-m.T: D

13、o you like watching TV?S:yesT: oh, good. Lets do together: Go to the living room, watch TV.S: (边做动作)Go to the living room, watch TV5. 教学kitchenT: Oh, Im tired. I feel a little hungry. I want to have some snack. (教师拿出一些小点心,并吃上一块) Do you want to have a snack?S:yesT: Here you are. Have a snack. Who wan

14、t to have snack? show me you hands.S: I want to have a snack.T: Oh, snacks are gone. Where can we get some?S:Kitchen.T:Great!Read after me:kitchenkitchen.S: kitchenkitchen.(read one by one)T: Is this a kitchen?(给出图片,让学生判断)S:No,it isnt.T: Is this a kitchen?(换下一张图片)S:Yes,it is.T: Lets go to the kitche

15、n, have some snack. ok?S:okT:Follow me: Go to the kitchen, have a snack.S: Go to the kitchen, have a snack.Step3: Consolidation(巩固与操练)1.Cards flashing(闪卡读词)T:now,its game time,Id like to divide you into two groups. GroupA and GroupB. Because Well have a super PK. Do you know?S:yesT:ok,now Ill show the cards in my hand. You,together. have to answer it quickly.T:Are you ready?S:yes.T:分别出示单词卡片S:学生一起抢读T:now,the first round is o



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