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1、第 四 单元 单元分析序号内容个 人 设 计备课组集体讨论意见一单元教材分析本单元教材以寻找小鸟为话题,让学生学会如何用“Wheres?”句型来询问地点,并会用Its in/on/under/behind来回答。使学生能运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论物品的位置。本单元教材以寻找小鸟为话题,让学生学会用句型来询问地点,使学生能运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论物品的位置。二单元目标要求1、能听、说、读并拼写单词:desk,chair,bird,on,in,under,behind。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语Wheres ? Its not here. Its on/in/under/beh

2、ind 。3. 能诵读歌谣“Wheres the bird?”4. 能发现和朗读辅音字母“d”的发音规律5、能熟练表演文中的小故事。6、能读懂动画中的幽默之处。1.能正确地朗读相关单词2. 能熟练运用本单元所学“Wheres?”句型来询问地点,并会用Its in/on/under/behind来回答3. 能诵读歌谣“Wheres the bird?”4. 能发现和朗读辅音字母“d”的发音规律5、能熟练表演文中的小故事。6、能读懂动画中的幽默之处。三单元设计意图通过本单元的学习,让学生学会如何用“Wheres?”句型来询问地点,并会用Its in/on/under/behind来回答。使学生能运

3、用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论物品的位置。让学生在教师的指导下,发挥自主能动性,发展学生自主学习能力和创新能力。四单元目标达成分析交往互动式教学设计课题 3B Unit 4 Wheres the bird?教时第 1 课时日期 月 日一、教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说desk,chair,bird,on,in,under,behind。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语Wheres ? Its not here. Its on/in/under/behind 。3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论东西的位置。重点

4、与难 点能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论物品的位置。教 学 过 程时间活动板块活动内容与呈现方式学生活动方式交流方式常规性积累1.GreetingT:Class begins!T: Good morning, class.T: Sit down, please.2. Free talkSs:Stand up!Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.师生交流个别交流核心过程活动一1.Sing a songT: Do you like singing? T: I like singing very much. Lets

5、 learn to sing a new song. OK?T: First, listen and watch carefully. You may follow it if you want.(播放歌曲一遍)T: Do you like the song?Now follow me.T: This time, lets try to sing and do some actions together.2.Play a game and learn the new wordsT: (手中拿着一只折起来的小鸟)Now boys and girls, look, whats in my hand

6、 now? Guess!T: Look, its a bird. (板书bird)Look, wheres the bird? (把小鸟放在书上)T: Wheres the bird now? (把小鸟放在书下)T: Good! And where is it now? (把小鸟放在书里)T: Now lets play a game with this bird. Wheres the bird? Guess! T: Look, its in the desk. (板书desk,贴图,带读in the desk并示意) T: Now lets play this game again. Wh

7、eres the bird? Guess!T: Look, its on the chair. (板书chair,贴图,带读on the chair并示意)S: Yes.S: OK.学习歌曲S: Its on the book.S: Its under the book.S: Its in the book. S: (guess)学习单词跟读齐读小组读S: 学习单词跟读 齐读 小组读老师带着学生用手势表示歌词内容,学生边唱边学做动作 再次播放歌曲,学生加上动作一起唱老师让学生闭上眼睛后把小鸟放进课桌里,学生猜,并教授新词。老师再次让学生闭上眼睛后把小鸟放到一把椅子上,学生猜。活动二1. Lis

8、ten and chooseT: (老师再让学生闭上眼睛,然后把小鸟藏起来) Where is the bird now? Is it in the park? In the classroom? In the tree? Here is a story about the bird. T: Where is the bird? T: Is it in the tree? Lets watch the cartoon and check your answer.T: Is the bird in the tree?2. Listen and stickT: The bird stops in

9、many places. Look, its here and here. (PPT红圈显示1、7两幅图中鸟的位置) But look, in some of the pictures, we cannot see it. (小鸟分别飞到了哪些地方呢?请你们来贴一贴。) Now, please take out your working sheetT: Lets watch the cartoon again.S: Its in the tree.S: Yes!学生听录音,找出小鸟飞到的位置,并将小鸟贴在正确的位置上。学生认真看动画,并校对。 教师播放录音学生带着问题听录音。播放课文动画核对答

10、案播放课文录音, 学生两人合作完成播放课文动画,在每个需要完成的画面上暂停核对活动三Read the story T: Finished? Now boys and girls, check your pictures. Lets read the story together, OK? (出第一幅图) Picture1. Lets read it together. T: (出示小提示:注意读出故事中人物的情绪) Lets try again. Beautiful means nice! (出中文意思,读beautiful和How beautiful!)T: And Picture 2, l

11、ook, wheres the bird?T: Yes. Its under the desk. (PPT出现单词卡under,读under)Now who can read this? (PPT中出现对话)继续每一幅图逐图教学:第二幅图教under,第三幅图教behind,第四幅图教Its not here., 第五幅图教on,第六、七两幅图教inT: OK. Now we have read the story together. Now open your books, turn to Page 13, and read the story by yourselves.S1&S2: S:

12、 Its under the desk.S1: Wheres the bird?S2: Its under the desk. 学习新单词。Read the story.每一幅图逐图教学:第二幅图教under,第三幅图教behind,第四幅图教Its not here., 第五幅图教on,第六、七两幅图教in打开书,先独自读课文,再同桌合作读一读全文。拓展延伸总结提升Tell the story T: You did a good job. Now, look at the blackboard. (拿出小鸟的图片) Look! A bird! T: Wheres the bird? T: N

13、ow, its T: Oh, Its not here. Its S: How beautiful!S: Its under the desk.S: Behind the door.S: On the chair.老师把小鸟放在黑板上不同位置,带领学生一起复述Homework1. coppy new words 4+1 2. Read story time 3. draw public signs板书Unit4 Wheres the bird?A bird. How beautiful!under your desk. Wheres the bird? Its behind the door.( not here.)on your chair. in my desk. in the tree.课题 3B Unit 4 Wheres the bird?教时第 2 课时日期 月 日一、教学目标:1. 能熟练运用句型Wheres ? Its on/in/under/behind 进行对话。2. 能通过游戏进一步正确运用介词on,in,under,behind。重点与难 点能通过游戏进一步正确运用介词on,in,under,behind。能体会字母d的发音d教 学


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