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1、牛津译林版六年级英语上册第一单元阶段测试 班级 _ 学号 _ 姓名_ 卷面书写分 5 分得分 _试卷总分 100 分得分 _ 一、根据音标补全单词,并写出中文意思。(16 分) 1. l_ _gh ()2. _ _ ild () / : / t? / 3. w_ _ _()4. n_xt() / e / e / 5. s _ _()6. _ _ttle() / e? / lI / 7. t _ _n()8. t _ ll() / ?: / e / 二、英汉互译。(10 分) 1.long long ago_6. 一天_ 2.turn into_7.一个小男孩_ 3.foolish people

2、_8.试穿 _ 4.these magic clothes_9. 拜访国王 _ 5.point at the king_10. 讲故事 _ 三、单项选择。 (16 分) () 1. This T-shirt is too small. Please _ this one. A. try onB. get onC. take off () 2. Long long ago, there _ two men. A. wasB. wereC. is () 3. _ is wearing a kilt. A. The Scottish manB. The Chinese manC. The Ameri

3、can cowboy () 4. I can make a model ship _ you. A. toB. forC. of () 5. _ a beautiful clothes. A. WhatB. HowC. Where () 6. Each student _ one sentence. 1 A. sayB. sayingC. says () 7. Liu Tao has got a headache. Can you _ him? A. look forB. look atC. look after () 8. Is the king wearing _ clothes? A.

4、someB. anyC. a 四、根据所描述的内容,选择合适的英语单词,将序号填入括号内。(6 分) () 1. Scottish people like to wear this kind of clothes. () 2. It is an animal. It is black and white. () 3. It is interesting. Children like to watch it . () 4. You use a finger and try to show where it is. () 5. She is a woman. She cooks food and

5、cleans the house at home. () 6. It is the first day of a week. 五、从栏中选出与栏相对应的答句,将序号填入提前的括号内。(8 分) ()1.What was in front of the house?A. The lion turned into a prince. ()2. Do they fit you?B. It was sick. ()3. Look at the clothes.C. Yang Ling. ()4.Who can make a card for Miss Li?D. They were in the st

6、reet. ()5.What was the matter with the lion?E.There were some flowers. ()6.Where were the king and the people.F. How beautiful! ()7. What happened?G. Yes, they do. ()8. Can you help me?H. Sure. 六、完成对话每空一词。(8 分) A: _ was he? B: He was the king. A: _ did he do ? B: He _ through the city _ his new clot

7、hes. A: _ there a lot of people in the street? B: Yes, there _. A. SundayB. kiltC. zebraD. pointE. cartoonF. housewife 2 A: _ the king wear his new clothes? B: No, he didn t. A: Was he clever or foolish? B: He was very _. 七、从方框中选择合适的内容完成句子,把序号填在括号内。(8 分) 1.Blind people can t see _. 2.I _ my grandpa

8、last weekend. 3.Can you make a puppet _ us? 4.My mother _ not at home last Sunday. 5.He is _ a Scottish kilt. 6.There _ a lot of boys and girls in the hall. 7.This is an _ film. 8.This dress fits me very _. 八、阅读理解。(20 分) A A king liked to draw pictures. He thought his pictures were very good. He sho

9、wed the pictures to his people. They were afraid(害怕)of him and said they were nice. One day, he showed them to and artist(画家) . The artist said they were very bad. The king was very angry and sent the artist to the prison (牢房) . After some time the king excused the artist. He asked him to see his pi

10、ctures again. The artist said to him, “ take me back to the prison again. 阅读短文判断正T 误 F。 () 1. The king asked an artist to draw him some pictures. () 2. The king s pictures were very nice. () 3. The king s people were afraid of him. () 4. The king sent the artist to he prison. () 5. The artist said t

11、he pictures were good at last. 1.were2.well3.them4.for5.was6.wearing,7.visited8.American 3 B There was a rabbit and a lion in a forest. The rabbit lived in a hole. The lion lived near the hole. One day the lion was very hungry, so he went to look for food. He saw the rabbit drinking water near the h

12、ole. “ Oh, there s my lunch! ” The lion ran to the rabbit. The rabbit was very afraid and she ran quickly into her hole. The lion couldn t get into the hole. He said to the rabbit. “I dont like eating rabbits.”The rabbit was very happy when she heard this. So she went out of her hole again. The lion

13、 ate her at once. 阅读短文选择正确的答案。 () 1.The rabbit and the lion were _. A. neighboursB. friendsC. under a tree () 2. The lion wanted to _ the rabbit. A. visitB. eatC. play with () 3. The rabbit was _ when the lion came to her. A. sleepingB. eatingC. drinking () 4. The rabbit was _ to see the lion. A. ha

14、ppyB. gladC. afraid () 5. The lion was _ and the rabbit was _. A. foolish, cleverB. clever, foolishC. clever, clever 九、根据提示完成句子。 (8 分) 1.很久很久以前,布朗先生的房子前面有许多树。 Long long ago, there _ many _ in front of Mr. Brown s house. 2. 一天,一个女孩走过房子,她摘了一朵花。 One day, a girl _ by the house , she _ a flower. 3. 你能为我展

15、示你的新衣服吗? Can you _ me _ new clothes? 4. 愚蠢的人是看不到它的。 Foolish people _ _ it. 4 参考答案: 一、根据音标补全单词,并写出中文意思。(16 分) laughchildwearnextsaylittleturntell 二、英汉互译。(10 分) 很久很久以前one day 变成a little boy 愚蠢的人try on 这些神奇的衣服visit the king 指着国王tell stories 三、单项选择。 (16 分) ABABACCB 四、根据所描述的内容,选择合适的英语单词,将序号填入括号内。(6 分) BCEDGA 五、从栏中选出与栏相对应的答句,将序


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