外研英语必修5《5 The Great SportsReading and vocabulary》[杨老师]【市一等奖】优质课

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外研英语必修5《5 The Great SportsReading and vocabulary》[杨老师]【市一等奖】优质课_第1页
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1、外研版必修五第五模块教学设计 1 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality Period 1 Introduction (Xingyi No.8 High School,Guizhou Yang Fang) The general idea of this period: In this period, the book introduces some common sports items to Ss. In fact, Ss are familiar with some of them and its not so difficult for them.

2、T will organize some interesting games for them. On the one hand, the games will help students learn more about sports. On the other hand, Ss will be more interested in the class, which will encourage Ss to join in it and improve their speaking and listening ability. At the same time, it will help S

3、s learn more relative sports terms and let them think about more behind sports. In a nutshell, its a warming-up of this module, aiming at listening and speaking. Learning aims: At the end of the class, students can: 1. Language knowledge: gain important words and expressions about sports, like “bat

4、club net pitch ring stadium track tracksuit trainers”. 2. Language skill: improve Ss English speaking ability and Ss can talk about their favorite sports and sports star. Besides, they can improve their communication skills. 3. Emotional attitude: learn about how to talk about sports and push Ss to

5、think about the spirit of sports and the personality of athletes. Learning analysis: There are 56 students in this class, more boys than girls. Their knowledge of English is very good but their oral English and listening skills are quite poor. In order to let them get confidence and be willing to sh

6、ow themselves, T prepares some easy and interesting games for them. Learning challenges: 1. Important points: a. grasp some relative words and expressions such as bat club net pitch ring stadium track tracksuit trainers etc b. open mouths and minds to speak English and communicate with others; 2. Di

7、fficult points: a. some are poor in listening and vocabulary, which may limit their speaking; b. some are not used to creative thinking, which may narrow their mind. Class time: 40 minutes Teaching methods: Speaking, communicating and discussion, positive and timely assessment strategies Teaching to

8、ols: PPT and Whiteboard 外研版必修五第五模块教学设计 2 Teaching procedures: Activities Purpose Styles & time Activity 1: Act and guess (9 minutes) Step 1 Lead in T greets Ss briefly and has a small talk about next weeks event-sports meet. How many students entered for the sports meet? What sports items do you joi

9、n in?. 通过闲聊下周运动会拉近和学生的距离,引入该模块的主题:运动。(板书”The Great Sports Personality”)并引导学生回忆相关体育项目的名称。 IW&PW, 3 minutes Step 2 Game time T presents pictures connected with sports and help students memorize some common sports in the way of classifying. Then T stimulates students interest by way of a game “act and

10、guess”. This game can create an active atmosphere, which helps the follow-up procedure. 教师先分类呈现常见体育项目的相关单词,然后通过游戏的方式让学生回放所学单词,让课堂气氛热起来,便于后续词汇教学环节的推进。(板书学生提到的运动项目) GW&IW, 6 minutes Activity2: Fill in the blanks. (7 minutes) Step 1 Self study T asks Ss to finish the work in the textbook. During the pr

11、ocess, students get to know the answer through self study. 学生通过自主学习和相互交流的方式解决课本上的生词练习。(课本41页练习3)(板书教授的单词:bat club net pitch ring stadium track) IW, 3 minutes Step 2 Game time T checks Ss ability of using the new vocabulary. This part is easy for Ss to join in and this will help Ss to gain more stars

12、, which can improve Ss confidence. 教师通过小组比赛的方式检测学生单词掌握的情况。该环节较为容易,能鼓励学生积极发言,增强信心。 GW, 4minutes Activity 3: Talk about Ss favorite sports and sports star. (12 minutes) 外研版必修五第五模块教学设计 3 Step 1 Preparation T asks Ss to talk about their favorite sports and sports star. T sets an example and guide Ss to

13、focus on the benefit of sports and some personality of sports stars. In this way Ss can have a chance to practice speaking and communicate with peers. 学生尝试谈论自己喜爱的运动和运动明星并简述原因。该环节为后面的阅读课李宁的一生做好铺垫,促使学生有意识地去思考运动的好处和运动明星的品质。 PW&GW, 4minutes Step 2 Show time After some preparation, Ss show their opinion

14、in the form of a dialogue. T gives timely and suitable assessments. 学生呈现观点,展现自我。通过思考组织语言,学生从中能体会到语言从输入到输出过程的乐趣。 GW, 8 minutes Activity 4: Try to create a slogan for the coming sports meet. (12 minutes) Step 1 Discussion T shows Ss some pictures of slogans to explain their feature. Then give Ss a tas

15、k to create a slogan of their class for the coming sports meet. Ss can enjoy the creation. 此活动根据需要灵活选择。即是呼应课堂开头的引入,又具备语言的实用性。 GW, 6 minutes Step 2 Show time After discussion, Ss show themselves. 学生乐于参加此类创新类的活动, GW, 6minutes Homework Preview reading and vocabulary and think about the personality of being a sportsman and a sportswoman. 注:CW = Class Work PW = Pair Work GW = Group Work IW = Individual Work 复制文字已复制



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