外研英语必修5《3 Adventure Writing》[李老师]【市一等奖】优质课

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1、Book 5 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 教学设计(Teaching Design) 天津七中 李晶 课题 How to write a summary of a story 授课 类型 Writing 学情 分析 高二学生已经有了一定的语言知识的积累,但谈到写作,依旧顿感无措。学生们渴望写作训练,从中学会写作方法,扎实写作基本功,真正落实写作能力,从而实现学习能力的提升。 教材 分析 本模块讲述的是学生们很感兴趣的冒险话题的小说和电影,加之他们熟悉的作者马克吐温,给写作环节做了很好的铺垫。学生们对学习如何写故事梗概,充满信心

2、,乐于学习,乐于分享。 教学 目标 知识 与技能 To understand and master how to write a summary of a story. 过程 与方法 To enable students to master how to write a summary of a story in a real situation through individual and group works. 情感态度 与 价值观 To develop students interest in reading and guide them to appreciate the maste

3、rpieces of the world literature. 教学 重、难点 教学重点 How to write a summary of a book correctly 教学难点 How to guide the students to summarize the theme of a story and encourage them to think outside the box by further discussing. 教学 方法 1. Task-based approach. 2. Cooperative learning. 教学 手段 A multimedia devic

4、e, a blackboard and a projector. 教学过程(Teaching Procedures) 阶段安排 学习内容 教师活动 学生活动 媒体使用 设计意图 Step I Warming-up A short video of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” Lead in the topic of this lesson. Enjoy a short video and guess which book it is. Computer To guide the students to get closer to the topic. Step

5、 II Reading Two stories “The fence” and “The pirate” Guide the students to read the stories. 1. Introduce Mark Twain, the writer. 2. Answer questions about setting. 3. Listen to the record and read the stories and know the characters and content of the story 4. Summarize the theme of the story. Comp

6、uter PPT ,and task paper. To enable the students to make sense of what a summary of a story includes. Step III Thinking Outside the box Question: ”Would you have been tricked by Tom Sawyer? Why or Why not? ” Raise the question and help students to express their own opinions. Discuss the question and

7、 express themselves freely. Computer To motivate the students to think more and express themselves with a critical attitude. Step IV Summarizing A summary of factors of writing a summary of a story Guide the students to learn how to write a summary of a story. Learn to write a summary of a story Com

8、puter, and task paper To summarize what learned in his class. Step V Writing 1.The model essay. 2.Writing Guide the students to master the important points by reading the model essay. Write a summary of one of two stories by group work. Writing papers To encourage students to try to complete a summa

9、ry in group. 板书设计 Writer Setting A summary of a story Character Content Theme 自我反思 本节写作训练课基本达到预期目的。个人认为优点如下: 1. 所选故事是围绕着模块话题,同样是马克吐温的作品,冒险的故事,学生喜欢,乐于学习探索。 2. 提前让班内学生为故事录音,学生在阅读过程中,感到亲切,进一步增加了阅读故事的兴趣。 3. 在批判性思维环节,学生各抒己见,更出现了辩论的场面,增强了对问题的更深一步的思考,学生的语言表达能力也得到锻炼。 4. 写作环节采用合作学习,几个人负责一个内容的编写,将小组作品呈现并点评,让学

10、生真正学会该如何写好故事梗概。 不足之处,还是没敢尝试完全翻转写作课堂,在阅读故事的过程中和范文讲解的过程中还是教师引导着完成。在未来的作文教学中,大胆尝试,真正让英语学科核心素养的4个方面在课堂中充分体现。 Step VI Showing and assessment A composition show and assessment Assess the writings Show and read their composition Projector To show what the students write and assess whether it is good or not. StepVII Assignment Write a summary of a well-known Chinese adventure story To make the students master how to write a summary further. 复制文字已复制


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