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1、湘少版小学英语六年级(下)Uint 1测试题听力部分一、听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(8分)( )1、A. skate B. skating C. skipping D. skirt( )2、A. Saturday B. Monday C. Thursday D. Sunday( )3、A. its B.thats C. lets D. whats( )4、A. like B.love C. lake D. live( )5、A. good at B. good in C. good on D. good to( )6、A. play B. television C. music D. f

2、ilm( )7、A. photo B. people C. pictures D. Peter( )8、A. idea B. ice C. ride D. ice-cream二、听音,选出正确的答语。(12分)( )1. A. Peter is good at playing chess. B. I am good at playing football.( )2. A. Lingling is good at dancing. B. I like eating.( )3. A. No, I dont. B. Yes, he is.( )4. A. Anne is good at painti

3、ng. B. He is good at playing table tennis.( )5. A. Yes, I am. B. No, he doesnt.( )6. A. He likes drinking tea. B. I like listening to music.三、听音,判断句子是否正确。(10分)1. Lingling is good at drawing. ( )2. What are you good at ? ( )3. I like skating very much. ( )4. Lets watch films. ( )5. The children are a

4、t school. ( )笔试部分一、写出下列单词的适当形式。(16分)1 skating (原形) 2. swim (动名词) 3 picture(复数) 4. singing (原形) 5. write (动名词) 6. run (动名词) 7 lets (完全形式) 8. make(动名词) 二、单项选择。(20分)( )1. The are at the zoo. A. child B. children C. childs D. childes( )2. What does he like ? A. doing B. do C. does D. did( )3. Lets to an

5、d a film, OK ? A. watching B. watches C. watch D. watched( )4. It Sunday today. A. is B. was C. am D. are( )5. Lets pictures ! A. drawing B. draws C. draw D. drawed( )6. - you like reading books ? -Yes, I do. A. Are B. Do C. Does D. Can( )7. I am not very good at . A. swimming B. swiming C. swim D.

6、swam( )8. I am home now. A. on B. in C. at D. do( )9. We like table tennis. A. play B. playing C. plays D. played( )10. What you good at? A. do B. does C. is D. am三、看图片,判断正误。(14分)图片1:一个女孩在水中喊救命。The girl is good at swimming. ( )图片2:一个男孩在读英语,头上有很多问号。 The boy is not very good at English. ( )图片3:一个人跳过了竿

7、子。The boy can jump high. ( )图片4:东东在玩球。Dongdong doesnt like play the ball. ( )图片5:一个女孩在骑自行车。The girl likes riding a bicycle. ( )图片6:一个人钓上一条大鱼。The man is not good at fishing. ( )图片7: 一个男孩在跳绳。The boy likes drawing. ( )四、连词成句(10分)1 are at good you what ? 2. you like watching Do film ? 3. do like you doi

8、ng What ? 4. is he at good dancing. 5. am not good very at singing I 五、阅读理解。(10分)There is a sports(运动会) meeting in the school. The children are talking about the sports.John is good at running . He is going to run 100 metres. Linda likes playing basketball best. So she will play basketball. Mike is tall. He can jump high. He is going to do the high jump.( )1. There is a sports meeting in the school.( )2. The children are playing in the classroom.( )3. John likes running.( )4. Lindas favourite sports is basketball.( )5. Mike is good at doing the long jump.


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