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1、安阳市第三中学第一学期九年级英语月考试卷一听力( 20).(略)二单项选择( 15 分)() 21、 -Where are Maria and Kangkang?-They _England.A. have been toB. are awayC. have gone toD. had been to) 22. The family was _poor _they couldn tbuy a TV set.A.so; thatB. not; untilC. not; butD. so; but) 23. -_the population of the U.S.A in 2005 ?-It _a

2、bout 296 million.A. What is ; isB. What was; wasC. How many is ; was D. How many was ;is) 24. _of the teachers are women in our school .A. Two thirdB. Two threesC. Two thirdsD. Secondthree) 25 .The little girl has _finished reading the book you lent her .A.alreadyB. yetC. stillD. once) 26.China has

3、the _population in the world .A.smallestB. mostC. largestD. large) 27.She has_ this car for nearly ten years.A. buyB.boughtC. haveD. had) 28. This washing machine is very easy to use ._can learn to use it in a very short time.A. SomebodyB. AnybodyC. NobodyD. Few people) 29. They are making too much

4、noise here. Let s go _.A. somewhere quietB. nowhere quietC. everywhere noisyD. anywhere noisy) 30 Trees can stop the sand _towordsthe rich farmland in the south.A.moveB. to moveC. from movingD. moves) 31. We have been to Beijing.-_A.So has heB. Nor has heC. Neither has heD. So he has) 32. - I have f

5、inished my homework.- When _you _ it?A. do; finishB. will; finishC. have; finishedD. did; finish) 33. He didn tsleep well last night, and now he feels _ and tired.A. happyB. hungryC. sleepyD. thirsty) 34. Chongqing_a lot in the past few years.A.has changedB. changedC. changesD. is changing) 35. Burn

6、ing gas,oil and coal can cause _pollution.A. airB. waterC. lightD. noise三完形填空(10 分)Two hundred years ago, people in the west did not know coffee or tea. They were 36 to drinks them because they thought coffee or tea could kill a person. Once the king of England 37to find out whether it is true or no

7、t. At that time there were two brothers in prison ( 监狱 ) .Theking would kill them in a few days. Because they did wrong. The king said, I shall let them livebut they must 38 coffee or tea to, the end of their 39 . One brother must drink coffee and 40 must drink tea every day. And they41.They 42 live

8、d many years. At last, the elder brother 43when hewas eighty-three years old. The younger one died a few years 44 . After that, people 45 that coffee and tea were not bad for man.() 36A. happyB. afraidC. richD. glad() 37.A. wantedB. wantsC. wantD. will want() 38. A. eatB. drinkC. drankD. ate() 39. A

9、. lifeB. liveC. livesD. living() 40.A. oneB. otherC. anotherD. the other() 41.A. heardB. agreedC. listenedD. listened to() 42 A. bothB. eachC. alsoD. all() 43.A. killedB. livedC. diedD. dead() 44.A. agoB. laterC. oldD. before() 45.A. shoutedB. spokeC. keptD. knew四阅读理解( 40 分)AAnimportant businessman

10、was asked to give a twenty-minute speech in another city .Hewas too busy to write it himself , so he asked his secretary to put one together for him out of alarge book of speechers which she had on her desk. She typed one out for him., and he picked itup just in time to rush off to his plane .But wh

11、en he gave his speech ,it ran on for an hour ,and theaudience (听众 )was getting very tired of it by the end.When the business man got back to his o ffice ,he said to his secretary ,” I told you it should be atwenty- minute speech!”“ That s what I gave you,”she answered ,原”稿the)andoriginaltwocopies,(

12、The original foryou to read at the meeting ,and two copies for the files( 存档 )after you have checked them.”()46. What was the secretary asked to do?A .To give speech instead of the businessmanB.To make up a speech from some others and type itC.To type a one-hour speech for the businessman()47. After

13、 the secretary finished typing the speech ,the businessman _ .A.picked it up and checked it quicklyB.told the secretary to check itC. took it to the airport in a hurry.()48. Why was the audience getting restless and tired ?Because _A.the businessman gave a wrong speechB. the businessman was giving the same speech once and againC.the speech was too long()49. why was the businessman not satisfied with his secretary?A.He had made three speechesB. He had given the same speech three timesC.His speech lasted for an hour()50. Which of the following is true?AThe secretary sho


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