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1、1. Two second 马上2. Dear diary moment 值得纪念的时刻 3. You got screwed. 你被骗了、坑了4. Machine cut me off again 电话又断了5. Thank you for your time. 打扰你了6. Drive sb. away 赶走某人7. Match the condiction 符合条件8. Newcomer 新来的人、新移民者9. Hold aspiration 拥有抱负10. Projections indicate 预测表明11. Socioeconomic background社会经济背景12. la

2、y behind 落后13. high-flyers 成功人士14. pass with flying colours 高分通过、顺利通过、胜利15. the cream of the crop 顶尖人才16. sb. put the thinking caps on 进入思考状态17. teach (someone) a lesson 给某人一个教训18. cohort 朋友、有共同点的一群人、同伴19. flunk 失败、不及格20. be closely-watched 受到密切关注21. sparse 稀疏的22. torrential rain 强降雨23. take out ins

3、urance 取得贷款、保险24. no worse than=as good as 和一样好not worse than 不比差,但不一定好no+比较级+than 结构表示该adj. or adv.的相反含义,“与一样不”eg.no better than=as bad as no wise than=as stupid as25. concil tax 家庭税,类似中国的物业类26. top up 充值、加满 top-up 附加的27. top-up-scheme 差额补贴方案28. as then 如同当年、同当时一样29. be averse to 不情愿、不乐意30. would m

4、ake more sense 会更有意义一些31. Lackluster 无光泽、暗淡的、平凡的,可做名词和形容词Eg.though their overall lackluster record suggest this is not the case.不过从总的来看,根据他们拖拖拉拉的表现,这是不可能的。32. Make a stab at sth. 尝试做33. Mitigation 缓和、平静34. Fall short of差得远35. Phase out 废除36. Dilatory 拖拉的、缓慢的、不积极的37. The troubling fact is that不容乐观的是3

5、8. Women tend to be considered on the basis of their performance while men are often promoted for their potential.39. Make more than three times40. Be enamored by 迷恋、热爱41. Hyperactive 极度活跃的42. Martial art film 武术电影43. Momentum against tipping has been building for a while in the US.44. Nail a job in

6、terview 搞掂面试45. From your brain fart 大脑短路46. Swear word 脏话、骂人的话47. Loose career plan 宽松的职业规划48. Do sb. a huge favour 帮某人一个大忙49. Sb. be hyper-focused on sth.高度关注50. On the tip of ones tongue 话在嘴边、快说出口Eg.it is common to have words on the tip of your tongue,words that you cant quite recall.51. Pull off

7、 an in-depth/insightful report onPull off 做成(某件难事)、脱掉、拉开Insightful 有深度的52. Come under fire 受到批评、受到攻击53. Have sparked much soul searching in在方面引起深刻的自我反省、自我沉思54. Die-hard fans 铁杆粉丝55. Family panning policy 计划生育政策56. Inbound tourism 入境旅游57. Face with tears of joy 喜极而泣58. was just around the corner 即将来临

8、59. Sb.s palms were sweaty and her heart was pounding 怦怦跳、猛击60. Make a strong case that为辩护61. Make sense 有道理、言之有理62. Admittedly, 公认地,无可否认地63. Cover the issue 报道事件64. Instant noodles 方便面65. Probation period 试用期66. Far be it from me to我不想、我决不会、我绝不敢(批评、打断)Eg. Far be it from me to beg his mercy.我绝不会乞求他的

9、怜悯。Well,far be it from me to question the teachings of childhood.我没资格评论你小时候受的教育。67. nominal/in name only 名义上的、有名无实的68. be pitched at 被定位在69. discretion 谨慎、判断力、考虑周到at the discretion of 听任处置、由自行决断70. sit the test 参加考试71. dread 惧怕、恐惧 wrath 愤怒、激怒eerie 可怕的、怪异的listless 倦怠的、无精打采的sultry 闷热的、酷热的72. has come

10、into its own春天到来,的时代,获得成功73. every other day 隔天一次74. every three days/ tids/three days at a time 三天一次75. Pirated goods 盗版商品76. Counterfeit goods 假冒商品77. Patent-infringing products专利侵权产品78. Law enforcement 法律实施79. Internet service providers/operator of these sites/platform providers互联网服务提供商80. Be lia

11、ble for patent violation 负违反专利权的责任81. Infringe on sbs right 侵犯某人的权利82. Be rampant 猖獗的、泛滥的83. Technical know-how 技术技巧、诀窍84. Block/remove/stop/deter/hold back/prevent 阻止 85. Be reluctant to do 不愿意做86. Give financial assistance 给予金钱帮助 87. Take full/complete responsibilityIn full charge 负全责88. Shift the

12、 responsibility of XX onto the shoulders of sb. /Shift the blame to other shoulders推卸责任给别人89. Nothing to do with. 与.无关90. Thousands of 成千上万91. Verification code验证码 text/image verification code 文字/图片验证码 type in a verification code 输入验证码92. take a selfie 自拍照93. Real intention/original idea 本意94. Meet

13、the legal requirements/comply with the law/conform to the law and regulations 符合法律规定95. Clear away/eliminate/get rid of 清除96. Helplessness 无能为力、无可奈何状态97. Raise (a number of) eyebrow引起愤慨,引起惊奇和非难,使人们震惊98. Voluntary/willing/freewill/unbidden自愿的compulsive/compelling/forcible强制99. Have a moral responsibi

14、lity有道德责任100. Pull out smartphone 拿出手机101. Check social media accounts102. Kill time 消磨时间103. Gain momentum势头增长104. With Chinas smartphone users expected to exceed 500 million this year,studying on the go has become a trend among young people.Especially when you are on the go.尤其是当你忙个不停的时候。On the go

15、忙个不停、四处奔走/在进行中105. Fragmented time零碎的时间106. Be versatile 多才多艺的107. Quickly Process information in English 更快地处理英文信息108. On ones commute在往返途中109. Attribute the problem to /put sth. down to/ascribe归因于110. People can pair up to practice English whenever they want.配对,成为搭档111. When it comes to.当提到,就.而论Eg. When it comes to building up your listening skills in English,immersion is the key.112. test-taking skill应试技巧113. Show its potential to do sth.展现潜能114. .is


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