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1、陕旅版三年级下册英语第四单元测试题一、 看图,补全单词。(8分) s c s c p sw ter sh s Tr sers dre sk t c t二、翻译下列短语。(16分)1、Colins coat 2、Thank you very much! 3、Youre welcome! 4、whose shoes 5、two sweaters 6、nice shoes 7、Alices skirt 8、How beautiful A. B.A. B. A. B.A. B.( )1、This is a cap( )2、Is that your skirt?Yes,it is.( )3、That a

2、re shoes and socks.( )4、The two sweater are nice.三、读一读,选出正确的图片。(12分) 四、选择正确的单词填空。(10分)1、A:Whose socks (is are)these? B:They (is are)my socks.2、A: (Is are)it Li Shans skirt? B:No,it (is are)Liu Meis.3、A:Who (is are am)he? B:He (is are am)my teacher.4、A:What (am is are)this? B:It (am is are)a sweater.

3、5、A: (Is Am Are)you Alice? B.:Yes,I (Is Am Are).五、从B栏中找出A栏的答语,将序号填在括号内。(15分) A栏 B栏( )1、Whos this? A.Its Li Shans skirt.( )2、Whose skirt is it? B.They are Kittys socks.( )3、Whose socks are these? C.This is my mother.( )4、Whats this? D.This is a pen.( )5、Is this your sweater? E.No,it isnt.六、看图完成句子。(12

4、分) 1、A:Whose is this? 2、A:Whose are these?Jacks B:Its . Colins B:They are .3、 A:Are they Kevins shoes? B:No, .七、选择合适的词填空。(每个单词只用一次)(12分)My His Her your1、Is this bike?Yes,it is. 2、 bike is yellow.3、My mother has a bag . bag is red. 4、My father has a dog . dog is black.八、看图,选句子补全对话。(12分)A:Is this your sweater?B:No, 1 A:And, 2 ? B:Oh, 3 .A:Here 4 A :Thank you.B:Its colins sweater.C:you areD:whose coat is thisE:its my coatB: 5



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