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1、译林版五年级英语上册Unit 8单元综合测试一、判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的用“”表示,不相同的用“”表示。( ) l. where who ( ) 2. week three( ) 3. milk this ( ) 4. foot school( ) 5. come one ( ) 6. lesson ten( ) 7. first birthday( ) 8. her worker( ) 9. near year( ) 10. third there二、英汉互译。1. 给他写封信 _2. on Christmas Day _3. 去购物 _ 4. have a lot of f

2、un _5. 吃一顿大餐 _6. write your name _7. 等待礼物 _8. open presents _9. 为聚会买东西 _ 10. Father Christmas _三、单项选择。( ) 1. -Who is the man near the car?-He is _.A. Mr. green B. Miss Green C. Mr. Green( ) 2. What do you often do _ Christmas?A. at B. on C. in( ) 3. Welcome back _ school.A. to B. in C. with( ) 4. Wh

3、ose shorts _?A. is it B. are they C. it is( ) 5. _ are the stockings?A. How much B. How many C. How is( ) 6. Would you like _ milk?A. some B. any C. many( ) 7. Look at these flowers. Can you draw _?A. it B. they C. them( ) 8. You _ happy.A. look B. look at C. see( ) 9. My grandmother likes _ pies fo

4、r us.A. makes B. to make C. making( ) 10. Hello! May I _ Helen?A. speak B. speak to C. speak at四、从右栏中选出相对应的答句。(1) Welcome to my school. A. Heres a coat for you.(2) Is she your teacher? B. He is a policeman.(3) Do you like fishing? C. Thank you.(4) Its very cold. D. No, she isnt.(5) What does he do?

5、E. Yes, I do.五、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. 我们为家人买礼物。We _ presents for our _.2. 他们也有一棵圣诞树。They _ have a Christmas _ .3. 有时候我们去看圣诞老人。Sometimes we _ to _ Father Christmas.4. 孩子们把一些漂亮的东西放在圣诞树上。The _ put some pretty things _ the Christmas tree.5. 能见到圣诞老人真的很好玩。It is _ _ to see Father Christmas.六、按要求完成句子。1. My brother i

6、s twenty years old.(对画线部分提问)_ _ is your brother?2. I like horses.(对画线部分提问)_ do you _?3. He sits on a football.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ on a football?4. The cake is blue and yellow.(对画线部分提问)_ _ is the cake?5. there, any, in, are, park, the, swings (?)(连词成句)_七、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“”,错误的写“”。 My name is Nancy. This is

7、 my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mothers room. There are three pictures on the wall (墙). There is a desk near the window. There are two chairs behind the desk. In front of the room, there is a table. Beside the table, its my room. There are four pictures on the wall

8、.( ) 1. This is Nancys house.( ) 2. There are four rooms in the house.( ) 3. There are three pictures in Nancys room.( ) 4. There are two chairs and a desk in father and mothers room.( ) 5. There arent any pictures in her parents room.八、阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容选择正确的答案。 Tina is a little girl. She is only five

9、 years old. She is not at school, She doesnt know how to read or write. But her sister Helen is a schoolgirl. She is ten. She knows how to read and write. One day, Helen sees her little sister in the room. She is at the table. There is a pencil in her hand. She is writing. “What do you write?” Helen

10、 asks. “I write to my friend, Rose.” “But how can you? You dont know how to write.” says her sister. “Well,” says Tina, “It doesnt matter. Rose doesnt know how to read, either.” ( ) 1. Is Tina a schoolgirl?A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. Yes, she does.( ) 2. Who can read and write?A. Tina. B. Ro

11、se. C. Helen.( ) 3. Whats in Tinas hand?A. Theres a pen. B. Theres a pencil. C. Theres a box.( ) 4. What does Tina do?A. She draws. B. She writes to her friend. C. She sings.( ) 5. Can Rose read and write?A. No, she cant. B. Yes, she can. C. No, she doesnt.参考答案一、1-5 6-10 二、1. write him a letter 2. 在

12、圣诞节 3. go shopping 4. 玩得很开心 5. have a big dinner 6. 写下你的名字 7. wait for presents 8. 打开礼物 9. buy things for the party 10. 圣诞老人三、1-5 CAABA 6-10 ACACB四、(1)-(5) CDEAB五、 1. buy; family 2. also; tree 3. go; see 4. children; on 5. great fun六、1. How old 2. What like 3. Does sit 4. What colour 5. Are there any swings in the park?七、1-5 八、1-5 BCBBA



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