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1、喜欢 一般 不喜欢“碧芝”最吸引人的是那些小巧的珠子、亮片等,都是平日里不常见的。据店长梁小姐介绍,店内的饰珠有威尼斯印第安的玻璃珠、秘鲁的陶珠、奥地利的施华洛世奇水晶、法国的仿金片、日本的梦幻珠等,五彩缤纷,流光异彩。按照饰珠的质地可分为玻璃、骨质、角质、陶制、水晶、仿金、木制等种类,其造型更是千姿百态:珠型、圆柱型、动物造型、多边形、图腾形象等,美不胜收。全部都是进口的,从几毛钱一个到几十元一个的珠子,做一个成品饰物大约需要几十元,当然,还要决定于你的心意 尽管售价不菲,却仍没挡住喜欢它的人。图1-2 大学生购买手工艺品可接受价位分布10、如果学校开设一家DIY手工艺制品店,你希望根据调查

2、资料分析:大学生的消费购买能力还是有限的,为此DIY手工艺品的消费不能高,这才有广阔的市场。精明的商家不失时机地打出“自己的饰品自己做”、“DIY(Do It Yourself)饰品、真我个性”的广告,推出“自制饰品”服务,吸引了不少喜欢标新立异、走在潮流前端的年轻女孩,成为上海的时尚消费市场。其市场现状特点具体表现为:十几年的学校教育让我们大学生掌握了足够的科学文化知识,深韵的文化底子为我们创业奠定了一定的基础。特别是在大学期间,我们学到的不单单是书本知识,假期的打工经验也帮了大忙。400-500元1326%10元以下 1050元 50100元 100元以上青少版新概念2B期末测试卷Name

3、_ Mark_一找出划线部分发音不同的选项。(5) 1.A.family B. dad C .late 2.A.big B. wild C. which 3.A.phone B. dog C. box 4. A. up B. cup C. put 5. A. country B. about C. young 二. 写出所给单词的正确形式。(10)1.go _ _(过去式) 2. fat_ (比较级)3. do _ _(三单) 4.tomato_ (复数形式) 5. foot_ _(复数形式) 6.amis _ (过去式) 7.photo_ (复数形式) 8.good_(副词)9.buy _

4、(过去式) 10. many_ (比较级)三英汉互译(10)。1.看一看 2.与一样 3.pay for you 4 .go over to 5.其余的 6.片刻,瞬间 7.go with 8.the next few 9.结束 10.多远 四 单项选择(30分)( )1 -_ broke into the house last week? - A burglar. A Whose B What C Who( )2-Is your father going to play basketball with you ? -No, he _. A isnt B doesnt C didnt( )3-

5、Why do you buy that umbrella? -_its color. I like it very much.A. Because of B. Because for C. Because( )4.He was 15 seconds _ than his nearest rival.A.fastB. as fastC. fasterD.fastest( )5. _ is the building? A How long B How wide C How tall D How deep( )6. _ picture dose Mike prefer ?A Who B. Which

6、 C. When( )7 Can you_ between them?Yes, its very easy.A. say the difference B. speak the difference C. tell the difference( )8. Does your sister play tennis_?Yes, but you play _ than her.A. well;better B. good; better C. well; the better( )9 Were going to leave home _ about 5:30.A. at B. for C. on D

7、. past( )10. There _a football match tomorrow morning. A was B is C will be D are( ) 11. It isnt _ the linen one.A. so expensive B. as expensive C. expensive as D. as expensive as( ) 12. Its suckers are as big as _ leg.A. man B. a men C. mens D. a mans( ) 13. Shes the _ girl in the school.A. clever

8、B. cleverer C. cleverest D. clever indeed( ) 14. I always come bottom _ Sports.A. for B. in C. to D. on( )15. That night, a.squirrel broke _the “squirrel-proof” bird feeder.A. in B. off C. into D. to要细心哦!五 句型转换。(10分)1.They were in my hand. (改为否定句) _ 2 I will have the picture.(一般疑问句)_ 3 There are for

9、ty students in our class ( 对划线部分提问) 4 She will pick Jack up tomorrow night.(对划线部分提问) 5 Did Mary take the umbrella home? (否定回答) 六 改错 (5)1which one do you like ? .The one at the left. _ . 2Is Kate a good student in your class? Yes,but she isnt the goodest. _ .3Michael is a good student, isnt he?Yes, h

10、e comes first for everything. _ .4Did Darcy compete in the Olympic Games?Yes, he breaked his personal record. _ .5Do you like the long jump?Yes, I jump farer than the others in my class. _ .七问答搭配(10分)( )1. What are you doing now? ( )2. When did he go yesterday?( )3. What does he often do on Saturday

11、s?( )4. When do you often swim?( )5. Will you cook dinner tonight?A. I often swim at the weekend.B. He often works on Saturdays.C. Yes, I will. Mummy will like it.D. He went to the bookshop.E. I am picking some apples.八阅读(20分)(1)读短文,选择合适的答案Visit ShanghaiToday, Im going to show Mr. Li around Shanghai. This is one of the biggest and busiest cities in China. I live and work here. I know Shanghai very well, but Mr. L I does


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