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1、 工作生活英语情景对话英语情景对话作为真实生活的交际模式,作为语言输出的源头,作为语言练习的最佳途径,作为语言教授的媒介,它对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。下面 为大家带来生活英语情景对话,欢迎大家学习!工作生活英语情景对话1Hi, Col, what can I do for you?If you have a few minutes, I would like to talk to you about the future of this company.Sure, have a seat.Thanks.Let me just grab your file. How

2、long have you worked for us just now?Ive worked here as a sales representative for about a year now.1 year already, its amazing how time flies like that. Are you enjoying your job?Yes, but Id like to have a chance of job advance.I see. What job did you have in mind?Well, Ive noticed that there is a

3、position available as a sales manager.Do you understand what duties that job would in tell ?Yes, Ill be directly responsible for all the sales representatives in my department. I assume there be more meetings, paper working and other responsibilies too.Thats right. Do you have any experience in mana

4、gement?Yes, in fact if you look at my resume you can see that I was a manager before I started this job.Well, I think youd be the perfect candidate for the position. According to company policy, you still have to go through the formal application procedures, so fill this application form in and Ill

5、call you for an interview next week.Ok, thanks for your support.工作生活英语情景对话2Are you ready for the meeting?Yes, come on in. How is your new job going?Its challenging, but Im enjoying it quite a bit.Thats great. I knew you do a good job as a manager.Thanks a lot.How is your assistant manager getting on

6、?Well, thats part of the problem. His probation period is off tomorrow, but I dont think he is ready to pass.What seems to be the problem?Well, he was supposed to be able to learn his job in 30 days, but he just doesnt seem to know what he is doing.If you give him another 30 days, do you think he co

7、uld figure out by then?To be honest, he has no authority. He is a hard worker but no one listens to him.I see, not everyone is cut out to work in management.I know, it would be great if we could transfer him to a department where he doesnt have to work with people.There is an opening in the creative

8、 design department it involves working with computers.Thats perfect, Ill let him know tomorrow. Thanks.工作生活英语情景对话3W:How is your day?M:Lets start with you. How was yours?W:It was really busy. I had to work straight through my lunch break.W:Did you get a leave earlier then?W:My boss told me that I cou

9、ld either go home earlier or take a long lunch break another day, so I decided to wait and take a long lunch break another time.M:It was nice your boss give you option. My boss would never do thatW:Lets get back to you. How was your day?M:That was horrible. It was just one thing after another.W:Ah,

10、you look pretty upset. Are you ok?M:Im fine.but I have a bad newsW:Whats that?M:I got sick today.W:you are kidding! How did that happen?M:Well, I was late to work today, It was the third time I was late this week.W:How late were you?M:Only about 5 minutesW:You got fired for being a few minutes late?

11、M:My boss is really picky about that. He never arrives late. He usually works overtime, and always gets his work done on time.M:Oh,well. you never really liked your boss anyway, did you?工作生活英语情景对话4M:Whats up? Are you in the middle of something?W:Yeah, Im just working on how much money at the end of

12、this monthM:Doesnt your company work that for you?W:I dont work for a company any more. After I got fired last month, I decided to become self-employed.M:Really? Thats exciting! How do you like it so far?W:Well, I can wake up whenever I want, and I dont have to ask anyones permission to take a break

13、.M:That sounds good. Working a nine-to- five job can feel rather limited. Are you working long hours?W:Actually Im working more hours now than I did before. But I dont mind this much because I am the one making the decisions.M:How is the pay?W:Id rather not say. Its a kind of personal thing.M:Can yo

14、u just give me a ball-park figure?W:Id really rather not. I ve never asked how much you made, have I?M:No, the reason that Im asking is because if the money is good doing what you are doing. Then, I d like to quit my nine-to-five work and work with you.W:That would be nice, but I think youd better stick with your day job.M:So the money isnt that good then.W:Lets just say that working for yourself isnt all that is correct to be.工作生活英语情景对话6


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