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1、面试中的考题,问题结构,你是谁? 学过什么? 做过什么? 在什么地方做什么? 想做什么? 能做什么? 会做什么? 怎么做?,招聘中的“经典七问” 以往工作中您的职责是什么?如果描述不清,可见即使有相关工作经验,其系统性全面性也值得怀疑。 请讲一下您以往的工作经历。考察应聘者的语言组织及表达能力,以及描述的条理化。 您以往的工作经历中最得意最成功的一件事是什么?您的长处是什么?从应聘者的回答中,可了解他是注重个人成功还是注重团队协作。 您感觉还有哪方面的知识、技能或能力需要提升?“提升”一词比较委婉,一方面考察其态度是否坦诚,另一方面,也为日后的员工培训增强针对性。 对于新的工作岗位您有什么设想

2、?如何开展工作?这涉及到员工的职业生涯设计,更有关员工工作的稳定性。 您离职的原因是什么?这是必须要问的问题,涉及员工和组织的融合性。 您对薪金待遇和福利有什么要求?这个问题的重要性更是不必多言。,Killer Questions,6 Fundamental Questions Why should we hire you? (Strengths) Who are you? (Personality) What are your goals? Why our company? (Research) Salary expectations? Do you have any questions f

3、or me?,Ten Key Interview Questions,1. Tell me about yourself. Tell a little about your background and then focus on your skills, experience and training. You can ask a question to clarify what it is that the interviewer would like to know.,Interview Questions (cont.),2. Why should I hire you? Respon

4、d with how you can be a benefit to the organization. 3. What are your major strengths? Emphasize your skills Present proof of those skills,Interview Questions (cont.),4. What are your major weaknesses? Give an honest non-damaging response. Talk about a weakness not related to the job. Use a weakness

5、 that could also be perceived as a positive.,Interview Questions (cont.),5. What sort of pay do you expect to receive? Never talk money until youve been offered the job. Maneuver the interviewer into naming a starting point. Leave the door open for negotiations.,Interview Questions (cont.),6. How do

6、es your previous experience relate to the jobs we have here? Lead with your strengths Emphasize your skills 7. What are your plans for the future? Assure the employer that you want to stay with and do well for their organization.,Interview Questions (cont.),8. What would your former employers say ab

7、out you? This is the time to emphasize your adaptive self-management skills.,Interview Questions (cont.),9. Why are you looking at this position and why here? Learn as much as you can about the organization in advance.,Interview Questions (cont.),10. Tell me about your personal situation. This quest

8、ion is really digging for information that might indicate that you are unstable or not dependable. The interviewer usually asks this question in casual conversation. Always be positive and avoid any reference to a problem area.,财务人员面试专用问题,(1)请先做自我介绍。,答:这个问题可难可易,时间可长可短;一般在面试者还没有准备好问其他问题时,可用这个问题抵挡一阵。

9、没有标准答案,可以按以下顺序问答:毕业院校、专业学习情况、获奖情况学校任职情况分配情况工作经历工作内容现在情况(工作和学习)。 与简历对照,打乱顺序提问,(2)关于原来的工作单位,1、你原来工作单位规模怎样? 2、财务部有多少人? 3、财务部都有哪些岗位?,(3)关于专业知识,1、对于控制、管理、帐务核算、领导、计划,你更擅长哪一方面? 2、如何制定你的工作流程或管理制度? 3、如何保证你的流程/制度得到有效实施? 4、WHAT IS ACCOUNTING CYCLE? QUALITY COST?COST ELEMENT?CAPITAL COST?ROI?LIQUIED RATIO?DIFFI

10、RENCE TAX LAW VS GAAP? 5、你使用过哪些财务软件?熟悉哪些模块?熟练程度如何?,四、关于原来的工作内容,1、你工作这段时间最大的收获是什么? 2、你负责哪些工作? 3、有没有一些东西能劝说老板按你的意思去做? 4、你如何做好你的工作? 5、工作中遇到的最大难题是什么?如何解决?,五、关于行业问题,1、你对物流了解吗? 2、说说工业企业和商业企业有什么区别? 3、物流企业更侧重哪一方面?,六、个人问题,1、你在学校期间最大的收获是什么? 2、你最大的优点是什么? 3、你最大的缺点是什么? 4、你为何离开原来的单位? 5、请谈谈你对加班的看法,七、其他,1、你对公司还有什么需

11、要了解? 2、这份工作会不会影响你现在的学业/考试? 其实面试者想了解,应聘者目前的学习和考试会不会影响到公司的工作。,Interviewee questions,Why is this job open? How large is the department? Whom would I report to? Where did the last person in this job go and why? What are the immediate goals for this position? What are the longer goals for this position?

12、How long do people usually stay in this position?,Interviewee questions,How closely would I be supervised What equipment would I use? What type of training is available? What are the most difficult/frustrating part of the job? How are they best handled? How are people promoted from this job? Where d

13、o they go? What changes do you foresee in the department? in the company?,Interviewee questions,What staff changes do you foresee in the future? What kind of person does well here? What is the most important skill I would need to work here? What do you value most in an employee? How do you handle employee problems?,不该问的问题,1,政治问题 2,宗教问题 3,个人隐私 4,前工作单位的商业秘密 5,有歧视倾向的问题 6,自己没把握的问题 7,Close Question,



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