Unit 1 Section A (1a-2d)精品PPT课件

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1、Section A (1a-2d),Unit 1 How can we become good learners?,Key words 谈话 aloud adv. 大声地;出声地 pronunciation n. 发音;读音 sentence n.句子 patient adj.有耐心的 n.病人,Words and expressions,Read and Learn,A: Do you like English? B: A: How is your English study? B: Its. A: How do you learn English? B: I learn English b

2、y,Free Talk,Lead in,by working with friends,Presentation,by making word cards,by reading the textbook,by listening to tapes,by asking the teacher for help,She was very happy.,by studying with a group,by going to English corner,by watching English movies,What are the other ways you sometimes use?,I s

3、tudy English by reading English newspapers. by singing English songs. by reading English stories. by,常常表示手段、方式或方法,可以用来回答how引导的特殊疑问句。 - How do you learn English? - I learn English by watching English movies.,by + v.-ing,Check ( ) the ways you study for an English test. Then add other ways you sometim

4、es study.,_a. by working with friends _b. by making word cards _c. by reading the textbook _d. by listening to tapes _e. by asking the teacher for help _ _,1a,1b,Listen. How do these students study for a test? Write letters from 1a above.,_ 1. Meiping,_ 2. Peter,_ 3. Tony,b,e,d,I study by making wor

5、d cards.,1c,A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by working with a group.,Pair-work,Listen and check ( ) the questions you hear.,2a,Questions 1. _ Does anyone learn English by watching videos? 2. _ Do you have conversations with friends in English? 3. _ What about listening to tapes? 4. _ What

6、 about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5. _Have you ever studied with a group?,Listen again. Match each question above with an answer below.,a. Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. b. Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills. c. I do that sometimes. I think it helps. d. No. Its too hard

7、to understand spoken English.,1. _ Do you learn English by watching videos? 2. _ Do you have conversations with friend in English? 3. _ What about listening to tapes? 4. _ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5. _ Have you ever studied with a group?,d,b,c,a,2b,2c,Make conversations us

8、ing the information in 2a and 2b.,A: Have you ever studied with a group? B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.,2d,Role-play conversation.,Jack: Annie, Im a little nervous. I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday. Annie: That doesnt sound too bad. Jack: But Im a very slow

9、reader. Annie: Just read quickly to get the main ideas. Dont read word by word, read word groups. Jack: But I dont understand many of the words. I have to use a dictionary.,Annie: Try to guess a words meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. You probably understand more than you think.

10、Jack: That sounds difficult! Annie: Well, be patient. It takes time. You can become better by reading something you enjoy every day. The more you read, the faster youll be.,Language points,1. how引导特殊疑问句,how 用来询问做事的方式或手段,意为 “怎样、如何”。,-How do you study for a test? -I study by working with friends,how 用

11、在问候语中。 e.g. How do you do? 你好! 这是初次见面时的问候语, 答语也用How do you do? how用来询问身体健康状况, 意为“怎么样”。 e.g.- How is your mother? - She is very well.,2. by 的用法 by 介词, 表示“通过方法或途径”, 译成“靠, 通过”, 后面可加名词、名词短语或动名词。可用来回答how引导的特殊疑问句。 1) -How do you study English? -你怎样学习英语? -I study by watching English movies. -我通过看英文电影学英语。,2

12、) travel by air / land / sea 航空(陆路,航海)旅行 3) go by train / boat / bus 乘火车(船,公共汽车) 4) shake sb. by the hand 和某人握手 5) The house was destroyed by fire. 房屋被火烧毁了。,另外, by作为介词的意义有很多, 例如: 1)在.旁边,靠近 There is a power station by the river. 河边有一个电厂。 2)沿着,经由 to enter by the door 由门进去 3)由于 by mistake 由于差错;错误地,4)被,

13、由 some articles written by Lu Xun 一些由鲁迅写的文章 5)表示相(乘)除(以计算面积) a room 5 m by 4 m 一间长五米宽四米的房间 6)逐一;连续 one by one 一个接一个,have studied 是现在完成时,在此表示从过去到现在为止,你有没有和小组一起学习过?,3. Have you ever studied with a group?,你曾经和小组一起学习过吗?,Review,现在完成时 (Present Perfect),定义:表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或产生的结果;或这一动作开始于过去,持续到现在,并有可能继续持

14、续下去。,1. 肯定句:have (has)过去分词 注意:该句式中的have或has是助动词, has用于第三人称单数,其它人称一律用 have。,现在完成时的构成:,2. 否定句:havent(hasnt)过去分词,3. 疑问句: Have/Has 主语过去分词? 肯定回答:Yes, have (has). 否定回答:No, havent (hasnt). 连用时间状语:already, yet, ever, never, just, before, several times 等。 e.g. -Have you ever been to Beijing? - Yes, I have. /

15、 No, I havent.,注意:当have被用在现在完成时态中时,它可以和前面的人称代词一起组成缩写形式。 e.g. Ive been to New York once before. 我曾经到过纽约。 Ive just lost my pencil-box. 我刚丢了我的铅笔盒。,1. never 从来没有,从不,表示否定 He has never seen such a tall building. 他从未见过这么高的楼。 2. ever 曾经,主要用于疑问句 Have you ever wanted to travel around the world? 你曾经想要周游世界吗?,现在完成时-与 ever, never 连用,注意:never, ever一般置于助动词have/has之后,过去分词之前。,现在完成时与一般过去时都和过去发生的事情有关,但是现在完成时强调这一动作与现在的关系,如对现在产生的结果、影响等,而一般过去时只表示过去的事实,不表示和现在的关系。,现在完成时与一般过去时,e.g. I have just been to London. I went there last month. 我刚去过伦敦,是上个月去的。 I


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