银行英语情景口语 代理证券

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《银行英语情景口语 代理证券》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《银行英语情景口语 代理证券(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、银行英语情景口语 代理证券 在银行工作中遇到国外的客户要办理代理证券业务 我们该如何沟通呢?以下是给大家的关于代理证券业务银行英语情景口语,希望可以帮到大家 Dialogue 1 对话一 A: Hello, Mr Brown. Vm glad you came in today; weve just opened a new service that you might be interested in. Its called Bank Securities Link. 您好,Brown先生。很高兴您今天到这里来,我们刚刚开办了一项新的服务,您可能会感兴趣。它叫做银证通。 B: And wha

2、t does that entail? 那么它是怎么一回事呢? A: Its actually a Deposit Aount that links to your Margin Aount, the one you have with the Securities Company. You can transfer the money you have in your aount into your Fund Aount. 这实际上是一个存款账户,与您在证券公司开的保证金账户相连。您可以把您账户中的钱转到您的资金账户上。 B: How can I do that? 我怎么转呢? A: You

3、 can use your Deposit Book or your Credit Card. And of course, you can use our e-banking. 您可以使用存折或 _。当然啦,您可以使用我们的电子银行。 Dialogue 2 对话二 A: Good afternoon, how can I help? 下午好,我如何为您效劳? B: Hi there. Id like to draw some cash from my Fund Aount at the Securities Company. Could I check my balance before I

4、 withdraw anything? 你好。我想从我在证券公司开的资金账户中取一些现金。在取钱之前,我可以查看一下我的账户余额吗? A: Of course. Your balance is 92,320 RMB in your Securities Aount. How much would you like to withdraw? 当然可以。您的证券账户的余额是92320元。您要取多少钱? B: Id like 20,000 RMB, please. If thats possible. 如果可能的话。我要取20000元,谱谢。 A: No problem. Please fill i

5、n this transfer form that will authorise us to send the amount from the Securities Company to your aount. 没问题。请您填写这张汇款单,这将授权我们从您的证券公司账户中转账到您的账户里。 Dialogue 3 对话三 A: Hello. Are you here to withdraw some money from your aount at the Securities Company? Ill need to see your Passbook for that aount. 您好。您

6、是来这儿从您在证券公司的账户取钱的吧?我需要看一下您这个账户的存折。 B: Right, here it is. 行,给你。 A: Thanks. OK . your balance is 320,214 RMB. How much do you require today? 谢谢。好的您的余額是320214元。您今天要取多少钱? B: Ill take 4,500 RMB, please. 我要取4500元,谢谢。 A: Please fill in this transfer form and enter your password, here. Then the transaction

7、should be pleted. 请填写这张转账单并在这里输入您的密码。然后交易就能完成了。 B: OK . there we go. Thanks very much. 好吧给你。非常感谢。 Dialogue 4 对话四 A: Good morning. Madam. How can I help? 早上好,女士。我能如何为您效劳? B: Id like to take some money from my Fund Aount at the Securities Company. Is that possible here? 我想从我的证券公司的资金账户中取一些钱。可以吗? A: Cer

8、tainly. We can transfer the money straight into your bank aount here and then you can withdraw it right away. Could I have your Passbook for Bank-Securities Aount Transfer? 当然可以。我们可以把钱直接转入您在本行的银行账户,然后就可以直接取款了。您能把您的银证转账存折给我吗? B:Here it is. Could I make a balance enquiry, please? 在这里。我能查询一下余额吗? A: You

9、r balance today is 120,376 RMB. 您今天的余额是120376元。 B: Fine, Ill take 10,000 RMB, please. 好的,我要取10000元,谢谢。 A: OK. Please fill in this form and input you code here . and again, please. Ill just check and see if the money has been transferred. Yes, transaction suessful. 好的。请填写这张表格,并在这里输入您的密码请再输一次。我 要检查一下,看看钱是否已到账了。是的,交易成功了。 B: Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。 模板,内容仅供参考



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