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1、正式和非正式書信的格式(附範例)englishwizard | 12th Jun 2009 | 會考英語 Paper 1B (Writing), 職業英語(1 ) | (6331 Reads) Layout of a letter - How to set out a formal and an informal letter?(英文信件的格式 正式和非正式信件的格式應如何設計)Formal letter / Business letter Informal letter / Friendly letterSenders address(發信人地址)Required (需要) Optional

2、 (寫或不寫均可 )Date(日期) Required (需要) Required (需要)Inside address (Receivers address)Required (需要) Not required (不需要)Attention line(收件人或經辦人)For the attention of the Marketing Manager或 Attention: Marketing ManagerNot required (不需要)Salutation (稱呼) Dear Sirs/Dear Sir/Dear Madam 或 Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Chan或以職位稱

3、之:Dear Vice-President/ Dear Mr Chairman/ Dear Madam SecretaryDear Jolin 或 Hi JolinBody of the letter(信件正文)例如這樣開始:()We are writing to you on behalf of to complain about .或(2)I refer to your advertisement for the position of marketing officer in the Apple Daily of 4 June 2009.例如這樣開始:Hi, how are you do

4、ing?Close(收場白) 例如是:(1)I look forward to hearing from you soon. (2)I hope to hear from you soon / by next Friday so that we can .(3)As. could you please confirm that you agree to.Complimentary close(信尾敬辭) + Signature (簽署)(1) Yours faithfully (for Dear Sirs/Dear Sir/Dear Madam) (2) Your sincerely (for

5、 Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. ABC)(1) Lots of love(2) Best wishes(3) Take care(4) See you / See you later(5) All the best(6) Regards / With best regards(註:Regards / With best regards / With our very best regards 也可用於正式函件)以下是小說 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 第 56-7 頁的一封 friendly letter。Dumbledore 寫信給 Ha

6、rry,說:(1)他周五會到 Privet Drive 找 Harry;(2)然後與 Harry 一起到 The Burrow;(3)在一起到 The Burrow 途中會請 Harry 幫助一件事,容後細說;(4)Kindly send your answer by return of this owl. Dear Harry, If it is convenient to you, I shall call at number four, Privet Drive this coming Friday at eleven p.m. to escort you to The Burrow,

7、where you have been invited to spend the remainder of your school holidays. If you are agreeable, I should also be glad of your assistance in a matter to which I hope to attend on the way to The Burrow. I shall explain this more fully when I see you. Kindly send you answer by return of this owl. I a

8、m, yours most sincerely,Albus Dumbledore以下是正式信件的格式: 正式信件格式(一):Letterhead of ABC Co.Date: 3 May 2010 (日期放在左邊亦可)The ManagerThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking CorporationHSBC Main Building1 Queens Road Central 還有另一格式,在上列的 inside address 不寫 The Manager 或任何其他職位或姓名,只寫公司名稱和地址,然後隔一行寫 Attn: Mr. ABC。 請參閱下文套黃色的

9、格式二。Our reference: (填上發信方的文件檔案號碼,如有。)Dear Mr. Lee,Application for Documentary Credit Application for Documentary Credit 是標題,可以選擇寫或不寫,標題亦可寫作 Re: Application for Documentary CreditPlease open an irrevocable documentary credit (跟單信用證) for HK$1,000,000 in favour of Company DEF. I have enclosed an applic

10、ation form with all the relevant details completed. Please inform me when you have made arrangements with your agent in China. If you have any question, please feel free to let me know. Thank you.Yours sincerely,(signed) H. ChanCompany ABC Encl (附件): Application for documentary credit cc (抄送 ): A. Lau, TreasurerC.O. Chen, Production Manager(Encl 和 cc 有需要才寫。)正式信件格式(二):Date: 3 May 2010 (日期放在左邊亦可)The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking CorporationHSBC Main Building1 Queens Road CentralAttn (收件人): Mr. LeeOur reference: (填上發信方的文件檔案號碼,如有。)Dear Mr. Lee, (其餘部分與格式一相同。 )



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