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1、 2021年湖南长沙中考英语真题试卷一、单选题(共10题,共0分)1.(2015长沙). -_ I use your dictionary? - Of course. But please return it to me before you leave. A. MustB. NeedC. May2.(2015长沙)There is _ wrong with my back and it hurts seriously. A. anythingB. somethingC. nothing3.(2015长沙) Its necessary for us _ to our parents when

2、we have problems.A. to talkB. talkingC. talk4.(2015长沙) Will you see the filmCinderellawith us tonight?- No, I _it last week.A. seeB. have seenC. saw5.(2015长沙) Rose, could you please water the flowers in the garden?Why _? You see, my brother is listening to music. A. meB. IC. mine6.(2015长沙)Jane Zhang

3、 is going to hold a concert here in July. Really? _ exciting news! A. HowB. What anC. What7.(2015长沙)I called you last night , but you didnt answer. Sorry, Grace. I_I am A Singerwhen the phone rang. A. am watchingB. was watchingC. have watched8.(2015长沙) _he had failed many times, he didnt give up and

4、 succeeded in the end. A. UnlessB. AlthoughC. If9.(2015长沙)There will be _ cars in the city because people will prefer the subway. A. fewerB. lessC. more10.(2015长沙)Could you tell me _the Dragon Boat Festival in China? Sure. People usually watch the dragon boat races and eat zongzi. A. when do people

5、celebrateB. why people celebrateC. how people celebrate二、完型填空(共1题,共0分)11.(2015长沙)词语填空通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳答案I am not a brave girl, and even a little mouse scares(惊吓) me.1Ive been crazy about bungee jumping(蹦极). One day, I found a good place for this exicing2in Thailand by surfing the

6、 Internet. I packed my bag and flew there. However, I had no idea how to get to the address listed on the3. I called them and took a taxi, but the taxi driver didnt know the way, either. He dropped me halfway.Having bought some bread, I had to wait for the car that was supposed to pick me up. Just t

7、hen a young man jumped out of a car and asked if I was Jenny. Then we4 to the bungee jumping place. I was amazed by the sights along the road through the window of the car.I quickly signed an agreement which said I I might die, and5 a harness(安全带). The guide led me through a gate, asked me to sit in

8、 a special seat and tied my6and ankles(踝) well。I was nervous but not scared. As soon as I stood up and felt my ankles7together, I got scared, I walked slowly to the edge(边) of the bridge and looked back. The workers looked at me and couldnt help laughing. At last it was time to go. So I jumped as8fo

9、rward as I could.At that moment my memory seemed to stop. I felt9 going up, like riding a fast lift, and them another drop and Finally, I stopped in the air. I spread my arms wide, laughing loudly and10. The workers pulled me up, smiling at me.(1)A. But B. Or C. So(2)A. task B. sport C. subject(3)A.

10、 magazine B. newspaper C. website(4)A. walked B. ran C. drove(5)A. put out B. put on C. put off(6)A. legs B. ears C. eyes(7)A. tied B. divided C. spread(8)A. close B. far C. short(9)A. themselves B. himself C. myself(10)A. sadly B. angrily C. proudly三、阅读理解(共6题,共0分)12.(2015长沙)English Teachers WantedD

11、ear Sir/Madam,Our school set up in 2012 is a high school. Now there is an urgent(迫切的) need for English teachers. We have posted(发布) our advertisement on our website. You can visithttp:/www.wenhuaschool. com or call Alex at 845-6789 for more information. If you are interested, please send your resume

12、(简历) to us, and we will reply as soon as possible.You should:love teachingspeak fluent (流利的) Englishbe good at computer skillshave good communication skills(1)How can you get more information about the advertisement? A.By visiting the website of Wenhua school.B.By calling Mike at 845-6789.C.By sendi

13、ng your resume to the school.(2)Which of the following is not required according to the advertisement?A.Good computer skills.B.Good communication skills.C.At least three-year teaching experience.13.(2015长沙)Missing since:June 3,2015Produce :young(2 years old), curly hair, shyLast seen:Wuyi SquarePlea

14、se contact(联系):Sarah 839-Please do not run after the dog. It may run in fear.Lost and found items(物件)will be displayed(陈列)in the school hall.On Friday , June 15, 2015During lunch 12:30-1:30Parents: If you know that your child has lost something , please remind(提醒)him or her.You are also welcome to have a look.(1)What is Poodle like?


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