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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。20XX年春季广交会邀请函广交会英文邀请函格式是怎么样的?应该怎么写?下面是整理的关于2019年春季广交会邀请函范本,欢迎阅读参考!【广交会邀请函一】至企业相关负责人:您好!20xx年秋季广交会:亚洲第一大展-中国第一大展!展出面积跃居世界第一!相信你不会错过!20xx年秋季广交会时间展览:20xx年x月1x日 x月x日20xx春季广交会展会定位:全部针对外贸、出口!国外采购商超2x万人次!出口成交额为3x3亿美元第一期 20xx年x月1x日-19日展品类别:大型机械及设备、小型机械、自行车、摩托车、汽车配件、化

2、工、五金、工具、车辆、工程机械家用电器、电子消费品、电子电气产品、计算机及通讯产品、照明产品、建筑及装饰材料、卫浴设备、进口展区第二期 20xx年x月23日-27日展品类别:餐厨用具、日用陶瓷、工艺陶瓷、家居装饰品、玻璃工艺品、家具、编织及藤铁工艺品、园林产品、铁石制品、家居用品、个人护理用具、浴室用品、钟表眼镜、玩具、礼品及赠品、节日用品、土特产品第三期 20xx年x月1日x月x日展品类别:男女装、童装、内衣、运动服及休闲服、裘革皮羽绒及制品、服装饰物与配件、家用纺织品、纺织原料面料、地毯及挂毯、食品、医药及保健品、医疗器械、耗材、敷料、体育及旅游休闲用品、办公文具、鞋、箱包、进口展联营时间


4、公司经营理念:诚信立足,以人为本!【广交会邀请函二】Dear sir/madam:Im delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in city on date.As we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic “ from time to time. There will be an additional minutes for questions.Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equ

5、ipment youll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by date, Ill have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours,nametitle【广交会邀请函三】20XX-XXth China Commodity Fa

6、irChina Import and Export FairCHINA IMPORT AND EXPORT FAIR- Asia ExhibitionShow Time: April 1x, 20XX- May 0x, 20XXExhibition Address: Pazhou Exhibition Center, Guangzhou, ChinaExhibition Location: All for foreign trade, export! Each foreign buyers over 20 million visits! !Organizer: Ministry of Comm

7、erce and Guangdong Provincial Peoples GovernmentContractors: China Foreign Trade CenterSupporting organizations: the Chamber of Commerce for provincial trade groupExhibition Background: China Import and Export Fair, also called Canton Fair, was founded in the spring of 19x7, held in Guangzhou every

8、spring and autumn, so far, more than xx years of history, is Chinas oldest and highest level, the largest most all types of goods, to the largest attendance and business turnover of the best comprehensive international trade event.The scope and timing of development levy:The first period :April 1x,

9、20XX-19thLarge Machinery & Equipment Small Machinery Appliances Bicycles Motorcycles Vehicle Spare Parts Chemical Products Hardware Tools Vehicles (Outdoor) Construction Machinery (Outdoor) Consumer Electronics Electronic and Electrical Products Computer and Communication Products Lighting Products

10、Building and Decoration Materials Sanitary and Bathroom Equipment International PavilionThe second period :April23, 20XX 27 daysKitchenware & Tableware Ceramics Art Ceramics Home Decorations Glass Artware Furniture Weaving, Rattan and Iron Arts Garden Products Stone and Iron Products (Outdoor) House

11、hold Personal Care Products Toiletries watch glasses, toys, gifts and Premiums Festival ProductsPhase III :May 1, 20XX -xthMen and women Kids Underwear Sports and Casual Wear Furs, Leather, Downs & Related Products Fashion Accessories and Fittings Home Textiles Textile Raw Materials & Fabrics Carpet

12、s & Tapestries Food Native Produce Medicines and Health Products Medical Devices, Disposables and Dressings Sports, Travel and Recreation Products Office Stationery shoe box packageExhibitors are interested please return the table below or call!NameContact TelephoneMobile FaxType the number of booth

13、sRemarksGuangzhou Jinxin Exhibition Services LtdContact: Mobile:Phone :QQ:Email: Address:【广交会邀请函四】您好:第XX届秋季广交会于xx月开幕,本公司为便于广大企业参展,缓解其展位的供求矛盾,特精心组织协调了部分展位以供选择。全部设在琶洲展馆第一期:20XX年xx月1x至19日大型机械,小型机械,自行车,摩托车,汽车配件,化工产品,五金,工具,车辆,工程机械,家用电器,电子消费品,电子电气产品,计算机及通讯产品,照明产品,建筑及装饰材料,卫浴设备,进口展区第二期:20XX年xx月23至27日餐厨用具,日用陶瓷,工艺陶瓷,家居装饰品,玻璃工艺品,家具,编织及藤铁工艺品,园林产品,土特产品,铁石制品,家居用品,个人护理用具,浴室用品,钟表眼镜,玩具,礼品及赠品,节日用品第三期:20XX年xx月31日至11月x日男女装,童装,内衣,运动服及休闲服,裘革皮羽绒及制品,服装服饰与配件,家用纺织品,纺织原料面料,地毯及挂毯,食品,医药及保健品,医疗器械、耗材、敷料,体育及旅游休闲用品,办公文具,鞋,箱包有需要展位的朋友请速来电索取详细相关图纸及价格。诚谢!有限公司联系人:XXX 先生手 机:XXXXXX电 话:XXXXXQ Q: XXXXXXE-mail: 网 址:5



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