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1、Unit 5 Theme parks,TIAN HONG SHU YE 天 宏 书 业,单元话题人际交往,根据词性和汉语提示写出下列单词 1. _ (n.)题目;主题(曲) 2. _ (n.) 漫画;动画片 3. _ (n.) 幻想;怪念头 4. _ (n.) 木匠 5. _ (n.) 丛林 6. _ (n.) 生物;动物 7. _ (n.) 行动;事迹 8. _ (n.) 剑 9. _ (n.) 布 10. _ (n.) 纪念品,答案:1.theme2.cartoon3.fantasy4.carpenter 5jungle6.creature7.deed8.sword9.cloth 10so

2、uvenir,11. _ (n.) 商标;牌子 12. _ (n.) 小册子;指南 13. _ (n.) 秋千;摇摆(v.)摇摆 14. _ (vt.) 保存(n.)保护区 15. _ (adj.) 独一无二的,答案:11.brand12.brochure13.swing 14preserve15.unique,.单词派生 写出下列单词及其派生词 1. _ (vi.)变化 _ (adj.) 不同的;各种各样的 _ (n.) 种类 2. _ (v.) 吸引;引起 _ (adj.) 有吸引力的 _ (n.) 吸引;有吸引力的事物 3. _ (n. & v) 旅游;观光 _ (n.) 旅游业 _ (

3、n.) 游客 4. _ (adj.) 少数的;次要的 _ (n.) 少数;少数民族 5. _ (v.) 承认 _ (n.) 允许进入;入场费;承认 6. _ (v.) 前进;促进 _ (adj.) 先进的;高级的 _ (n.) 发展,答案:1.vary;various;variety2.attract;attractive;attraction3.tour;tourism;tourist4.minor;minority5admit;admission6.advance;advanced;advancement,.活学活用 用句末所给单词的适当形式填空。 1She applied for _ t

4、o the university and after some examinations she was _ to it finally.(admit) 2City life holds few _ for me;I dont find it _ at all.(attract) 3The strikers have reached a _ with the employers.They were the first white _ in this area.(settle) 4The audience was _ by the performance in the _ park.(amuse

5、) 5She _ her dress as fashion changed when she was a young lady because she had _ kinds of dress at that time.(vary),答案:1.admission;admitted2.attractions;attractive 3settlement;settlers4.amused;amusement 5varied;various,.词缀归纳 tourist是由tour加上后缀ist形成的名词。ist常用来表示“人”。例如: _科学家 _ 专家 _ 内科医生,答案:scientistspe

6、cialistinternist,.短语翻译 1. _ 因闻名 2. _ 对熟悉 3_ 根据模仿;仿造 4. _ 参加 5. _ 提前 6. _ 实现 7. _ 玩得高兴 8. _ 面对面 9. _ 接近 10. _ 活跃起来,答案:1.be famous for2.be familiar with3.be modelled after4.take part in5.in e true 7have fun8.face to face9.get close e to life,.选词填空 用上述短语的适当形式完成句子。 1The quiet girl _ since she worked as

7、a saleswoman. 2It is _ that you cant go to sleep when you eat so much. 3When we _ the cottage,a big dog came out suddenly. 4As is known to all,this education system _ the French one. 5We are planning a trip to Yuntai Mountain in Henan province,which _ its beautiful natural scenery.,答案:1.came to life

8、2.no wonder3.got close to4.is modelled after5.is famous for,根据课文内容,选择适当的词或用所给单词的适当形式填空并说明理由。 There are various kinds of theme parks in the world with a specific theme for each.The theme park you are probably most familiar with is Disneyland,1. _ will bring you into a magical world and make your drea

9、ms come true.You can not only meet your favorite Disney cartoon characters but also enjoy exciting rides,2. _ swinging ships to free fall drops.Dolleywood shows 3. _ celebrates Americas 4. _ (tradition)southeastern culture.For example,people come from all over America,答案:1.which定语从句中关系代词指物作主语。 2from

10、从到。 3andshows和celebrates并列。 4traditional形容词作culture 的定语。,5. _ (see)carpenters and other craftsmen make wood,glass and iron objects 6. _ the oldfashioned style.If 7. _ want to experience the ancient days and great deeds of English Knights and 8. _ (lady),princes and queens,then English Camelot Park i

11、s 9. _ place for you.When you enter Camelot Park,you feel like10. _ (enter)a world of fantasy about ancient England.,答案:5to see目的状语。 6inin the style以方式/类型。 7you指代“人们”。 8ladies和princes and queens并列。 9the后面有for you,特指。 10enteringfeel like doing sth.喜欢做。,1various adj.各种各样的 派生: variously adv.(情况、时间、处所等)

12、不同地 vary vt.&vi.变化;不同 variety n种类,变化,多样性(pl.)varieties,归纳拓展 a variety ofvarieties of,all sorts/kinds of各种各样的 vary with sth.随而变化 vary from.to.从到不等;在到之间变动,第一板块词汇精讲,英文典例 Customs _ widely _ one area _ another.不同地区的风俗迥然不同。 Prices usually _ the quality. 价格常随品质不同而变化。 _ books are displayed there. 那里展示着各种各样的

13、书。,答案:vary;from;tovary withA variety of,2minority n少数;少数民族,归纳拓展 in a/the minority占少数 majority n.大多数;大半 have a majority over sb. 获得多于某人的;战胜某人 by/with a majority of 以大多数赢得,英文典例 The minority of people in the town support the plan to build a playground for children. 镇上少部分人支持为孩子们修建一所游乐场的计划。 Men are _ in

14、this profession. 在这一行业中,男人占少数。,答案:in the minority,3preserve vt.保存;保留n.保护区,归纳拓展 preserve sth.(for sth.)保存或保留某事物 preserve sth./sb.(from sth.)保护某物/某人(免受) nature preserve自然保护区,英文典例 She thanked me for trying to _ jobs _ many people. 她感谢我想方设法保住了许多人的工作。 Without _ ,more animals are likely to become extinct. 如果没有自然保护区,很有可能更多的动物将要灭绝。 (2013江西高考)Increased understanding in planning worldwide tourism can _ the market for these companies. 对在规划世界范围旅游业时提升了的理解可以为这些公司保留住市场。,答案:preserve;fornature preservepreserve,4advance vt.&vi.促进,前进,提高n.前进,


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