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1、李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第一辑 李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第一辑Im an English Genius! 我是英语天才!Im an English Genius! 我是英语天才!Im proud of myself ! 我为自己感到骄傲!I love myself ! 我热爱我自己 ! I can totally conquer English ! 我可以彻底征服英语!No excuses. 不要借口。No delays. 不要拖延。No more wasted time . 不要再浪费时间。I can change my life this minute 脱口而出这本书,by blurting ou

2、t this book . 我就能够改变我的人生!I have the power! 我拥有这种力量!Anthonys introductionHi, this is Anthony .Im the audio producer here at Li Yang Crazy English . These Blurt Out tapes and CDs are a great way for you to master spoken English .Ive personally remixed this series with energetic music and motivating in

3、terludes so that you can quickly and effectively conquer the English language .Just listen , imitate, and practice, and youll be blurting out beautiful English sentences in no time .So enjoy the dialogues !Enjoy the music!Enjoy blurting out ! And Ill be talking with you soon.大家好,我是安东尼。我是李阳疯狂英语的音乐制作人

4、。这些脱口而出的录音带和 CD 对你掌握英语口语很有帮助。我亲自为这个系列作了混音,加入了动感的音乐和激扬的插曲,有助你们快速、有效地征服英语。去听、去模仿、去操练,你马上就能脱口而出漂亮的英语句子。享受这些对话吧!享受这些音乐吧!享受脱口而出吧!大家在脱口而出的录音中将听到我的声音。第一部:我的誓言;My Pledge/Oath 我的誓言;Whats your story? You cant speak! 你的情况如何?你不会说!You cant understand! 你听不懂!You feel bad!;You feel hopeless! 你觉得很糟!你感到绝望!Thats crazy

5、! Cheer up! 那就太傻了!振作起来! Its not the end of the world. 这不是世界末日!Speaking English is a piece of cake. 说英语是小菜一碟。Dont look back. 不要畏缩Enjoy losing face. 热爱丢脸Just forget about your face. 干脆忘掉你的面子。The more mistakes you make, 你犯的错误越多,the more progress you make. 你的进步就越大 Dont give up.; 不要放弃Just try your best.

6、Relax! 只管尽你最大的努力。放松!Dont panic! Take it easy! 不要恐慌!放松点!Be patient and enjoy yourself. 耐心点,好好享受Learning English should be fun. 学习英语应该很有意思Speaking good English is no big deal.说一口流利的英语没什么大不了 Its worth your time and effort. 值得你花费时间和精力Its an easy job. 这很简单Do something about it. 赶快来学习吧You have no choice.

7、No more excuses!你没有选择。不要再找借口!Get moving.Lets get started! 开始行动吧。我们开始吧!Lets talk in English! 我们用英语交谈吧!Youd better do it now. 你最好现在就开始。李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第一辑 李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第一辑I have every confidence in you. 我对你非常有信心。I want to be proud of you. 我希望为你感到自豪。Its my pleasure to help you anytime. 我随时乐意帮助你。You can count on

8、 me! Dont worry about it.你可以信赖我。不要为此担心。Im Serious. 我是认真的,Ill try my best to help you. 我会尽我最大的努力(帮助你) 。We will make it together! 我们一起成功吧!第二部 疯狂准备篇;00:01.26第一节 咬牙切齿的开始 疯狂背诵一百个句型;00:07.78Do you like Chinese food/studying Chinese /him/movies/our city/ sports/;00:26.13watching sports /traveling/cars/ dri

9、ving/chasing 追逐;追求girls?; (你喜欢吃中国菜吗?/你喜欢学中文吗 ?/你喜欢他吗?/你喜欢看电影吗?/你喜欢我们城市吗?/你喜欢体育运动吗?/你喜欢看体育比赛吗?/你喜欢旅游吗?/你喜欢汽车吗?/ 你喜欢开车吗?/ 你喜欢追女孩吗?)00:33.681.I am;我是00:42.78I am an office worker.;(我是上班族。)00:44.912.I work for;我在.工作00:47.37I work for the government.;我在政府机关做事。00:49.513.Im happy to;我很高兴;我很荣幸00:52.63Im hap

10、py to meet you.;(我很高兴见到你。)00:54.534.I like;我喜欢00:58.18I like your sense of humor.;(我喜欢你的幽默感。 )01:00.555.Im glad to;我很高兴01:04.53Im glad to see you again.;(我很高兴再次见到你。 )01:06.806.Ill;我会;我将01:08.51Ill call you.;(我会打电话给你。)01:09.937.I feel like;我想01:12.77I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk.;(我想睡/散步。 )01:1

11、7.748.I want;我想要01:19.59I want something to eat.;(我想吃点东西。)01:21.589.I need;我需要01:27.12I need your help.;(我需要你的帮助。)01:28.4010.I would like to;我想;我愿意01:31.39I would like to talk to you for a minute.;(我想和你谈一下。 )01:33.66This sentence is so common!;01:35.84Hwever ,it usually means you are in for a long d

12、iscussion about something important.;01:41.15American use this sentence before telling their children about sex,;01:45.56or warning them about the dangers of drugs!;01:48.92Very serious talk follows a very light invitation.;01:54.1811.I have;我有02:07.97I have a lot of problems.;(我有很多问题。)02:10.5212.I

13、hope;我希望02:17.44I hope our dreams come true.;我希望我们的梦想成真.02:19.9513.Im looking forward to;我期待;我期望02:45.17Im looking forward to seeing you.;(我期望见到你。)02:47.7414.Im supposed to;我应该02:50.97Im supposed to go on a diet/get a raise.;(我应该节食/ 涨工资。)03:04.9815.I heard;我听说李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第一辑 李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第一辑03:08.45I heard that youre getting married. Congratulations!;(听说你要结婚了, 恭喜恭喜!)03:11.9216.I see;我知道03:17.79I see what you mean.;(我了解你的意思。)03:19.2317.I cant.;我不能.03:21.74I cant do this.;(我不能这么做。)03:23.4218.Let me;让我03:25.45Let me explain why I was late.;(让我解释迟到



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