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1、定冠词和不定冠词的主要用法区别1. There is a rabbit under the tree. The rabbit is eating a carrot. 第一次提到某物,用不定冠词,再次提到相同的事物,用定冠词2. Who is your best friend in the company?虽然第一次提到,但是说话双方都知道的那个 company.3. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world.形容词或副词最高级前一定要用 the。如果 a, an 和最高级连用,意思就变了:Bill Gates is a richest man in

2、the world.比尔盖茨是世界上最有钱的人之一。表示某一类事物时,可以用定冠词,不定冠词和复数三种形式表达比如:The elephant is a friendly animal. An elephant is a friendly animal.Elephants are a friendly animal.注意:单数可数名词前一定要用冠词,无论名词前有多少修饰语比如:My mother is a kind, generous, optimistic, open-minded, and honest person在英语中,有时两个部分合在一起构成一个词,表达的是一种意思;两个部分分开,各

3、成一个词时,表达另一种意思,有另外的用法。现将中学英语课本中出现的这类“分合有别、用法各异”的词语归纳分析如下:1. away 与 a wayaway 用作副词时,意为“远”、“离开”、“远离”,通常作 be 的表语,也可以放在动词或副词之后,与动词一起构成短语动词;a way 是名词短语,是“一条路”、“一个方法”之意。例如:Who will look after these children when Im away?我走了之后,谁来照看这些孩子?The village is about eight miles away from here.那个村子离这儿大约有八英里远。She thoug

4、ht hard, and she found a way at last.她苦思冥想,终于找到了一个方法。2. already 与 all readyalready 是副词,意为“已经”,常与完成时态连用;all ready 是形容词短语,常用作表语,意为“一切就绪”、“都准备好了”。例如:We have already finished our work. 我们已经做完了我们的工作。We are all ready for the trip. Lets go. 我们都做好了旅行的准备。那么咱们就上路吧。3. awhile 与 a whileawhile 是副词,意思是“一会儿”、“片刻”,其

5、前不可加介词或副词; a while 是名词短语,意思是“一会儿”(与 awhile 同义),a while 前面可以加介词 in,after 或 for,也可加副词 quite。例如:Wait awhile. = Wait (for) a while. 等一会儿。The postman came quite a while ago. 邮递员好一会儿前来过。After a while, they quarrelled again. 过了一会儿,他们又吵了起来。4. asleep 与 a sleepasleep 是形容词,意为“睡着的”,只能跟在 fall 和 be 后面作表语,或置于 find

6、 后面作宾语补足语;a sleep 是名词短语,意为“一段睡眠”,与 have 连用,构成 have a sleep (睡一会)。例如:Dont make any noise. The baby is asleep. 别闹,小孩睡着了。He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door.他刚要入睡,这时传来很响的敲门声。I had a sound sleep last night. 昨晚我睡得很香。5. anyway 与 any wayanyway 是副词,意为“不管怎样”、“无论如何”( anyhow);any

7、 way 是名词短语,意为“任何方面”、“任何方式”,前面要加介词 in 等。例如:Anyway I must finish the work today. 无论如何我今天也要做完这项工作。Thank you anyway. 我毕竟还要感谢你的。Can I be of some help to you in any way? 我可以在哪一方面帮帮你吗?6. anyone 与 any oneanyone 是代词,意为“任何人”,不能与 of 短语连用;any one 既可指人,又可指物,可以和 of 短语连用,表示“(中的)任何一个”。例如:Anyone who breaks the law s

8、hall be punished . 无论谁犯了法都将受到惩罚。 Any one of the students in the class studies very hard. 这个班上无论哪一个学生学习都很努力。Any one will do. 任何一个都行。7. faraway 与 far awayfaraway 是形容词,意为“遥远的”,可作名词的前置定语;far away 是副词短语,意为“很远”、“遥远”,可作表语、状语和后置定语,有时也可作介词的宾语。例如:He lives in a faraway village (或 a village far away). 他住在一个遥远的村

9、子里。As is known to (us) all, the moon is far away from the earth.众所周知,月球距地球很远。Mr. Smith lives far away. 史密斯先生住在很远的地方。The news came from far away. 消息从远处传来。8. everyday 与 every dayeveryday 是形容词,意为“每日的”、“日常的”,作前置定语用;every day 是名词短语,意为“每日”、“每天”,在句子中作时间状语。例如:Can you speak some everyday English. 你会说一些日常英语吗?

10、We go to work at eight oclock in the morning every day.我们每天上午八点钟上班。9. everyone 与 every oneeveryone 是不定代词,意为“每人”、“人人”、“大家”,在句子中作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式;every one 是名词词组,意为“每一个(人或物)”,可以与 of 短语连用,在句中作主语时,谓语动词也为单数形式。例如:Everyone (= Everybody) in our class likes Miss Gao.我们班人人都喜欢高老师。Every one of you must be here on

11、time tomorrow.明天你们 (每个人) 都必须准时到这儿。I put every one of my books in the desk. 我把 10. none 与 no onenone 既可指人,也可指物,意为“没有一个”、“没有一点”,可和 of 短语连用。none 作主语时,谓语动词既可为单数形式,也可为复数形式; no one (= nobody) 是不定代词,只指人,意为“没有一个人”,不能和 of 短语连用,在句中作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式。例如:No one (= Nobody) in our class is absent. 我们班没有一个人缺席。-Is ther

12、e anyone who got injured in the accident?有人在这次事故中受伤吗?-No one. 没有。English is the first language in none of these countries.英语在这些国家里都不是第一语言。-How many apples are there in the basket?篮子里有多少苹果?-None. 一个也没有。None of the miners got injured in this accident.在这次事故中没有一个矿工受伤。11. sometime 与 some timesometime 是副词

13、,意为“(过去或将来的)某个时候”,在句中作状语; some time 是名词词组,意为“一段时间”。例如:They will come sometime next week. 他们将在下周某个时候来。I saw him sometime last month. 我上个月什么时候见过他。Im going to stay in Beijing for some time. 我将在北京住一段时间。It took me quite some time to finish the work.我用了好一段时间才把工作做完。12. maybe 与 may bemaybe 是副词,意为“或许”、“可能”,相

14、当于 perhaps ,常在句首作状语;may be 是情态动词和连系动词,意为“可能是”、“或许是”,在句中作谓语用。例如:Maybe the meeting will be held tomorrow. 会议可能将于明天召开。He may be there now, but Im not sure. 现在他可能在那里,但我不能肯定。They may be at the gate waiting for us, lets hurry.他们可能在大门口等我们,咱们快点走吧。我的书都放在课桌里了。13. however 与 how everhowever 是副词或连接副词,意为“无论怎样”、“可

15、是”;how ever 意为“究竟怎样”,其中 ever 是强意词,起加强语气的作用。例如:However difficult the work (may) be, we must complete it in time.无论工作多么艰难,我们必须按时完成。Id like to go with you. however, my hands are full.我很想和你一起去,可是我忙不过来。 How ever did you manage to get the car started?你到底是怎样把汽车发动起来的?14. sometimes 与 some timessometimes 是频度副

16、词,意为“有时”;some times 是名词短语,意为“几回”、“几次”、“几倍”。例如:Sometimes we go to the cinema and at other times we go for a walk.有时候我们去看电影,有时候我们去散步。We have already met each other some times this year.今年我们已经见过几次面了。15. altogether 与 all togetheraltogether 是副词,意为“全部地”、“总而言之”;all together 是副词短语,意为“全体一起”、“全部在一起”。例如:I have three hundred books altogether. 我总共有 300 本书。Altogether, the children have done very well. 总的说来,这些孩子们做得很好。Put the plates all together in the sin



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