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1、Unit9 How was your weekend? (Revision),It was,-What did I do last weekend?,go,went,-I went to the beach.,-What did she do last weekend? -She cleaned her room.,clean,cleaned,-What did she do last weekend?,do,did,-She did her homework.,-What did he do last weekend?,play,played,-He played tennis.,-What

2、 did he do last weekend?,played,play,-He played soccer.,-What did they do last weekend?,go,went,-They went to the movies.,Guessing game.,What did I do last weekend ?,play the guitar,play soccer,cook lunch,stay at home watch TV,dance,played,study for a test,played,cooked,stayed,watched,danced,studied

3、,What did Xiaoxin do last Saturday? He ,go to the beach,went,have a shower,read a book,write a song,do homework,wrote,read,had,did,What did Xiaoxin do last Sunday? He ,动词过去式知多少?(请观察给出的动词,你能写出其它动词的过去式吗?) 1) want - wanted 2)live-lived 3) study studied clean cleaned dance danced play played turn _ prac

4、tice _ stay _ start _ hope _ cry _ wish _ agree _ carry _ 4)stopstopped plan_,turned,started,wished,practiced,hoped,agreed,stayed,cried,carried,planned,did,went,had,was,read,saw,wrote,Exercise1,你知道下列动词的过去式吗? do _ go _ have _ is_ read_ see_ write_,The regular past tenses,wanted answered,moved died,ca

5、rried cried,stopped planned,用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Mr Brown _(live) in Tokyo in 1990. 2. I _(stay) at home and _(practice) English yesterday. 1.What _(do) your father do last Monday? 2.Tom _(study) English last night. 3.They_(go) to the park yesterday afternoon. 4.We_( have) a class meeting last Tuesday af

6、ternoon. 5.He_(see) a funny TV show last weekend. 6.Lily _(read) a story the day before yeaterday. 7.The boys _ (visit) his uncle last Friday.,Exercise2,did,studied,went,saw,read,visited,lived,stayed,practiced,had,play the guitar,play soccer,cook lunch,stay at home watch TV,dance,played,study for a

7、test,played,cooked,stayed,watched,danced,studied,Xiaoxins Saturday,go to the beach,went,have a shower,read a book,write a song,do homework,wrote,read,had,did,Xiaoxins Sunday,played computer games for 24 hours non-stop (不停地),played cards,drank,smoked,did some reading,went to the library,played soccer

8、,danced,Who had a great weekend?,Lees weekend,Jays weekend,Not bad. Ok!,Great!,Terrible!,Pretty good. Nice!,How was your weekend?,What did you do last weekend?,I played computer games.,I did my homework.,I went to the library.,I cleaned my room.,Revision,Q: What did you do yesterday/yesterday mornin

9、g/afternoon/evening/last weekend/last Saturday/Sunday? A: I did my homework/played soccer/cleaned my room/visited my grandparents/went to the beach/stayed at home,Summary The rules to form the simple past tense verbs:,A. Regular verbs: 1. 动词原形+ed e.g. playplayed cleancleaned visitvisited staystayed

10、practicepracticed askasked watchwatched staystayed 2. 以e结尾的+d e.g. livelived dancedanced 3. 辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i+ed studystudied trytried carrycarried 4. 重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写尾字母再加ed e.g. stopstopped planplanned,B. Irregular verbs:,amwas is was arewere dodid gowent havehad sitsat seesaw readread writew

11、rote spendspent,Do you understand these language points?,1. spend (spent): spend time/money on sth./(in) doing sth. 2.what they did last weekend? 3. went shopping (go + ving) 4. play sports=do sports,Whats the simple past tense of these verbs?,have cook read see watch ,had,cooked,read,saw,watched,Do

12、 you know how to use these phrases?,a little difficult: play ( ) with sb./sth: talk show:,not very difficult. e.g. This dictionary is a little expensive. I wont buy it.,玩, 戏弄, 摆弄; 不大认真考虑(某一问题);与.一起玩 e.g. play with fire; Tom likes to play chess with his grandfather.,Jay Zhou in TALK SHOW,What did you do last month?,The following phrases will help you: acted in a film/held an individual concert / did an ad/wrote a new song/ practice the piano/made an MTV,


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