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1、文档来源于网络,如有重复请自行下载2019自由演讲稿(4篇)i would like to congratulate the government and people of south africa on your 20th year of democracy. your peaceful and negotiated transition from the oppressive days of apartheid to democracy in 1994 served as an inspiration to millions. it was a long and difficult st

2、ruggle for freedom that cost many lives. some feared that south africas first truly democratic elections would lead to more violence, but they were proved wrong and the peaceful elections held on this day 20 years ago were a testament to the optimism, the vision and the courage of the new south afri

3、ca. as millions of people exercised their right to vote for the first time, you showed the world that democracy and an end to discrimination in all its forms were universal aspirations. and the process of truce, reconciliation and forgiveness initiated by the late nelson mandela and led by archbisho

4、p tutu was an example to us all. your successful transition demonstrated what a country can achieve and its people stand united in the course of justice and freedom.since that transition, the links between south africa and the united kingdom have deepenedand matured. we are proud to share such stron

5、g ties with your country in areas from science totrade to culture, and i hope we can continue to work closely together.nelson mandela said at the dawn of democracy in 1994 that south africa had entered acovenant that would build a society in which all south africans, black and white, would be able,h

6、e said, “to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right tohuman dignitya rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world”. this vision shouldcontinue to inspire people across the world for many years to come.加拿大自由党领袖贾斯廷特鲁多获胜英语演讲稿sunny ways, my friends, sunny way

7、s. this is whatpositive politics can do. this is what a causative,hopeful a hopeful vision and a platform and ateam together can make happen. canadians canadians from all across this great country sent aclear message tonight. its time for a change in thiscountry, my friends, a real change.i also wan

8、t to specifically thank my good friendskatie telford and gerald butts. katie and gerry aretwo of the smartest, toughest, hardest workingpeople you will find anywhere. they share with me the conviction that politics doesnt have tobe negative and personal to be successful, that that you can appeal to

9、the better angels ofour nature, and you can win while doing it.tonight, my very good friends, we proved that. i hope it is an inspiration to like-mindedpeople to step up and pitch in, to get involved in the public life of this country and to knowthat a positive, optimistic, hopeful vision of public

10、life isnt a naive dream; it can be apowerful force for change.and i also want to thank the incredible volunteers that made tonight happen. over 80,000canadians got involved in the core of this campaign. they knocked on their neighbours doors.they made phone calls. they sent emails. hundreds of thous

11、ands more supported us activelywith their friends and online. they convinced their neighbours and their families. and all ofthese people had one thing in common: they care deeply about their families, theircommunities and their country. they believe that better is possible and that active citizens c

12、anplay a real part in making it happen.now, this movement weve built was fuelled by these amazing volunteers, and from thebottom of my heart, i thank you.now, i want to take a moment to speak about my colleagues across the aisle. tonight, ireceived phone calls from all of them, including from mr. ha

13、rper. stephen harper has servedthis country for a decade, and as with anyone who has devoted their life to this country, wethank him for his service.now, over the course of this campaign, i had the opportunity to have a couple of briefpersonal conversations with him about our families. it reminded m

14、e of the extraordinary andunique sacrifices that are made by anybody who serves this country at the highest levels, and iwant to remind everyone, as ive said many times over the course of this campaign:conservatives are not our enemies, theyre our neighbours. leadership is about bringing peopleof al

15、l different perspectives together.now, youre all going to hear a lot tonight and tomorrow about me and about our campaign.lots of people are going to have lots of opinions about why we were successful. well, for threeyears, we had a very old-fashioned strategy. we met with and talked with as many ca

16、nadiansas we could, and we listened. we won this election because we listened. we did the hard workof slogging it across the country. we met with hundreds of people in the dead of winter in thearctic and with thousands of people in brampton in the middle of this campaign.you built this platform. you built this movement. you told us what you need to be successful.you told us what kind of government you want, and we built the plan



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