外研版_四年级下册英语复习题 修订-可编辑

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1、外研版 四年级下册Module 1-2单元测试题一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项。( )1.A.shy B. nice C. girl( )2.A.mother B. father C. cool( )3.A.naughty B. clever C. dog( )4.A.cute B. panda C. cool( )5.A.beautiful B. famous C. river二、选择正确的词组,将序号写在前面的括号里。( ) 1. the Buckingham Palace A.塔桥( ) 2. the Big Ben B.泰晤士河( ) 3. the Tower Bridge C.白金汉

2、姆宫( ) 4. the Hyde Park D.大本钟( ) 5. the River Thames E.海德公园三、单项选择题。1. She is _nice teacher . A. a B. the C. an2. Lingling is shy. A. bit B. a bit C. a3. Look Panpans little sister. A. up B. to C. at4.Are _nice ? Yes , I am. A. I B. you C. we5. London is the capital England.A. to B. of C. about四、选词填空。

3、nicenaughtycutecleverfamous1. The Big Ben is very _.2.Panpans father is a _ man.3.She is a _ girl.4. Ms Smart is a very _ teacher.5. Parrot is a _ bird.五、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1)many, on. there, river, are, boats, the 2) England, of, London, capital, is, the 3) a, nice, she, is, teacher 4) is, the, this,

4、River, Thames 5). is , brother , this , big , my 六、情景连线。( ) 1. Are you naughty? A. Yes, I can.( ) 2. Whats this? B. No, its the Queens house.( ) 3. Can you play the flute? C. Yes, it is.( ) 4. Is it Big Ben? D No, Im not. ( ) 5. Is that your house? E. Its a book about London.七、根据课文内容选择填空,写出序号。This i

5、s my 1 .Shes very nice. This 2 my big brother. 3 cool. This is 4 little sister. Shes cute. 5 is my father. Hes very clever. This is my friend. Hes very naughty.( )1. A. brother B. father C. mother( )2. A. are B. is C. am( )3. A. Shes B. Hes C. I am( )4. A. my B. I C. she( )5. A. These B. is C. This(

6、外研版)小学(三起)四年级英语下册第四模块测试题一、词汇:(30分)把下列单词补充完整:1、every (所有事情) 2、 work (家务) 3、 work(家庭作业)4、 day (今天) 5、 day(星期日)写出下列单词的反义词:6、cool 7、cold 8、cloudy 9、yes 10、this 写出下列单词的缩写形式:11、 will not= 12、do not= 13、what is= 12、 14、it is = 15、I will = 二、翻译下列短语:(20分)1、做家务 2、做蛋糕 3、在北京 4、帮助孩子们学习 5、做我们的作业 6、The Weather Tom

7、orrow 7、be hot 8、listen to music 9、I dont know 10、be cloudy 三、选择填空:(20分)( )1、Whats that ? a robot . A.This is B.That is C.Its( )2、 they do our homework ? No ,they wont . A. Will B.Can C.Are( )3、Robots can . A.talks B.taiking C.talk( )4、And they will help children . A .learns B .learn C .learning( )5

8、、One day robots will do everything . A .一天 B .总有一天 C .过去一天( )6、It will tomorrow. A .rain B .raining C .rainy( )7、Will it be in Shenyang ? A .snow B .snowy C .is snow( )8、The weather will be in Guangzhou . A .sun B .suny C .sunny( )9、Will it be windy tomorrow ? A . I wont know B .I dont know C .I can

9、t know ( )10、 you walk fast ? Yes , I . A .Will can B .Can can C .Can will四、连词成句:(20分)1、will What weather the tomorrow be ? 2、it Will hot today be ? 3、wont do They homework our . 4、can play Robots football now 5、in be Harbin It cold will . 五、根据信息,完成短文:(10分) The Weather Forecast(天气预报)MondayTuesdayWed

10、nesdayThursdayFriday,SaturdayandSunday Good evening everybody !What will the weather be this week ? It will be on Monday .But it will be on Tuesday .It will be on Wednesday. It will on Thursday .And on Friday,Saturday and Sunday it will .Children wont go out to play on Saturday and Sunday.四年级英语下册Module 3-4检测题三. 选词填空。(10分)A. Tuesday B. Sunday C .Monday D. Wednesday E. Thursday 1. 星期一_ 2. 星期二_3. 星期四_4. 星期天_5. 星期三_


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