出国英语急用口语 入境与通关

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《出国英语急用口语 入境与通关》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《出国英语急用口语 入境与通关(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、出国英语急用口语 入境与通关 入境与通关的时候要是用时间太久耽搁到登机的时间不够,那么关于入境与通关的急用口语该如何表达?以下是给大家的关于入境与通关的英语急用口语,希望可以帮到大家 Would you like to show me your passport? 能给我看看你的护照吗? Whats your reason for ing to the USA? 你来美国的理由是什么? What is the nature of your trip? 你的旅行属于哪一类? Sorry,your passport has expired. 对不起,你的护照已经过期了。 Anyway,you mu

2、st have a valid visa on your passport. 无论如何,你的护照上必须要有有效签证。 Is there any other person traveling with you? 有没有人和你同行? Is there any other country you are going to visit? 你还要不要去其他国家? You have been granted a 48-hour transit permit. 给你签发了48小时过境许可。 I will stay in the States for about a month. 我将在美国停留1个月。 Im

3、 going to stay here for a week as a tourist. 我打算以观光客的身份在此停留1个星期。 Im here on business. 我因公到此地。 Im a transit passenger going to New Zealand. 我是要去新西兰的过境旅客。 Im only passing through the country. 我只是过境贵国。 Please fill in the declaration form. 请填一下这份申报表。 Please have your customs declaration form ready. 准备好海

4、关报表。 Do you have any prohibited things? 你带了何种 _品吗? You dont have to pay duty on personal belongings. 私人物品不必缴税。 Youre through with the customs formalities. 你已办完海关手续了。 Where is your vaination certificate? 你的预防接种证明书在哪儿? Do you remember when you got your last vaination? 你记不记得最后一次做预防注射是什么时候? Im sorry tha

5、t the export of these painting is prohibited. 对不起,这些画是禁止出口的。 Quite a sum of duty on these valuables. 这些贵重物品要付一大笔税金。 Can I have your passport, entry card, and customs declaration form,please? 我能看一下您的护照、入境卡和海关申报表吗? Excuse me,where is passport control? 对不起,请问验照处在哪里? Whats your nationality? 你的国籍是哪里? How

6、 long are you going to stay here? 你要在这儿停留多久? Do you have any dutiable items? 你有没有要上税的物品? What will you use these cameras for? 你这些照相机要干什么用的? What is your name and nationality, please? 请问你的姓名以及国籍? Whats the purpose of your visit? 你这次来访的目的是什么? How many pieces of baggage do you have? 你有几件行李? Do you have

7、 anything to declare? 你有没有东西要申报的? How much currency are you carrying? 你带了多少现金? No. The inspection is finished. You may close it now. 没有了。检查完毕,你现在可以合上了。 Are you traveling for business or pleasure? 你是商务旅行还是旅游? Where are you staying? And do you have a return ticket for Bei _g? 你会住在哪里?还有,你有回北京的返程机票吗? Do

8、 you have your customs declaration form? 您有没有关税申报单? Would you mind opening it? 您介意打开它吗? Is this watch a gift for someone? 这块手表是给别人的礼物吗? Ive got some cigarettes for my own use,and just a few personal belongings. 我还有一些自己抽的香烟和一些私人物品。 Whats in the bag? 这个包是什么? Im sorry,sir. Im going to have to confiscat

9、e these. 很抱歉,先生,我得没收这些东西。 Have you got any wine or cigarettes with you? 你带酒和香烟了吗? Where are you staying? 你暂住在哪儿? Am I allowed to bring in this fruit? 能允许我带进这种水果吗? Agricultural products are not allowed to be brought into the country, especially seeds. 农产品,尤其是种子,不准带入本国。 You have to open all your suitc

10、ases,sir. 先生,你得打开你所有的手提箱。 You have a lot of gifts. You have to pay for these two items. 你买了这么多礼物,这两件东西你得上税。 Are you bringing in any valuable gifts? 您有没有带贵重礼品? Where can I go through the customs formalities? 我该在哪儿办理海关手续? Wele to China. Can I have your passport,customs and health declaration forms, pl

11、ease? 欢迎您到中国。请出示护照、海关申报表和健康申明表。 Have a good stay in New York. 祝您纽约之行愉快。 Where will you be staying? 你们将会在哪儿停留? Which way shall I go for immigration? 我要在哪里办入境手续? Have you ever been in the United States before? 你以前来过美国吗? Do you have more than ten thousand dollars cash with you? 你身上的现金有没有超过1万美元? What ty

12、pe of visa have you got? 您持的是哪种签证? Would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies? 请把您所带的外币登记一下,好吗? Is that all for customs formalities? 海关检查就这些了吗? If you do get a chance,do you intend to work there? 如果有机会的话,您会在这儿工作吗? So,can I leave now? 那么,我可以走了吗? My family and I are traveling with a

13、 tourist group. 我和家人一起跟团旅行。 Do I have to take any procedure if I have to stay longer? 如果要停留久一点儿,我该办理什么手续吗? We have to look through everything. 我们必须一一检查。 How much is the duty on this? 要付多少税? Can I pay the duty by credit card? 我可用 _付税吗? Give this form to the customs officer standing the exit. 把这张表交给站在出口的海关官员。 模板,内容仅供参考


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