出国英语急用口语 兑换钱币

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《出国英语急用口语 兑换钱币》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《出国英语急用口语 兑换钱币(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、出国英语急用口语 兑换钱币 兑换钱币是必备的东西,兑换货币的急用口语要怎么样表达呢?以下是给大家的关于兑换钱币的英语急用口语,希望可以帮到大家 Where is the exchange? 兑换处在哪里? Change,please. 我要换零钱。 Cash a travelers cheque,please. 我要兑现旅行支票。 Small change,please. 请换一些零钱给我。 How many dollars would you like? 你需要多少美元? How would you like the money? 你要哪种面额的? You Signature here. 在

2、这里签名。 Please fill out this paper. 请把这张表填好。 Please sign the back of the cheque. 请在支票背面签名。 Where can I change foreign currency? 在什么地方可以兑换外币? Change this to dollars. 请兑换美元。 Cash,please. 请给我现金。 May I have some change? 可以给我一些零钱吗? Where can I change my money into US dollars? 哪里可以兑换美元? Do you know any plac

3、e nearby that aepts RMB? 你知道哪里可以兑换人民币? How many US dollars did you change before we left? 出行前你换了多少美元? Any change? 有零钱吗? Id like to have fifteen five-dollar bills and the rest in one-dollar bills. 我想兑换15张5美元的纸帀,其余的换成1美元的。 I want to exchange some U. S. dollars. 我想兑换一些美元。 How much would you like to exc

4、hange? 您要换多少? What denominations would you like? 您要多大面值的钞票? Would you like the money in small bills or large bills? 你愿意要小面额的还是大面额的钞票? The rates of exchange are on the board. 牌子上显示着兑换率。 Will it be travelers cheque or cash? 是用旅行社支票还是用现金兑换? What can I do with the Chinese currency left with me when I leave China? 我离开中国,人民币没有用完该怎么办? 模板,内容仅供参考


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