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1、2020会议商务英语汇总精选 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家了会议商务的内容,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 We will have to leave that for another time. 我们得将其留到其他时候再说了。 会议进行到讨论阶段时,常常有些议题迟迟得不出结论,考虑到会议的时 间限制,主持人可以建议在下一次会议上再讨论这些议题。 推迟作出议案的决定 Why dont we postpone that decision? 我们为什么不推迟决定此事呢? Could we leave this until another meeting? 这个问题我们能留到下次

2、开会再谈吗? Let me summarize what we have agreed on. 让我总结一下之前我们商议好的结论。 如果已得出结论,那么主持人应该在会议结束前对结论进行概括和总结。 除了名词从句what we haveagreed on之外,还可以使用our agreements。 概括结论 Let me just go over the decisions we have reached. 让我再回头看看我们之前作出的决定。 Let me just recap the key points. 让我重述一下要点。 Let me recapitulate the essentia

3、l points. 让我来概括一下要点。 Is there any other business? 还有其他要讨论的问题吗? 会议结束前,主持人有必要询问一下与会者是否有遗漏的事项没有讨论。 请看下面的表述: 确定是否还有其他需讨论的事项 Is there anything more to discuss? 还有其他要讨论的问题吗? Is there anything else we need to discuss? 还有其他需要讨论的问题吗? Now it is time to make a decision. 现在该作决定了。 如果没有其他意见了,就进入会议的结束阶段。如果有需要通过投票来

4、? 定的议案,则应该进入会议的决定阶段。 敦促作出最终的结论 We need to find mon ground. 我们应该达成共识。 We need to make a decision. 我们需要作出决定。 Jane,please, I can,t allow us to discuss thatissue just yet. 简,拜托,我们现在还不能讨论那个问题。 John, please, I don,t want us to talk about thatproblem just yet. 约翰,拜托,我现在还不想让大家讨论那个问题。 Samsik, please,丨 advise

5、 you to bring up that issuelater. 萨姆斯克,拜托,我建议你过一会儿再提那个问题。 Susan, please, can we leave that for anotherdiscussion? 苏珊,拜托,我们能把那个问题留到以后讨论吗? Before moving on, let us see if we understand you correctly. 在继续进行之前,让我们看看大家是否都正确地理解了你的意思。 Before going any further, let us see where we are in this discussion. 在继

6、续进行之前,我们看看讨论到哪里了。 Lets pause for a second and see if we all agree on your point. 让我们暂停一下,看看大家是否都同意你的观点 Id like to add something to what you have justsaid. 对于你刚才说的问题我想补充一下。 Id also like to point out that we offer top qualityservice. 我还想指出的是,我们提供最优质的服务。 Id like to add that we have the best sales suppo

7、rtwork in the industry. 我想补充的是,我们在这个行业中有最好的销售支持网络。 I want closure on the salary issue. 我想结束对于工资问题的讨论。 Lets finish what we were discussing. 让我们结束我们一直在讨论的问题。 The issue of the budget should be decided first before we move on. 我们继续讨论之前,应先确定预算问题。 Shall we finish this item? 我们结束这一项好吗? Sorry, just let me f

8、inish my point. 抱歉,让我把话说完。 May I just finish? 能让我完吗? May I finish what I was saying? 能让我说完我要说的话吗? Please allow me to finish. 请让我说完。 Sorry,Samsik,can we let Samsoon finish? 抱歉,萨姆斯克,我们能让三顺说完吗? Can you wait for a minute? 你能稍等-下吗? Can you wait until he finishes his point? 你能等他说完他的观点吗? Why dont you wait

9、until shes done? 你为什么不等她把话说完呢? Excuse me. May I interrupt? 抱歉,我能打断一下吗? I am very sorry to interrupt, but would you explainthat one more time? 我很抱歉打断你的讲话,但是你能再解释一遍吗? If I may interrupt, could you say that again? 请允许我打断一下,你能再说一遍吗? Do you mind if I interrupt you for a moment? 我打断你一会儿可以吗? Yes, go ahead. 好的,请便。 Yes, you may. 好的,请便。 No, I dont mind. 不,我不介意。 模板,内容仅供参考



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