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1、旅游英语口语关于闲聊工作 以下是给大家的旅游英语口语关于闲聊工作,希望可以帮到大家 A:Are you travelling in America? A:你来美国度假吗? B:No, I am on business. I will spend half a month for the business. B:不,我来出差,有半个月的时间在这里忙公事。 A:What do you do? A:你是做什么的? B:I am currently working in a foreign pany as a salesman. B:我目前是一家外企的业务员。 A:I know all the tri

2、cks of the trade. It is quite tiring and difficult to be promoted. A:我深谙此道,相当辛苦又很难提升的工作。 B:Maybe. But it provides much wider space for me to improve the skills and increase the experience. What about you? B:或许吧。但是我觉得这份工作给我提供了很宽广的空间让我提高技能增长见识。你呢? A:I am a reporter at a TV station. A:我是一家电视台的记者。 B:Do

3、you like your job? B:你喜欢你的工作吗? A:Yes, I have good working conditions and I would require a salary at least 15 , 000$a year. A:是的,我的工作条件很好而且我一年能赚到15000美元的年薪。 B:Which kind of news do you catch? B:你跑什么新闻? A:I report the social news which means I always interview the citizens of various professions and

4、trades. A:我报道社会新闻,我总是要采访各行各业的市民。 B:Are you feel tired? B:你觉得辛苦吗? A:Sometimes. News happened out of expectation. Sometimes I have to get up in the early morning while I cant sleep for editing and interviewing. A:有时是的。新闻总是发生得出乎意料。有时候我不得不起个大早或者为了采写一晚上不睡觉。 B:You have to experience this if you want to be

5、 an extraordinary reporter. B:如果想成为一个出色的记者,这些都是必须经历的。 A:Thats right. I am still wet behind the ears. A:是啊,我还是个乳臭未干的小记者。 A:Are you still at that work? A:你还在那里工作吗? B:Yes. Im still working there. But I really find my job boring. Id like to change my job. B:是的。我还在那里工作。不过我觉得我的工作非常无聊。我想换份工作。 A:What sort o

6、f job do you have in mind? A:你想找份什么样的工作? B:I think Im quite fit for a driver. B:我想我适合做司机。 A:But its very tired. A:但那很累的。 B:I dont care. B:我不在乎。 A:Whats your parents opinion? A:你父母有什么意见? B:I havent told them. Maybe Ill make them know after the vacation. B:我还没告诉他们,也许假期后我会让他们知道的。 A:Whats your working d

7、ay like? A:你一天的工作是什么样的? B:I have a typical nine to five job. Actually, I work a little longer than nine to five most days. B:通常我上午9: 00上班,下午5 : 00下班。实际上,多数时候我的工作时间都超过这个时间。 A:Do you get paid overtime? A:加班给加班费吗? B:No,I dont. I get a bonus each month ,depending on the value of the contracts I sign wit

8、h clients. B:不,没有。每月我可以根据与客户签订的合同的价值拿到奖金。 A:Do you have any breaks? A:中间有休息时间吗? B:We have an hour-long lunch break from twelve to one. We can take coffee breaks during the day. My boss doesnt mind,as long as we get our work done on time. B:从12:00到1:00我们有一小时午间休息时间。我们白天有工间休息时间。只要我们能按时完成工作,老板不会介意。 A:My

9、 boss gets annoyed if we take coffee breaks. I suppose your job involves a lot of paperwork,doesnt it? A:如果我们工间休息,老板会不高兴的。我想你的工作包括许多文书工作吧? B:Theres some paperwork, but most of the time we put the information into our puters. Then we can send information to each other by email or across the work. Do you work in a cubicle? B:有一些文书工作。但多数时候我们将信息输人计算机里。这样我们就可以通过电子邮件或网络传送信息。你有自己的工作小隔间吗? A:Yes,I do. I dont like it very much. A:有。但我不是很喜欢。 B:I work in a cubicle too,but I dont mind it. B:我也在小隔间中工作,但我无所谓。 模板,内容仅供参考



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