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1、旅游英语口语顾客点菜的表达 以下是给大家的关于旅游英语口语顾客点菜的表达,希望可以帮到大家 A: Are you ready to order now,sir? A:先生,您现在想点菜吗? B: Yes. B:是的。 A: Would you like an appetizer? A:您要点什么开胃的东西吗? B: Yes. Id like a crab cocktail. B:对,我要一个鲜蟹杯。 A: Would you like some soup first? A:吃饭前先来点儿汤怎么样? B: Very well. B:很好。 A: What kind of soup would y

2、ou like? A:您喜欢什么汤? B: I want egg soup. B:我要鸡蛋汤。 A: Have you decided on anything? A:您决定吃点什么? B: Id like to have some meat. B:我要吃些肉。 A: How about stewed-fried steamed pork? A:扣肉怎么样? B: No,thank you. B:不要,谢谢。 A: Are you interested in todays special? A:对今天的风味菜感兴趣吗? B: What is it? B:是什么? A: Twice cooked

3、spicy pork slices. A:回锅肉。 B: OK. Let me try it. B:好的。我来尝尝。 A: Anyfhing else? A:还要别的吗? B: No , thank you B:不用了,谢谢。 A:May I take your order? A:要点什么菜? B:Wed like this course for two,please. B:这道菜请给我们来两人份的。 A:Im afraid this course is for four persons. A:这道菜恐怕是4人份的。 B:Well , cant you make it for two only

4、? B:嗯,你们不能只做两人份的吗? A:Im afraid not,sir. A:先生,恐怕不行。 B:I see. Well,what do you remend then? B:我知道了,那么点什么好呢? A:I would remend a soup with two or three small dishes. A:我建议您来碗汤和两三样小菜。 B:Right , well have these three. B:好吧,我们要这三样。 A:Would you like rice with your meal? A;您需要米饭吗? B:No , thanks. B:不要,谢谢。 A:T

5、hank you,sir. Just a moment,please. A:谢谢您。先生。马上就来。 A:May I take your order now? A:要点什么菜? B:Yes,Ill have a boiled egg with toast and orange juice, please. B:是的,我要煮蛋、吐司和橙汁。 A:How would you like your eggs? A:您点的蛋要怎样煮? B:Hard-boiled , please. B:请煮全熟。 A:And your toast,light or dark? A:您的吐司要稍微烤一下,还是烤焦? B:

6、Dark, please. B:烤焦。 A:Now or later? A:现在要还是待会儿要? B:Later will do. B:待会儿就可以了。 A:Will there be anything else? A:还要不要点别的东西? B:No,thats all. Thanks. B:不了,那些就够了,谢谢。 A:One hard-boiled egg with toast and orange juice to follow. a:一份煮熟的蛋,再加上吐司和橙汁。 B:Thats right. B:对的。 A:Just a moment,please. A:请稍等。 模板,内容仅供参考



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