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1、托福口语如何避免中式英语味 口语如何避免中式英语味?3个小技巧给人地道感觉,今天给大家带来了托福口语如何避免中式英语味累,希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语体现地道英语细节介绍:表转折用Though替代But 我们在练习托福口语的时候,遇到转折,我们习惯性的选择but,难免有些千篇一律,给大家点建议,当你想表达转折语气的时候不妨忍一下,在句子后面加个though,你要表达的立马瞬间就不一样了! 举个例子: Our team lost. It was a good game, though. Middle-aged people like to co

2、ok at home, young adults are a bitdifferent, though. 这种用法是我们考试时候用的比较少,却非常地道的一种用法。是不是比通篇的but!but!but!要好很多呢?假如能运用在托福口语考试中,这绝对是一个加分项! 托福口语体现地道英语细节介绍:用Tend to代替Most of 当你想说most of的时候,不妨改口成tend to,这样一来,是不是会显示你的词汇量比较多呢? 举个例子: Most Chinese people cook at home instead of dining out. 就可以说成Chinese people tend

3、 to cook at home instead of dining out. Tend to能代替被大家overuse的most of/themajority of效果绝对是杠杠的! 托福口语体现地道英语细节介绍:减少Very的使用次数 在托福口语答案里面,要有意识的尽可能抛弃very,一种方法是用pretty替代,另一种就直接用个更高级的形容词。 举个例子: That performance was pretty impressive. Im pretty sure about that. 还有instead of saying “very angry”, you can use the

4、word “furious”。 同理,如果我们想表达a little + adj.,也可以找到相应的更传神的形容词,例如:tipsy = a little drunk,考生们在用词上尽量准确,减少对very和little的使用次数。 托福考试口语真题回忆 Task 1 If you are going to have an interview with a famous people in your munity, which of the following people will you choose? Give detailed information to support your a

5、nswer and explain why. Task 2 Which one do you agree? Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children. Task 3 阅读 标题:A letter suggests that university should not allow students to sleep on the couches in the library. 原因1:The

6、y will oupy the space where other students need to study. 原因2:Visitors sometimes e to the campus and make campus tours. If they see this they will think this university is not very serious. 听力 人物:Man 态度:Disagree 原因1: Students can always find place to study, they can sit on the chairs and chairs are

7、as fortable as couches. 原因2:When visitors e. If they see this they will think those students are really hard with their work and they are just so tired and they have a short break on the couches. Task 4 阅读 标题:Ambient advertising 定义:Ambient advertising refers to an advertising strategy which using cr

8、eative and unexpected ways to advertise the products. 听力 例子:A snack bar make a deal with the train pany and post the advertisement on the train, so pared with ads on books and magazines, people are more likely to see these ads and they may e to the snack bar to have something to eat. Snack shop in t

9、he train station also prints ads on the train tickets, in this way more customers will e to the shop. Task 5 问题:The girl is going to give a gift to her advisor who helped her a lot within her study. But she doesnt know what gift to choose. 解决方案1:She can but some coffee tickets. 缺点1:She would like to

10、 send something special to her advisor. But the coffee tickets are not special. 解决方案2:She is going to buy a book which her advisor is interested in. 缺点2: But the book is sold online and its price is about $50, so it is too expensive. Task 6 话题: Two effects of temperature regulation of plants 要点1:Hel

11、p plants survive in cold weather. 例子1:A kind of plants keep their flowers and leaves warm in early spring, when the weather is still cold, and its warm temperature can melt the snow. 要点2: Help plants reproduce. 例子2: Another plants keep themselves warm to attract insects which help carry pollen. When

12、 it is cold, insects will have a rest on these flowers, and in this way the plants are then pollinated. S1 Among study, exercise and go shopping, which one would you like to doalone? Explain why. S1 Which of the following three do you think is the most important for agreat working environment, frien

13、dly coworkers, flexible hours or a helpfulboss? Please explain with details. 评析:托福口语的独立任务题中,三选一是近几年比较常见的问题形式。这类题目在答题时,应注意选择有理由可说的一个,理由应当简单易懂接地气,便于补充细节和例子。 S1 Some schools require students to finish a reading list during schoolbreaks. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this requirement. .

14、 S1 What should parents do to help their children to sueed in school? S2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: all studentsshould attend social activities such as joining a club or a sports team atschool. 评析:无论第一还是第二题都应关注学生生活及教育类话题。 S2 Which one do you prefer: doing exercise everyda

15、y or only when you arefree? S2 Do you prefer to work at home or in an office? 评析:考生还应适当练习生活休闲类话题,其中很多素材是可以通用的,比如使人放松、有益健康、扩大社交圈等等。 1. What do you think we should do to reduce the use of cars or other vehicles in order solve the traffic problems? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. 2. Talk about the steps you go through when learning a new thing. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. 3. More and more people nowadays care about their health. Which of the following do you think



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