MINISO 2020年节庆新品直播发布会满意度调查MINISO 2020 Festival Product Live LaunchSatisfaction Survey(可编辑)

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MINISO 2020年节庆新品直播发布会满意度调查MINISO 2020 Festival Product Live LaunchSatisfaction Survey(可编辑)_第1页
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《MINISO 2020年节庆新品直播发布会满意度调查MINISO 2020 Festival Product Live LaunchSatisfaction Survey(可编辑)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《MINISO 2020年节庆新品直播发布会满意度调查MINISO 2020 Festival Product Live LaunchSatisfaction Survey(可编辑)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、MINISO 2020年节庆新品直播发布会满意度调查MINISO 2020 Festival Product Live LaunchSatisfaction Survey尊敬的合作伙伴,Dear partners, 感谢您百忙之中参与MINISO 2020年节庆新品直播发布会!为了能更好地服务及支持您的市场,希望了解您的真实想法及宝贵意见。谢谢您的配合!Thank you for attending MINISO2020 Festival Product Live Launch . In order to better serve and support your market, we wou

2、ld like to hear your thoughts and opinions. Thank you for your cooperation and for taking the time to participate in this survey!Q1:个人信息 Personal Details _ Q2:所在市场 Market: _ Q3:姓名 Name: _ Q4:职务 Position: _ Q5:1.您对本次新品直播发布的宣讲流程是否满意?Are you satisfied with the schedule of the Live Launch? 选项1 Q6:针对以上问题

3、,您的建议是?In relation to the above question, how can we do better? _ Q7:2.您对本次新品直播发布+国际订货网站下单的形式是否满意?Are you satisfied with watching live product launch and placing orders in the EOS system? 选项1 Q8:针对以上问题,您的建议是?In relation to the above question, how can we do better? _ Q9:3.您认为本次发布会中新品的产品结构是否完整? Do you

4、 think the structure of the new products is complete and proper? 选项1 Q10:针对以上问题,您的建议是?In relation to the above question, how can we do better? _ Q11:4.本次发布会中新品所提供SKU中,你认为畅销单品数量是否足够多?Among all the new products, were the best-selling products available for order sufficient? 选项1 Q12:针对以上问题,您的建议是?In rel

5、ation to the above question, how can we do better? _ Q13:5.您对本次发布会中新品各品类产品的价格是否满意?Are you satisfied with the pricing of the new products available for order? 选项1 Q14:针对以上问题,您的建议是?In relation to the above question, how can we do better? _ Q15:6, 本次发布会的产品中,让您惊喜是哪些维度(色彩、设计、产品结构、价格等)? In the Live Launch

6、, was there anything that surprised you, such as color scheme, product design and price? 选项1 Q16:针对以上问题,您的建议是?In relation to the above question, how can we do better? _ :请用星级评分,1星为极度不满意,5星为非常满意:On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being least satisfied and 5 being most satisfied, please rate the following: Q17:8

7、.您对本次发布会哪个细类的产品最感兴趣?(多选题)Which of the collections were you most interested in? You may select more than one. 1)声光玩具 Toy with Sound and Light 2)版权公仔 IP Plush 3)常规公仔 Regular Plush 4)塑料玩具Plastic Toys 5)party装饰 Party Decorations 6)节庆灯饰 Festive Lights 7)包装纸 Wrapping Paper 8)创意DIY Creative DIY 9)节庆礼品 Fest

8、ival Gift 10)礼品袋/礼品盒 Gift Bag/Gift Box 11)办公文具Stationery 12)文具收纳 Stationery Organizer 13)精装本Hardcover Memo Book Q18:针对以上问题,您的建议是?In relation to the above question, how can we do better? _ Q19:9.您认为还有哪些品类的商品需多做一些研发,或您对各品类有什么建议?请列出:In your opinion, which category or class of products should be develop

9、ed or developed further? If any, please specify: _ Q20:7.您对本次发布会哪个节庆的产品最感兴趣?Which of the festive collections were you most interested in? You may select more than one. 万圣节产品Halloween collection 圣诞节产品Christmas collection Q21:10.您对本次MINISO新品发布和订货有哪些改进的建议(产品策略、订货系统、会议组织等)?Do you have any suggestions for this Live Products Launch with regard to the way it is organised and its content, such as product strategy and ordering system? _



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