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1、关于成功人士的英语故事 英语故事中丰富的语言输入培养了学生的语感,故事所创设的情境激发了学生学习的兴趣,故事的结构成了学生语言拓展的支架。学习啦了关于成功人士的英语故事,欢迎阅读! In 1915 Einstein made a trip to Gottingen to give some lectures al the invitation of the mathematical physicist David Hilbert. He was particularly eager-too eager, it would turn out-to explain all the intricac

2、ies of relativity to him. The visit was a triumph, and he said to a friend excitedly, I was able to convince Hilbert of the general theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦在1915年受数学物理学家大卫希尔伯特的邀请去访问了哥廷根并做了多场演讲。结果证明,他极其渴望向希尔伯特解择相对论的所有错综复杂的关系。这次访问是一个胜利,他兴奋地给一位朋友说,“我能说服希尔伯特相信广义相对论。” Amid all of Einsteins personal tur

3、moil(焦躁) at the time, a new scientific anxiety was about to emerge. He was struggling to find the right equations that would describe his new concept of gravity, on that would define how objects move through space and how space is curved by objects By the end of the summer, he realized the mathemati

4、cal approach he had been pursuing for almost three years was flawed. And now there was a petitive pressure. Einstein discovered to his horror that Hilbert had taken what he had learned from Einsteins lectures and was racing to e up with the correct equations first. It was an enormously plex task. Al

5、though Einstein was the better physicist, Hilbert was the better mathematician. So in October 1915 Einstein threw himself into a month-long frantic endeavor in which he returned to an earlier mathematical strategy and wrestled with equations, proofs, corrections and updates that he rushed to give as

6、 lectures to Berlins Prussian Academy of Sciences on four suessive Thursdays. 那时在爱因斯坦的所有焦躁之中,一种新的科学上的焦虑将要显现出来。他试图找到正确的方程组来解释他的万有引力的新概念,这些将确定物体是如何通过空间进行移动的以及空间是如何被物体弯曲的。直到夏末,他意识到三年以来一直追求的数学方法有缺陷。现在有了一个竞争压力。爱因斯坦发现令他,感到害怕的是希尔伯特采取了他从爱因斯坦的讲座中学来的东西,正奋力想最先得出正确的等式。 His first lecture was delivered on Nov. 4.

7、 1915, and it explained his new approach, though he admitted he did not yet have the precise mathematical formulation of it. Einstein also took time off from furiously revising his equations to engage in an awkward fandango (方丹戈双人舞) with his petitor Hilbert. Worried about being scooped (抢先), he sent

8、 Hilbert a copy of his Nov. 4 lecture. I am curious to know whether you will take kindly to this new solution, Einstein noted with a touch of defensiveness. 这是一个极其复杂的任务。虽然爱因斯坦是一位优秀的物理学家,但希尔伯特更是一位优秀的数学家。因此,在 1915年10月爱因斯坦投身于一个月疯狂的奋斗中,他返回到较早的数学战略并全力解决方程、证明、更正和更新中存在的问题,而且他在四个连续的星期四中急切地给柏林的普鲁士科学院做了讲座。 他的

9、第一个讲座是在1915年11月4日进行的,讲座阐述了他的新方法,尽管他承认,他还没有精确的数学公式。在近乎疯狂的学术研究过程中,爱因斯坦还抽出一部分时间和他的竞争对手希尔伯特扯皮。由于担心被抢先,他给希尔伯特寄了一份他11月4日的讲座。“我很好奇你是否会友好地对待这一新的解决方案,”爱因斯坦特别提到这个,带着一点儿防御的意思。 艾萨克牛顿 Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day 1642, in the rural English county of Lincolnshire. Isaacs early years were spent in the ca

10、re of his grandmother. At age 12, he was sent away to school in the town of Grantham. 1642年的圣诞节,艾萨克牛顿出生在英国林肯郡的乡间。艾萨克在祖母的照顾下度过了他的童年时光。在他十二岁那年,他被送到格兰瑟姆的一所学校读书。 Living in the house of an apothecary called Clark, young Isaac showed a keen interest in the mans chemistry books and laboratory. He also buil

11、t devices to amuse Clarks stepdaughter. Newton was said to be attracted to amuse Clarks stepdaughter. Newton was said to be attracted to the girl, but she later married someone else, while he remained single all his life. 少年艾萨克住在一位名叫克拉克的药剂师家,他对克拉克的化学书籍和实验室表现出浓厚的兴趣。他还制作了一些小设备逗克拉克的继女高兴。据说牛顿被这女孩所吸引,但她后

12、来还是嫁给了别人,而牛顿则终生未娶。 Newton entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1661 After graduating in 1665, Newton planned to study for a masters degree, but the university was closed due to an outbreak of the plague. He returned to his home village for 18 months, during which time he did most of the thinking t

13、hat led to his later work on gravitation and optics. 1661年,牛顿进入著名的剑桥“三一学院”。1665年牛顿从大学毕业后,打算攻读硕士学位,但大学却由于鼠疫的爆发而关闭。他回到家乡采了18个月,他以后在万有引力与光学方面的研究大部分是在这个时期蕴酿构思完成的。 1667年,牛顿回到剑桥,完成了他的学业,并在27岁时成为剑桥学院的数学教授。他是通过前任教授的推荐而获此教职,担任了27年之久。 Newton returned to Cambridge in 1667, pleted his studies, and at the age of

14、 27, became Lucasian Professor of Mathematics there. He was given this position on the remendation of his predecessor, and held it for 27 years. Newtons experiments in optics led to improvements in the effectiveness of telescopes. He sent his results to the Royal Society, Englands most prestigious s

15、cientific organization. The Societys positive reaction encouraged him to send in a paper outlining his experiments on light. 牛顿在光学领域的实验,导致了后来对望远锥效能的改善。他将实验结果送到英国最具威望的科学组织“皇家学会”,而该学会对此所作的积极反应,激励他送去了一篇光学实验报告的大纲。 Some of the Societys more conservative members objected to Newtons revolutionary conclusio

16、ns. Always sensitive to criticism, he became discouraged and almost quit scientific work altogether. The great astronomer Edmund Halley eventually persuaded Newton to put together the results of his work on the laws of motion. 然而学会中一些更保守的会员反对牛顿革命性的结论。对批评总是很敏感的牛顿,听到这些意见后大为沮丧,而且几乎要放弃科学研究。著名的天文学家埃德蒙哈雷,最后说服了牛顿让他总结在运动定律方面的研究结果。 The oute was t



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