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1、聚焦广州中考同义句转换“十一类型”从化三中 谢瑞玲同义句转换题为中考句型转换题中的必考题型之一。它要求不能改变原句意思的基础上,通过词、词组、句式、语法的改变来改写句子。从某种意义上讲,同义句也就是一句多译。在日常学习过程中,必须加强一句多译的总结训练,注重转换的思路和方法,提高同义句转换的能力。下面就近几年的广州市中考题,归纳总结一下同义句转换的十一种类型。【类型一】运用同义词(组)或同义句式替换原句的有关部分。 【解题要领】将原句中的某些词或词组,用其同义词或同义词组进行替换改变,或使用同义句式进行转换,这是同义句转换使用最多的类型。在这套广州版英语新教材中,常见的同义词(组)或句式有:n

2、o longer / not any longer, reach / get to / arrive at(in), spend / cost / pay / take, come from / be from, hear from / get a letter from, be good at / do well in, take care of / look after, be full of / be filled with, enjoy oneself / have a good time, alone / by oneself, should / ought to, can / be

3、 able to, be ready for/to, become interested in / take an interest in, How about doing / What about doing, would like to do / feel like doing, prefer A to B / like A better than B, Whats wrong with / Whats the matter with, Why not do sth / Why dont you do sth, Its time for / to, 等等。 这些词组或句式的运用非常广泛,学

4、习过程中要尽可能多地去归纳总结,以达到熟能生巧,举一反三的程度。 【直击中考】1. They enjoyed themselves at the garden party.(2002年) They_ _ _ _ at the garden party. 2. The Indian old lady no longer lived there. (2002年)The Indian old lady _ live there _ _. 【类型二】运用反义词或词组改写原句有关部分。 【解题要领】此类转换主要是通过改换主语和运用其相关词或词组的反义,进行同义转换。如:remember / forget

5、, more than / less than, pass / fail, borrow / lend, cheap / expensive, 等等。 【直击中考】3. Mikes car is much more expensive than Susans. (2004年)Susans car is _ _ than _. 【类型三】运用感叹句的两种句式进行转换。 【解题要领】感叹句的两种句式可进行相互转换,但必须把握其句型。 1)Howadjadv主语谓语! 2)Whata(an)adj单数名词主语谓语! Whatadj复数名词不可数名词主语谓语! 【直击中考】4. How beautif

6、ul the park is!(2000年) _ _ _park it is! 5. Sound of Music is a wonderful film. (2001年)_ _ _ film Sound of Music _!【类型四】运用复合句和不定式进行相互改写。【解题要领】此类复合句主要是宾语从句和结果状语从句,宾语从句改为不定式的句式有:1)hope wish,be sure,tell等后跟that引导的从句,可转换为不定式;2)由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,也可转换为“特殊疑问词to do”结构,构成不定式短语。sothat引导的结果状语从句有两种情况:1)表示肯定的结果,可与“en

7、ough to”结构互换;2)表示否定的结果,它既可以与“tooto”结构互换,也可以改为“notadjadvenough to”。(注:此时的形容词或副词应为上句的反义词。)注意:“sothat”结构前后主语不一致时,应在enough或too adj后面加for sb 【直击中考】6. The panda is so fat that it cant go through the hole. (2001年)The hole _ _ _ _ such a fat panda to go through.7. The teacher told us that we would not meet

8、at the school gate. (2001年)The teacher told us _ _ _ at the school gate.8. The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldnt skate on it. (2002年)The ice on the lake was not _ enough _ people _ _ _.9. The old lady found out where she could buy fruit cheaply. (2003年)The old lady found out _ _ _ frui

9、t cheaply. 10. My grandfather is too old to travel around. (2004年)My grandfather is _ old _ he _ travel a round any _.【类型五】运用介词短语进行改写。 【解题要领】英语中的介词短语,诸如at the age of,with, without,instead of,in place of, with the help of,according to, because of, in order to, by mistake, by accident, full of, in nee

10、d of, in surprise, as usual等,可与一些复合结构进行转换,这类结构主要是并列句或两个句子,由连词and、but、when等连接。 【直击中考】11. He began to learn how to use a computer when he was five years old(2000年) He began to learn how to use a computer_ _ _ _ _. 【类型六】运用被动语态进行改写。【解题要领】被动语态是每年中考必考的知识点,它是通过改变主语,与主动语态进行同义句转换。在转换过程中,掌握被动语态的构成是最为关键的。学习被动语

11、态时应与时态紧密结合,根据时态,来确定被动语态的谓语部分。另外,还需充分把握含有情态动词的被动语态的结构,即“情态动词be及物动词的过去分词”。为了能使学生牢记转变被动语态的步骤和方法,在教学过程中可采用这一首顺口溜:先找原句主、谓、宾,宾作主来主by宾, 谓变be done时不变,注意数、格,抄其余。【直击中考】12. They didnt know Jack or Kate. (1998年)Neither Jack _ Kate _ _ to them.13. They couldnt make the cow go. (1999年)The cow couldnt _ _ _ _. 14.

12、 People speak Japanese in Japan. (2000年)_ _ _ in Japan.15. Two years ago we used that machine to make shoes for children. (2001年)Two years ago that machine _ _ _ _ _ shoes for children.16. You must throw the broken pottery away at once. (2002年)The broken pottery _ _ _ _ at once.17. The policeman mad

13、e the young woman move her car. (2003年)The young woman _ _ _ _ her car by the policeman.18. You must hand in your history homework by the weekend. (2004年)Your history homework _ _ _ _ by the weekend.【类型七】运用并列连词(组)改写。 【解题要领】运用并列连词(组) bothand,neithernor,eitheror, not onlybut also,as well as等,可将并列句或两个句

14、子合并为一个简单句,而且要把握neithernor,eitheror,not onlybut also的谓语变化要采取就近原则。 【直击中考】19. They didnt know Jack or Kate. (1998年)Neither Jack _ Kate _ _ to them.20. Han Meimei is a Young Pioneer. Ma Lili is also a Young Pioneer. (1999年)Not _ Han Meimei but also Ma Lili _ a Young Pioneer.21. Mrs Smith is my teacher. She is also my good friend. (2000年)Mrs Smith is _ _ my teacher


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