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1、课堂练习题精选复测(一)一、单项填空(共18分,每小题1分)1. Neither of the novels _ popular with us _ been translated into Chinese.A. which are; has B. which are; have C. which is; has D. which is; have 2. Do you know where _ ? Sorry, I dont know.A. does Mr Li live B. Mr Li lives C. did Mr Li live D. Mr Li lived3. Oh, this is

2、 really a big shop. Do you know when it _?A. built B. was built C. has built D. has been built4. Do you know the answer to the question, Jim? Sorry, I _. Would you repeat that question?A. dont listen B. havent listened C. wasnt listening D. hadnt listened5. Tell Mary about the news when she _. OK, I

3、 will.A. is coming B. comes C. will come D. would come6. Excuse me. Where is Mr. Smiths office? Its on _floor.A. six B. the six C. the sixth D. sixth7Mum, Bill is coming to dinner this evening.OK. Lets give him _ to eat.A. different something B. something different C. different anything D. anything

4、different8. Im feeling cold. Would you mind _ the window?A. to close B. close C. closed D. closing 9. _ you play football? No. But Im good at playing basketball.A. Must B. Can C. May D. Should 10. Where is your father? We havent seen each other for weeks._.A. He has gone to England B. He is going to

5、 AmericaC. He would visit my grandparents D. He has been to America11. Taiwan is _ islandin China.A. large B. larger C. much larger D. the largest 12. Would you like to see a film, Helen? No, John. I _ my homework.A. do B. did C. was doing D. am doing 13. Will you go to the net bar with me? Sorry. M

6、y mother always tells me _ there.A. not go B. not to go C. dont go D. didnt go 14. Whose digital camera is this? Is it Toms? No, its not _. Its Janes.A. his B. him C. hers D. her 15. The opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games started _ August 8th in the National Stadium in Beijing.A. at B. on C.

7、 in D. for 16. Will you please bring me some orange, please? _.A. Thats right B. All right C. Thats all D. No matter 17. _ there _ a sports meeting in your school tomorrow? Yes, Dad. A. Will; have B. Is; going to have C. Is; having D. Is; going to be 18. Mum, where is my CD player? Its in white bag

8、on your desk. A. aB. an C. theD. 不填二、选词填空(共7分,每空1分)living, two, arrived, because, lonely, winter, friendly My names John. I live in London, but I was born in Sydney, Australia. We moved to England _1_ years ago when my dad got a new job here. I didnt want to leave Australia _2_ I had a great life th

9、ere. I had lots of friends and we went swimming almost every day after school. And the weather was always great. I didnt like the life in London when we _3_ at the very beginning. I didnt have any friends. It was still _4_, so the weather wasnt very nice it was really cold and it rained all the time

10、! I felt _5_ and wanted to go back to Australia. Things got better when I started school. All the kids at school were _6_to me. Now I like _7_ here. I think London is a great city. 三、根据中文意思完成句子。1. 大明,你最好每天读英语。Daming, _English every day.2. 直到我到了国家大剧院,才看见我爸爸。_ I reached the National Grand Theatre.3. 母

11、亲节就要到了。为什么不给你妈妈买一些花呢?Mothers Day will come soon. _ your mother?4. 不要害怕犯错误,因为没有人总是对的。_ because nobodyis right all the time.5. 请你一到“鸟巢”就拍一些照片并给我发过来,好吗?_ you get to the Bird Nest.课堂练习题精选(二)复测 09.3一、单项填空(共18分,每小题1分)1. What is your elder brother going to do after he_ middle school this summer. He is goin

12、g to work in a computer company.A. finish B. finishes C. finished D. will finish2. There goes the bell. Hurry up, youll be late for class.A. or B. so C. and D. but3. Please your coat, Bill. Ok, Mum. Its really very warm here.Atake offBtake downCtake away Dtake out4. I _ there would be a football mat

13、ch on Channel 5 tomorrow.Awill tell Bhave told Cwas told Dwill be told5. Its dangerous to swim here, young man. Look at the sign. Oh, I notice it. Thank you for telling me.A. dontB. didnt C. havent D. wasnt6. Stop chocolates, my boy. They are bad for your teeth. Thank you for your advice, doctor.A. eatB. eating C. to eatD. eaten7. I called you this


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