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1、第一组:海淀一模:阅读理解 (共44分)六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分) ALondon , UKImperial College London (帝国理工学院 )and University College London are very famous. London is also going through big changes with the coming Olympic Games. You need to pay about $20,600 a year.Boston, USA You proba

2、bly know of Harvard University and MIT. They are near Boston. Studying at these two universities is expensive: about $50,000 a year. With the help of scholarship (奖学金),the fee is about $39,600 a year. Vienna, AustriaThe city is home to Austrias two highest-ranked universities: the University of Eart

3、h Day Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology. For students looking for rich culture, Vienna is a good choice. The average fee is about $2,300 a year.Melbourne, AustraliaMelbourne now is Australias number one city for international students. It has world-class universities, like the Universit

4、y of Melbourne, a high quality of life and good climate.47. You need to pay_ a year to study in London.A. $20,600 B. $50,000 C. $4,300 D. $39,600 48. If you look for rich culture, you may choose _.A. Imperial College London B. Harvard University C. the University of Vienna D. the University of Melbo

5、urne49. The University of Melbourne is in _.A. UK B. USA C. Australia D. Austria B “Will you give my kite a lift?” asked my nephew to his sister. Lucy took it up and threw it into the air, but her brother didnt pay attention and ran off, so the kite fell down. “Try again, children,” I said.Lucy once

6、 more took up the kite. But John ran off so suddenly that the kite flew out of her hand and it fell flat as before. “Try again,” said I.They did, and with more care, but a side wind came suddenly. As Lucy let go the kite, it was blown against some bushes and the tail was caught. Meanwhile, I went to

7、 the kites assistance and set the tail free from the bushes. I told them to find a more open area and then try again. We found an open area. I threw the kite up as John ran off. It rose up and promised a high flight. But John was so pleased that he stopped short to look upward. The string became loo

8、se. The kite shook and came down to the ground. “I wont try anymore. The kite wont fly. ” said he angrily. I replied, “A few disappointments are not supposed to discourage us. And now try again.” And he tried and succeeded, for the kite was carried upward on the breeze as lightly as a feather. After

9、 enjoying the sight as long as he excited, John began to roll up the string slowly. “Shall we come out tomorrow and try again.”I smiled, “Yes, dear children. I wish to teach you the value of keeping trying. Whenever you fail, remember TRY AGAIN!” 50. How many times did they fly the kite? A. Five.B.

10、Four.C. Three.D. Six.51. How did John feel when he finally flew the kite up? A. Angry.B. Hopeful.C. Excited.D. Worried52. The writer wants to tell us _. A. the ways of flying kites B. the pleasure of flying kites C. the cost of making mistakes D. the importance of keeping trying C Theres a lot of fo

11、cus on trans fats(反式脂肪)these days. We read about it in the news, and theres talk of passing laws against trans fats. We are bombarded with the word. Unfortunately, most people dont know what trans fats truly are and why they are so bad for us. A lot of food production companies want to get your doll

12、ars by printing Trans Fat Free on their label (标签). Sadly, they may not be telling the truth. So what is a trans fat really? A trans fat is a liquid (液体) fat that is turned into a solid. Although there are very small amounts of natural trans fats in meat and dairy products, most of them are created

13、by adding hydrogen to liquid fat. Food-makers do this because it makes the product last longer on the shelf. Have you ever wondered why cookies can still be crispy and tasty after six months to a year on a store shelf? Its because of trans fats. Trans fats are typically found in things like donuts,

14、French fries, cookies, microwave popcorn, and potato chips.Why are trans fats bad for you? Trans fats raise the bad cholesterol(胆固醇)in your body and lower the good cholesterol that the body needs. Fatty foods do cause overweight. Trans fats build up in the body and block blood flow to the heart. Peo

15、ple whose diet contains a high percentage of trans fats are at risk of heart disease and stroke.Why can the food-makers label trans fat free when it isnt? Because of the way the nutrition labeling laws work, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has allowed that if a food has less than 0.5 grams per serving (一份) it can be classified as trans fat free. Read the label and you may discover that the package actually contains 6 servings, and if you just ate three of them, you might have eaten 1.49 grams of trans fats. Beside


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