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1、签证生活场景口语及应用解析 我相信很多人对于签证办理的表达不是很清楚。以下是给大家的关于签证生活场景口语及应用解析,希望可以帮到大家 1. Excuse me, can you _ me how to apply for a visa to France? 打扰了,请问怎样申请到法国的签证? 还能这样说: Can you _ me what I need to apply a visa to France? Can you _ me how you give me a visa to France? 谚语: Misfortunes _ us what fortune is. 不经灾祸不知福。

2、2. If you want to apply for a visa, you must go to consulate to find the consul. 如果你想申请签证,你必须去 _找领事。 还能这样说: You need to go to consulate to find the consul to apply for a visa. For applying a visa, you have to go to the consulate to find the consul. 3. I will have an interview with the visa official

3、this Thursday. 这个周四办理签证的官员要对我进行面试。 还能这样说: I will go for an interview for a visa this Thursday. I will interview with the visa official this Thursday. 应用解析: give an interview to sb. 接见某人; have an interview with sb. 会见某人; job interviews (对申请工作者的)口头审查 4. How did the interview go? 面试怎么样? 还能这样说: What abo

4、ut your interview? How was your interview? 谚语: Pull the chestnut out of fire. 火中取栗。 5. The consular officer just asked me few questions. 领事官就问了我几个问题。 还能这样说: I only had few questions from the consular officer. I was asked few questions by the consular officer. 应用解析: few and far between 少的; a good few

5、 相当多,不少; have a few 已醉,微醉 6. Have you got your visa yet? 你拿到签证了吗? 还能这样说: Have you got hold of the visa? Did you sueed in getting the visa? 谚语: Fields have eyes, and woods have ears. 隔墙有耳。 7. I was ordered to leave the country because my visa was due. 因为我的签证到期了,我被命令离开 _。 还能这样说: My visa had expired an

6、d I might return to my country. Because of my visa is at maturity, I have to leave the country. 应用解析: fall due 到期,满期; due from 应收; due to 由于,起因于;归因于; in due course 在适当时机,最终 8. I heard most of the study visas are approved. 听说留学的答应大部分都会批准。 还能这样说: Most of the study visas are said to be approved. If you

7、 want to study abroad, most of the visas will be approved. 应用解析: approve oneself 证明自己是; approve of sb./sth. 赞同,认可,满意 9. He is collecting information about that school to prepare for his visa interview. 他正在搜集学校资料,准备签证面试。 还能这样说: He is gathering the documentation of that school for his study visa. He i

8、s making preparation for the visa interview by getting information about the school. 应用解析: collect on delivery 货到付款; collect oneself 心平气和,平心静气,镇定一下; collect ones faculties 不慌乱,镇定下来 10. I finally get my visa to France. 我最终拿到了去法国的签证。 还能这样说: I finally have my France visa. My visa to France is approved.

9、 应用解析: finally的同义词有:at length, at long last, eventually, in conclusion, in the end, ultimately。 11. Do you know what I need to apply? 你知道都要准备什么材料吗? 还能这样说: Can you _ me what I should prepare for applying a visa? Do you know the documets to apply? 谚语: Men know where they were both, not where they shal

10、l die. 人能知其生于何地,不能知其死于何方。 12. Is it easy to get a visa? 拿到签证容易吗? 还能这样说: Can the visa be easily got? Is it liable to hold a visa suessfully? 应用解析: consular visa 领事签证; entry visa 入境签证; exit visa 出境签证; technical visa 技术签证; transit visa 过境签证 13. I am sorry to _ that your visa was denied. 很遗憾告诉你你被拒签了。 还能

11、这样说: It is a pity that your visa was turned down. You are not allowed a visa to that country. 谚语: Better deny at once than promise long. 轻诺必寡信。 14. What was the reason you were denied? 你的拒签理由是什么? 还能这样说: Why were you turned down? Why didnt you get the visa? 应用解析: be restored to reason 恢复理智; by reason of 由于; e to reason 清醒过来;恢复理性;醒悟 15. I cant believe how much red tape there is in getting a visa. 我简直不能相信拿到一个签证有多少手续。 还能这样说: The courses of getting a visa are too plex. Its too plex to holding a visa. 谚语: Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear. 莫道全所知,莫信全所闻。 模板,内容仅供参考


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