高中英语必修一 unit5 langua points reading

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《高中英语必修一 unit5 langua points reading》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语必修一 unit5 langua points reading(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Language points in Reading,1. have . in common 相同,有共同之处 have a lot/ much/ little/ nothing/ something in common with. 与.有.共同之处 The more you have in common with your friend, the more likely your friendship will develop. common adj 共同的,常见的,普遍的 common sense _,Are Mary and Susan _ names for girls in Engl

2、ish-speaking countries? A. usual B. common C. ordinary D. normal,2. Work out a list and compare it with your partner.,(1) compare . with / to 和比较,Compare this new TV set with the old one and you will see which is better. (2) compareto 把比作 We compared Beijing to the heart of China. (3) compared with/

3、to “与.相比”, 作状语,_(compare) with / to our flat, his big house is just like a palace.,Film has a much shorter history, especially when _ such art forms as music and painting. having compared to comparing to compare to compared to,D,comparison n. 比较;对照,before,before conj. 在.之前 Turn the light off before

4、you sleep. Think before you speak. 但在不同的语境中before有不同的意义:,1. Why didnt you tell him about the meeting? He rushed out of the room before I could say a word. 2. Listen carefully. Take your notes before you forget it. 3. They sailed along the Pacific Ocean for two weeks before they arrived home. 4. It w

5、asnt long before he married again.,还没来得及.就.,趁着还未.,才,就,before常用句型 It was / will be 时间段 before . 过了一段时间才./ 要过一段时间才. It wasnt / wont be 时间段 before . 没过多久就./ 不用多久.就.,翻译,1. 要过两年我们才能见面。 It will be two years before we meet again. 2. 我们没等多久他就回来了。 We didnt wait long before he came back. 3. It will be many ye

6、ars before the situation improves. 要过很多年这种状况才能得到改善。 4. The phone stopped ringing before I answered it. 我还没有来得及接,电话就挂了。,4. 随着时间的流逝 As time going by, all of you have grown into big boys or big girls.,5. Over time my memory has developed so much that I never forget anything I have been told.,so. that.

7、与 such. that.,将以下句子变为部分倒装 He studied so hard that he could pass the exam easily. He is such an reliable boy that we all like him.,I was _ sleepy that I could hardly keep my eyes open. It was _ a hot day that nobody wanted to go out. I have made _ rapid progress in English that my parents are proud o

8、f me. You cant imagine _ little birds can get _ many insects in _ a short time.,so,such,such,such,so,such,so/such,(1) There is _ much work to do and he was_ worried about finishing it in time that he was quite nervous all day long. A. so; so B. such; such C. so; such D. such; so (2) It was _ that we

9、 went camping in the mountains. A. such nice weather B. such a nice weather C. so nice a weather D. too nice weather,A,A,_ that Maria was able to set up new branches elsewhere. A. So successful her business was B. So successful was her business C. So her business was successful D. So was her success

10、ful business,改错,1. If you study hard from then on, you will succeed sooner or later. 2. He was told that it would be at least three more months when he could recover and return to work. 3. As time going by, all of you have grown into big boys or big girls. 4. She died as result of the injuries.,now,

11、before,goes,a,练习检测,改错,5. Film has a much shorter history, especially when comparing to such art forms as music and painting. 6. Although they are twin brothers, they have something in common with each other except that they look alike. 7. In 1970s he began to learn Spanish, when he was in his forties.,compared,nothing,the,练习检测,


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