-个月宝贝的喂养阶梯(Baby feeding ladder for - months).doc

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1、0-12个月宝贝的喂养阶梯(Baby feeding ladder for 0-12 months)http:/ 21411http:/ 16372crescent0121发表于2007-05-07 22:31:20我又来了,今天奶量比昨天夜里好了些。频繁哺乳好像确实是有效。另外我吃了些红豆汤和杏仁粉。希望我明天奶量有更大提升。希望对遇到类似情况的姐妹有所帮助。再次谢谢毛妈!网上看到两个偏方都据说有奇效的,我没有试过,姑且发到这里:1、核桃仁(大核桃)碾碎,加米酒(如无米酒,可用加饭酒)、红糖一起隔水蒸,等上面有一层油出来了再打一两只本鸡蛋下去,等鸡蛋7-8分熟的时候趁热吃2、将花生米蒸熟,用



4、,宝贝能够添加的辅助食品只是富含维生素C的新鲜果汁或果蔬汁,如纯鲜苹果汁、纯鲜橙汁、纯苹果胡萝卜汁等能更好地促进铁在肠道吸收,防止宝贝发生贫血。喂养小贴士:* 2-5个月时先在果汁中兑水,每次喝一汤匙,逐渐增至2-3汤匙。每天上、下午各喂1次,6个月后可饮用纯果汁。*果汁加热时间不宜过久,温度不宜过高,以免维生素C被破坏*尽量让宝贝多次、反复尝试不同口味的果汁。因为,均衡的营养来自不同的水果,这样可帮助建立多样化的良好饮食习惯。*发现宝贝皮肤过敏或出现腹泻,应暂时停止喂食。*由于配方奶中已补充维生素D,可根据各个品牌配方奶中所含的维生素D量及婴儿奶量,计算还需加添多少维生素D.第二阶梯:4-5

5、个月1。浓鱼肝油滴剂应从每天4滴逐渐增至6滴,分2次喂食。2. vegetable juice and fruit juice should be increased from 3 tablespoons to 5 tablespoons, 2 times feeding.3. start eating cooked egg yolk for baby. From the 1/4 start, first crushed into rice or milk and mix thoroughly after feeding, to adapt to 1/2.From 4. to 4 and a

6、half months, based on breastfeeding, add iron rich baby pure Rice noodles (according to the instructions), no rice gruel or 1 tablespoons a day bad. If the baby digestion is good, from 5 months, rotten porridge increased to 2-3 tablespoons, plus half spoon mashed vegetables, 2 times feeding.Feeding

7、Tips:* when you start adding rice flour, you can use a spoon to feed the rice flour to the babys lips and suck it.The amount of mashed food should be increased from less to more, and from one to more.* adding new foods is best in the morning. *After adding a food, it is best to continue feeding for

8、3-5 days and then change another kind of food.Stop adding new food when baby is sick.Third steps: 6 months1. from this time to 12 months, concentrated cod liver oil kept about 6 drops per day, 2 times feeding.2. vegetable juice, juice to 6 tablespoons a day, 2 times feeding.3. cooked egg yolk increa

9、sed to 1 a day, but only half a day to steamed Dangeng.4. by the slightly thicker thin gruel, every day to feed the 3 tablespoons, 2 times feeding, gradually increased to 5-6 tablespoons; can also add oatmeal, mixed Rice noodles, formula Rice noodles series.5. in the gruel or add 1 tablespoons of Ri

10、ce noodles mashed vegetables, such as carrots or mashed pumpkin, just add a little salt. 6., if the baby eats well, you can subtract a feeding.Feeding Tips: when adding new food, give several baby familiar food at the same time, so that they are willing to accept new food.* rice flour can be mixed w

11、ith mashed meat, fruit and vegetable mud, noodles feeding together.* this stage is a sensitive period for babies to learn chewing and feeding, providing as many flavors as possible, allowing babies to try and mix a variety of foods freely to meet the babys taste needs.Fourth steps: 7-8 months1. by h

12、alf a transition to the whole Steamed Egg Custard Steamed Egg Custard.2. feed porridge 2 times a day, 1 small bowls each time (about 6-7 tablespoons). From the beginning, add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable puree, gradually increased to 3-4 tablespoons. Likejia porridge a little minced meat, fish, drie

13、d meat floss (not a join).3., let baby randomly chew steamed bread (1/2) or biscuits, promote tooth development. Breast milk or other dairy products are fed 3 or 2 times a day, but they must be fed first and then fed. Feeding Tips:*Baby 8 months later, can provide some small lumps of food, strengthe

14、n chewing ability. * the best nutrition and taste the food variety, avoid food habits appear after the baby.Fifth steps: 9-10 months1. from this time, may refer to the following procedures: eating at 6 in the morning to breastfeed at 10 in the morning; thick porridge 1 bowl (about 100-120 ml), puree

15、 or 2-3 tablespoons chopped vegetables, Steamed Egg Custard Half 2 pm; breast milk (or milk); feed the thick porridge or noodles 6 PM (patch 1) bowl, Steamed Egg Custard half, in addition to the vegetable mud can also add tofu, minced meat porridge in the end, live paste in 10 at night; fed breast milk or milk.2. if the baby is eating well, you can feed 1 times less milk or begin to consider weaning.Tips:* baby feeding teeth have a finger to be adorable, some soft food, chewing and exercise grip.


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