琼州海峡跨海通道筹建提速(Qiongzhou Strait cross sea channel to speed up preparation).doc

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1、琼州海峡跨海通道筹建提速(Qiongzhou Strait cross sea channel to speed up preparation)The long - term Qiongzhou Strait cross sea project ushered in a new development.In the afternoon of December 29, 2010, the fourth meeting of the leading group on the preliminary work of Qiongzhou Strait cross sea project was hel

2、d in Haikou by the Ministry of railways, the Ministry of communications and transportation, Guangdong and Hainan provinces. Under the witness of Guangdong provincial Party Secretary Wang Yang and Hainan provincial Party Secretary Wei Liucheng, the governor of Guangdong province Huang Huahua and Hain

3、an provincial governor Luo Baoming signed the Guangdong Hainan strategic cooperation framework agreement in Haikou. One of the most striking is that the framework agreement to jointly promote the prominent Qiongzhou Strait sea channel traffic and supporting infrastructure projects, for countries to

4、cross sea channel construction project into the 12th Five-Year plan, and strive to 12th Five-Year during construction.Not for a long time, the road will eventually become.Move for a long timeQiongzhou Strait is one of Chinas three major Straits, located between the Leizhou Peninsula and Hainan Islan

5、d, 80 km long, 20-40 km wide. Ferry across the Qiongzhou Strait, ferry, the opening of the cross sea train also need special railway ferry ferry, need to open 3 hours.According to the Hainan Provincial Department of communications forecast, by 2020, the total demand for sea transport in Hainan will

6、reach 56 million passengers, freight volume of 93 million 700 thousand tons. The Qiongzhou Strait with water depth, wind, waves, torrent and complicated geological structure, high seismic intensity, the navigation requirements higher characteristic, cross sea channel construction condition is comple

7、x, construction of large scale, high technical difficulty, all belong to the super project in China and even in the world.In fact, as early as the late Qing Dynasty, Zhang Zhidong, the Minister of foreign affairs, put forward the idea of building the railway across the mainland to the hinterland of

8、Hainan. In the 70s of last century, Premier Zhou Enlai of the State Council instructed the study of the passage of Qiongzhou strait. Hainan Island, once an economic development zone in Guangdong Province, was built in 1988. After the economy catching up, however, it was still unable to solve the pro

9、blem of land island traffic. Deng Xiaoping once said: traffic and communication first, this is the starting point of economic development.But due to various reasons, these strategies have been shelved, Hainan has long been able to use aircraft, ferry to and from the mainland.In 1990, the Ministry of

10、 Railways Technical Advisory Bureau of Hainan Bridge Corporation for the construction of Tang Huancheng railway ferry, and then building a bridge or tunnel. In April 17th of the same year, Tang Huancheng sailed from Haikou to Zhanjiang, and collided with another large cargo ship on the way. Although

11、 only a false alarm, but determined his construction of permanent sea crossing project determination.However, despite several times the book, but Tang Huancheng did not get the ideal response, until 1994, the State Council put forward the construction of cross sea channel, and Guangdong, Hainan prov

12、ince held a two meeting, formally opened a prelude to cross the Qiongzhou Strait project.According to the reporter, Hainans cross sea channel research has gone through 16 years. 1994-2002 years, Guangdong has invested about 80000000 yuan to carry out relevant research.Wang Yiwu, director of the Chin

13、a Institute of modern economic theory, Hainan University, said in an interview that the reason for the lack of economic benefit was one of the reasons for the lack of economic benefits. From the current budget projects, due to technical and across the sea from the other reasons, the construction of

14、the project funds will reach hundreds of billions, the less developed provinces of Hainan, the economic situation does not support such a huge amount of investment, even if completed and subsequent economic benefits, is not enough to cope with the pressure of repayment.According to people concerned,

15、 until the Ministry of Railways hopes to extend the railway line to the southernmost island in China, with its strong support, the project has started to operate again.In April 2007, the comprehensive planning department of the Ministry of communications organized the expert conference on the planni

16、ng of the Qiongzhou Strait cross sea channel planning in Haikou. 23 authoritative experts from all over the country agree that it is necessary and feasible to build Qiongzhou Strait Crossing Haitong road.The project, which has been in motion for a long time, began to clear in 2010.In January 6, 2010, Wei Liucheng, Secretary of the Hainan provincial Party committee, told reporters in Beijing that the first year afte



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